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1290 Days Until the 2nd Rapture: Jimmy Evans


πŸ“… According to Revelation 11, during the tribulation, everyone will witness significant events like the abomination of desolation and the Antichrist’s actions simultaneously, eliminating the element of eminency.

🌩️ The presence of wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes are seen as the beginning signs of the end, suggesting a period of turmoil before the second rapture.

🌍 The world is currently experiencing intense birth pains, such as famines, earthquakes, and pestilences, indicating that the birth of the kingdom of God and the Rapture is imminent.

⚑️ “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened. The moon will not give a slight. The stars that will fall from Heaven and the powers of the heaven will be shaken.” – Jesus describes a terrifying time during the end of the tribulation.

🌟 Jesus is discussing the possibility of a pre-tribulation Rapture, separate from the post-tribulation gathering of believers.

🌍 Jesus describes the Great Tribulation as the worst time in history, with the sun darkened, the moon without light, and the powers of the heavens shaken.

⏰ Jesus predicts that unless the end times are shortened, no one would survive, indicating the severity of the judgments to come.

πŸŒ„ The second coming of Jesus will be a visible event where every eye will see him, as his feet touch the Mount of Olives, accompanied by a great Rapture of the Saints.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus’ second coming will be signaled by the events of the tribulation, and believers should be prepared for the Rapture and the end times.

  1. πŸ“Ί During the tribulation, the abomination of desolation and the killing of the two witnesses will signal the exact timeline of Jesus’ second coming, while the speaker discusses various topics including late conversions, pregnant women during the Rapture, and God’s decision to bind Satan for a thousand years instead of throwing him into the lake of fire immediately.

1.1 During the tribulation, when the abomination of desolation occurs and the two witnesses are killed, there is no eminency and the entire world will see it, allowing for the exact timeline of Jesus’ second coming to be determined.

1.2 The speaker discusses their opinion on various topics including why some people have the opportunity to turn to Christ later in life, what happens if someone is pregnant during the Rapture, and why God chooses to bind Satan for a thousand years instead of throwing him into the lake of fire immediately.

1.3 Become a subscriber on in for access to news articles, podcasts, and Q&A sessions, as mentioned by the speaker in this excerpt.

  1. πŸ“… Jesus warns about the end times, including the destruction of the temple and signs of his coming, with current events fulfilling Matthew 24’s prophecies of wars and rumors of wars.

2.1 Matthew 24 discusses the events of the end times, with the first part being in chronological order and the second part not, causing confusion about the timing of the post-tribulation Rapture.

2.2 Jesus warns his disciples about the destruction of the temple, the signs of his coming, and the beginning of the end times, including deception, wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes.

2.3 The speaker discusses the current state of events and the fulfillment of Matthew 24, specifically wars and rumors of wars between nations and kingdoms.

  1. πŸ”” Birth pains are happening worldwide, indicating the imminent arrival of the kingdom of God and the Rapture, while the tribulation will bring persecution, deception, the preaching of the gospel, the abomination of desolation, and believers should not be deceived by false reports of Christ’s location.

3.1 Birth pains, such as famines, earthquakes, and pestilences, are happening all over the world, indicating that the kingdom of God and the Rapture are imminent.

3.2 During the tribulation, believers will face persecution, false prophets will deceive many, love will grow cold, the gospel will be preached worldwide, the abomination of desolation will occur, believers should flee, there will be great tribulation, false Christs and prophets will deceive, and believers should not be deceived by false reports of Christ’s location.

  1. πŸ“… The speaker discusses the events leading up to the second Rapture, including the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars, and the gathering of the elect by angels, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the signs and being prepared for the imminent Rapture.

4.1 The speaker discusses the events leading up to the second Rapture, including the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars, and the gathering of the elect by angels.

4.2 Jesus is discussing the preparation for a pre-tribulation Rapture and uses the analogy of a fig tree to convey the message that when certain signs occur, it indicates that the Rapture is near.

4.3 Generations will not pass away until all things happen, and while no one knows the day or hour, the coming of the son of man will be like the days of Noah, where people were unaware until the flood came and took them all away.

  1. πŸ“… Be prepared for the unknown hour of the Lord’s coming, as Jesus warns of the Great Tribulation and compares it to the days of Noah.

5.1 The coming of the son of man will be like two men in a field, one taken and the other left, and two women grinding at the Mill, one taken and the other left, so we must watch and be prepared for the unknown hour of the Lord’s coming.

5.2 Jesus describes the Great Tribulation as the worst time in history, but also warns that people should be ready for his coming, comparing it to the days of Noah when people were unaware until the flood came.

  1. πŸ“– The Rapture is imminent, but the abomination of desolation marks the middle of the tribulation period, and there are specific time periods mentioned in Daniel 12 leading up to the second coming of Jesus, with hope mentioned for a period of normalcy before the end.

6.1 The Rapture is imminent, but the abomination of desolation marks the middle of the tribulation period, which can be counted from that point until the second coming of Jesus.

6.2 Daniel sees two men by the river and one asks how long these wonders will be fulfilled, to which the other man in linen replies that it will be for a specific time and when the power of the Holy people is shattered, all things will be finished; Daniel doesn’t understand and asks for clarification, but is told that the words are sealed until the end, and during this time, many will be purified while the wicked will continue to do wickedly, with only the wise understanding, and this will happen when the daily sacrifice

6.3 There are three periods of time mentioned in Daniel 12, with the first being 1260 days, the second being 1290 days, and the third being 1335 days, which marks the beginning of the Millennium after the second coming of Jesus.

6.4 During the tribulation, there is no eminency as the entire world will witness the abomination of desolation and the actions of the Antichrist, making it possible to predict Jesus’ arrival, and Matthew 24 supports the idea of a post-tribulation Rapture.

6.5 The Earth has faced numerous judgments, including the worst ones at the end, and Jesus predicts a time of great tribulation similar to the days of Noah, but there is hope as Jesus also mentions a period of buying, selling, marrying, and building before the end.

  1. πŸ“– There are two raptures, one before the tribulation for the church and one after the tribulation for those who survive, and being prepared for Jesus’ return at any time is crucial.

7.1 The speaker discusses the birth pain judgments, the Great Tribulation, the abomination of desolation, the second coming, and the Rapture, emphasizing that the pre-tribulation Rapture is a private event between Jesus and the Believers, while the second coming will be visible to everyone.

7.2 The speaker discusses the chronological account of events leading up to the Rapture and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for Jesus’ return at any time.

7.3 There are two raptures, one before the tribulation for the church and one after the tribulation for those who survive, and both are described in Matthew 24.

  1. πŸ“š Get the book “We’re the Missing People” to guide those left behind after the Rapture, leave it out for them to find, and subscribe for $7 a month to receive comforting and educational content.

8.1 Get the book “We’re the Missing People” to have on hand when the Rapture happens, as it will answer the question of where the missing people are and guide them to the Lord, while also providing information on what will happen during the tribulation.

8.2 Buy the book on Amazon and leave it out for people to find after the Rapture, as they will be going through your belongings, and by doing so, you can lead them to Christ; also, become a subscriber for $7 a month to receive all our content and be comforted and educated.

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