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Save Yourself from What is Coming: Perry Stone


Historical Examples of Strategic Planning in Times of Trouble

  • 💒 The early Christians in Jerusalem were selling their houses and lands because they understood Jesus’ prophecy that the temple would be destroyed and Jerusalem would be left desolate.
  • 💰 They sold their land and property in the area of danger to relocate to a safer place, demonstrating the importance of strategic planning in times of trouble.
  • ⚔ī¸ The Roman 10th Legion surrounded Jerusalem, destroyed the city, and slaughtered its inhabitants.
  • đŸ—Ŋ The success of a movement depends on the ability of a charismatic leader to unite people around a common cause, as seen in the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 🙏 Persecution leads to increased prayer and unity among believers in persecuted countries.
  • 🛩ī¸ The terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks were training to fly planes just 30 minutes away from the speaker’s location, highlighting the proximity and unawareness of their intentions.

Prophecies and Visions of Impending Destruction

  • đŸ”Ĩ John’s survival from being boiled in oil and his exile to the Isle of Patmos highlights the significance of his role in fulfilling God’s prophecy and writing the Book of Revelation.
  • 🌍 The speaker expresses confidence that the church cannot be stopped, citing historical examples such as the martyrs’ bloodshed and the resurrection of Jesus, and challenges those who think they can make the church “shut up.”
  • đŸŒĒī¸ The speaker had a vision of gray clouds pouring off the World Trade Center buildings before the 9/11 attacks, which he believes symbolized the destruction that would occur.
  • 😱 “I have seen tsunamis on the west coast clearly… I know where they’re going to hit. I know what they’re going to look like. I know what I know the mountains that the water is going to go in.”
  • 🏰 “Save yourself from what’s coming” – Jesus warned the Jews to flee when they saw the city surrounded by armies, indicating the impending destruction.

The Moral State of the Generation and Actions Needed for Separation

  • 🤔 The phrase “save yourself from what is coming” on the banner suggests a sense of urgency and impending danger, prompting curiosity about what exactly is being referred to.
  • 🤔 Peter urges the Jewish audience to “save yourself from this perverse generation,” raising questions about the moral state of the generation he was addressing and the actions they needed to take to separate themselves from it.
  • 😱 Jesus accused the religious leaders of being children of those who killed the prophets and even referred to them as children of the devil due to their constant lying and exalting of non-biblical traditions.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to warn the audience to repent and rely on Jesus in order to save themselves from coming judgment, while also emphasizing the importance of spiritual preparation, avoiding negative news, and seeking guidance from God.

  1. đŸ”Ĩ Peter warns the audience to repent and save themselves from the coming judgment, emphasizing personal repentance and reliance on Jesus, while society becomes more perverse and filled with hate and murder.
  • 1.1 Peter tells the audience at Pentecost to repent, be baptized, and save themselves from the perverse generation, emphasizing the need for personal repentance and reliance on Jesus for salvation.
  • 1.2 Peter preaches to a crowd in Jerusalem, urging them to save themselves from the perverse generation they are living in, and he baptizes them in the pool of Siloam.
  • 1.3 John the Baptist and Jesus warned the hypocritical religious leaders of their time about the coming judgment and called them out for their lies and hypocrisy, which resulted in backlash and complaints against Jesus.
  • 1.4 Peter warns the audience to save themselves from the coming judgment because they are part of a perverse generation that will be held accountable for shedding the blood of the righteous, and they have one generation to repent before facing serious consequences.
  • 1.5 People who try to do good are being persecuted, while evil people are being exalted, and society has become sick, perverse, and filled with hate and murder.
  • 1.6 In the early days of the church, believers sold their possessions and shared the proceeds to help those in need, resembling a form of early communism that later became corrupted.
  1. 📜 The early Christians in Jerusalem sold their homes to support widows, while the Sons of Issachar foresaw Jerusalem’s destruction and relocated; the Roman 10th Legion destroyed Jerusalem, leading to separate leaders for Jewish and Gentile branches of the church; John became head of the church after Paul and Peter’s deaths, and Ephesus became the new headquarters; the early church faced persecution and scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.
  • 2.1 The early Christians in Jerusalem were selling their homes and lands to provide for the widows in their congregation, as there was no social security or government assistance, while other churches in different cities were not instructed to do the same.
  • 2.2 The Sons of Issachar discerned that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed, so they sold their property and relocated to a safer area.
  • 2.3 Jerusalem, the first headquarters of the Christian church, was destroyed by the Roman 10th Legion 40 years after Jesus’ messages, leading to the selection of two distinct leaders for the Jewish and Gentile branches of the church.
  • 2.4 Joseph, the husband of Mary, died and was not present during the crucifixion, resurrection, or in the upper room in Acts 1 according to church history.
  • 2.5 John became the head of the church after the Apostle Paul and Peter were beheaded, and he outlived Emperor Domitian, eventually coming off the Isle of Patmos with the Book of Revelation, making Ephesus the headquarters of the church.
  • 2.6 The early church faced persecution and scattered throughout Judea and Samaria, with the apostles staying in Jerusalem to take advantage of the Jewish festivals before eventually leaving due to the impending destruction, while the persecution by the Roman government caused the people to scatter and seek refuge in the mountains of Judea and Samaria.
  1. 🚨 Christians in America are not seen as a threat due to their lack of organization, but if someone can unite millions around the Constitution and freedom, they will be considered a domestic threat; persecution unites and strengthens the church, so pay attention to warnings and avoid overexposure to negative news.
  • 3.1 A person on a watch list of possible domestic terrorists asked a military official why a Christian person was included, and the official responded that there aren’t many Christians on the list because they have learned something about Christians in America.
  • 3.2 Churches often experience splits when they grow in size, and while Christians in the United States are not seen as a threat due to their lack of organization, if someone can unite millions around the Constitution and freedom, they will be considered a domestic threat and dealt with accordingly, as seen in the success of the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King Jr; however, conservatives, Christians, and veterans who call themselves Patriots often lack leaders as they are constantly targeted.
  • 3.3 There is a Jezebel spirit in the world that wants to silence the church, but throughout history, the church has overcome persecution and will continue to do so.
  • 3.4 Persecution unites and strengthens the church, as seen in the example of a pastor in Bulgaria who faced beatings and restrictions but ultimately triumphed over the oppressive regime.
  • 3.5 Some states have heavy taxation, extreme liberalism, and a strong hatred towards Christianity, making it risky to live there, similar to Noah’s time in the Ark during the pandemic.
  • 3.6 Pay attention to warnings and avoid overexposure to negative news, as spiritual warnings are important and often more accurate than the news.
  1. 🔮 Cleveland, Tennessee is the safest town in the event of a nuclear attack, Tennessee is a top destination due to conservative values, an angel prophesied an end time revival in Cleveland, the destruction of Jerusalem was caused by a tax revolt, the speaker had a prophetic vision of the World Trade Center attack and its aftermath.
  • 4.1 A retired government worker revealed that Cleveland, Tennessee is the safest town in the event of a Midwest or Western nuclear attack due to the way the mountains split storms and divert them away from the area.
  • 4.2 Tennessee has become the top destination for people moving due to its conservative values, good schools, low traffic, and high Bible readership.
  • 4.3 In 1959, an angel told William Branham that before the Rapture, Cleveland, Tennessee would be the center of an end time revival, and despite the enemy’s attempts to stop it, only God has the power to make it happen.
  • 4.4 The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple was caused by a tax revolt led by the common people against Roman occupation, resulting in the Roman army decimating the militia and eventually leading to the appointment of Vespasian as the new emperor.
  • 4.5 The speaker had a prophetic vision of the World Trade Center attack before it happened, and later discovered that the terrorists responsible were training to fly planes near his location.
  • 4.6 The speaker discusses a vision he had of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the aftermath, including the falling of the Twin Towers and the presence of gray clouds with debris.
  1. 🔮 Trust God, spiritually prepare yourself, and beware of false prophets; focus on praying and hearing from God rather than seeking personal prophecies.
  • 5.1 The speaker is surprised and shocked by something that has happened to them.
  • 5.2 The speaker discusses prophetic visions and the importance of not predicting specific dates or time frames for events, using the example of Jonah and the city of Nineveh.
  • 5.3 Jesus warned the people to flee when they saw armies surrounding the city, and by the time the Romans dug a trench around the city, it was too late for most Jews to escape, so they were advised to save themselves by jumping from house to house until they reached the mountains of Judea.
  • 5.4 God has everything laid out and in control, so we must trust Him and spiritually prepare ourselves before anything else.
  • 5.5 Stop depending on others’ words from God and be aware of false prophets, as the speaker shares personal experiences of his father operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • 5.6 Personal prophecy can be unreliable and manipulative, and people should focus on praying and hearing from God themselves rather than seeking prophetic words from others.
  1. 🙏 Have faith in God, seek guidance from the Bible, avoid gossip and slander, separate from destructive influences, and pray for spiritual freedom and peace to save yourself from what’s coming.
  • 6.1 Have faith in God’s power and stop questioning His plans, focus on the present and future, seek guidance from the Bible rather than relying on psychic readings, and be willing to endure hardships in order to hear from God.
  • 6.2 To spiritually prepare yourself, stop listening to gossip and refrain from being a busybody, as gossip is a form of murder that can destroy reputations and relationships.
  • 6.3 Avoid slandering and gossip, do not associate with those who reveal secrets, and do not get caught up in other people’s offenses, as it can lead to negative consequences.
  • 6.4 Taking on other people’s offenses can lead to negative consequences such as taking on their battles, experiencing marital issues, mental confusion, and being tormented by evil spirits.
  • 6.5 To save yourself from what’s coming, you must separate from anything that will defeat or destroy you, whether it be natural, financial, or spiritual, and learn from the lessons of those who have endured persecution.
  • 6.6 Intense and constant prayer, along with confessing and releasing bitterness, is necessary for spiritual freedom and peace.
  • 🙏 Seek freedom from past burdens, trust God, pray for release and move forward in life and ministry, ask for peace, freedom, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance in these last days.
  • 7.1 The speaker encourages the audience to stand up and seek freedom from past burdens and to experience a renewed spiritual connection with God.
  • 7.2 Give your worries and questions to God, trust that He knows things you don’t, and pray to be released and move forward in life and ministry.
  • 7.3 Pray to God and let go of the burdens and lies that hold you captive, asking for release and freedom in the name of Jesus.
  • 7.4 We pray for peace, freedom, and the love of God to overwhelm and overcome the lies of the enemy, binding the powers of darkness and asking for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • 7.5 Pray in the spirit and ask God to pour out his Holy Spirit upon all people, breaking the power of demonic forces.
  • 7.6 Pray for deliverance from oppression and depression, praise the Lord, and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in these last days.
  1. đŸ“ē The speaker made a major change by leaving TBN Network and investing in computer systems and upgraded equipment, but is facing difficulties due to COVID-19 and the Sony-China connection, and discusses the use of tape for repairs before preaching.
  • 8.1 The speaker mentions that they made a major change by coming off the TBN Network because 72 percent of their viewers were watching on social media, which saved them money to invest in computer systems and upgraded equipment, including new TV cameras, but they are facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the connection between Sony and China.
  • 8.2 The speaker discusses the use of duct tape and other types of tape for repairs and asks viewers to visit the website for assistance, before mentioning that they will be preaching.

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