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Programming America to Accept and Receive the Mark of the Beast : Perry Stone


  • 🧠 According to the Bible, the mark of the beast will be required for all individuals, regardless of their social status, to engage in buying and selling.
  • 💡 We are the first generation in history that can truly understand certain biblical prophecies, thanks to our advanced understanding of technology and its potential implications.
  • 🌍 The mention of different time zones in biblical scripture implies a recognition of global connectivity and the potential for simultaneous activity across the world, which could be relevant to discussions on globalization and technology.
  • 💻 The advancement of technology allows us to preach the gospel to any nation without physically traveling, changing the way we spread the message.
  • 💀 The future empire mentioned in Revelation will be a system of control, with one religion, and those who do not adhere to it will be removed from the earth by beheading.
  • ⚠️ The mention of China as a current persecutor and the severity of the consequences for resisting the government raises concerns about human rights and freedom of expression in the country.
  • 💰 The control of banking and loans is a crucial aspect in establishing the beast system and limiting personal freedoms.
  • 📖 The final system in the book of Revelation will be set up by one man, with a religious leader and 10 kings forming their own religion called the false prophet.
  • 📱 Countries like China are already using facial recognition and mobile phones to make purchases, eliminating the need for cash or coins.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that a future system of control, led by the antichrist, will enforce a mark of identification on everyone, similar to the mark of the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation, with severe consequences for those who do not comply.

  1. 🔮 The future false prophet will force everyone to receive a mark in order to participate in buying and selling, with the mark associated with the number 666, and technology allows for global visibility of Christ’s return and the preaching of the gospel, while the destruction of a mega city can be caused by a nuclear device.
  • 1.1 The future false prophet will have the power to create a speaking and living image of the beast, and he will force everyone, regardless of their status, to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to participate in buying and selling, with the mark being associated with the number 666.
  • 1.2 We are the first generation in history that can understand certain biblical prophecies, such as the idea that through technology and satellites, one picture can be transferred across the world, allowing every eye to see Christ’s return.
  • 1.3 Jesus knew that there would be different time zones when he returns, with some people awake and working while others are sleeping.
  • 1.4 The destruction of a mega city in one hour, as described in the book of Revelation, can now be understood as a result of a nuclear device, which would cause fear and radiation smoke, and the preaching of the gospel around the world can now be achieved.
  1. 🔮 In the future, a mark of identification will be given to everyone, similar to current identification numbers, as part of a control system led by the antichrist, with severe consequences for those who do not comply, as mentioned in the book of Revelation.
  • 2.1 In the future, everyone will receive a mark with a specific number, which is now possible through technology, and this is similar to how we currently use various numbers for identification purposes.
  • 2.2 In the future, there will be a system of control and a single religion led by the antichrist, with those who do not follow the religion being removed from the earth, as mentioned in the book of Revelation.
  • 2.3 Breaking the laws of the Medes and Persians and the Roman Empire resulted in severe consequences, such as being thrown into a lion’s den or being arrested and potentially killed.
  1. 🚨 The speaker discusses historical instances of population control and persecution, highlighting the Nazi regime’s marking of Jews and the communist nations’ oppression of millions, particularly China’s current persecution of those who resist the government, emphasizing the potential loss of personal freedoms under a future beast system controlled through banking and loan distribution, and the government’s suppression of gold and silver prices.
  • 3.1 The speaker discusses historical instances of population control and persecution, highlighting the Nazi regime’s marking of Jews and the communist nations’ oppression of millions, particularly China’s current persecution of those who resist the government.
  • 3.2 There will be a system where everyone, including Americans, will be subject to the beast system, resulting in the loss of personal freedoms, and the first step to control this system is through banking and loan distribution.
  • 3.3 The government is suppressing the prices of gold and silver despite various factors that should increase their value, similar to what happened during the Great Depression when Americans were forced to turn in their gold and silver to the government.
  1. 🚨 The government’s offer to pay farmers not to farm their land raises concerns about famines, while the speaker connects this to the Green New Deal, water control, and the biblical prophecy of the mark of the beast, highlighting the divide between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals under COVID.
  • 4.1 The government is offering farmers money to not farm their land, which is concerning considering the presence of famines and people starving in Africa.
  • 4.2 The speaker discusses the connection between the Green New Deal, water control, and the biblical prophecy of a time when people cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast.
  • 4.3 Under COVID, if you have antibodies, you should have freedom, but now there is a divide between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals, creating enemies of the American people.
  1. 🔮 The future system described in the book of Revelation will be led by one man, uniting 10 nations under his rule, with a push to bring a cashless society to the United States.
  • 5.1 The future system described in the book of Revelation will be led by one man, who will unite 10 nations with military power under his rule, forming the kingdom of the beast, with references to animals in the book of Daniel representing former empires.
  • 5.2 The speaker discusses the formation of the antichrist system, its attempt to control buying and selling including food and supplies, and how health issues in the future will control the masses.
  • 5.3 Countries like China are already going cashless, using digital wallets and facial recognition technology to make purchases directly from bank accounts, and there is a push to bring this system to the United States.
  • 5.4 The speaker expresses their distrust in using a scanner at the local grocery store and prefers to pay in cash.
  1. 💰 Cryptocurrency regulation and potential banning is being considered due to concerns about hackers, while the convenience of digital banking may pose problems during power outages and with information theft.
  • 6.1 Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, is being considered for regulation and potential banning due to concerns about hackers using it for untraceable transactions, and the concept of a digital wallet is introduced.
  • 6.2 In the future, the convenience of digital banking may pose problems during power outages, storms, and with hackers stealing information.
  1. 🚩 Forces in the US are dividing the country along religious lines, marginalizing Christians, similar to splits in the early church over circumcision and Roman Empire persecution.
  • 7.1 Forces in the United States are attempting to divide the country along religious lines, taking advantage of current situations to marginalize Christians.
  • 7.2 The early church experienced a split over circumcision, and later there was another split during the Roman Empire due to Christians worshiping one day a week and believing in a kingdom not of this world.
  • 7.3 The Roman Empire persecuted Christians and there was a split in the church over the teaching of who Jesus was.
  1. 📺 The speaker discusses division over doctrine in America, satanic plots, the Jewish new year, demonic influence in American culture, and how Americans are being programmed to accept the mark of the beast through future pestilences, natural disasters, and food shortages.
  • 8.1 The speaker discusses the division over doctrine and teaching in America, the release of new prophetic messages exposing satanic plots, the revelation of the Jewish new year and its connection to the Torah, the presence of a demonic principality in American culture and politics, and how Americans are being programmed to accept the mark of the beast through future pestilences, natural disasters, and food shortages.
  • 8.2 Learn about satanic strategies, how to reverse decisions made against you, and receive faith-building messages to set you free from fear and anxiety in this season.
  • 8.3 Order the CD or DVD set of messages from or call 1-888-21 bread, as it will be one of the best sets of messages you have heard and your purchase supports the manifest program.
  • 8.4 The conference was highly praised and attendees found the messages to be inspiring and uplifting, with many experiencing healing, making it the most significant event in the ministry’s history, and the speaker encourages viewers to obtain the messages to support the telecast.
  • 8.5 Perry Stone sells CDs and DVDs to support his ministry, and the Ramp Cleveland has services every Tuesday night in Cleveland, Tennessee, with Dr. Brian Cutshall as the director, and for information on their ministry locations, visit
  • 8.6 We are grateful for the overwhelming support and prayers from thousands of people who believe in the power of preaching the word of God and serving Jesus.

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