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America’s perfect storm coming in 2020: Perry Stone


  • 🌩ī¸ “America’s perfect storm coming in 2020.”
  • 💔 The destruction of the temple in Jerusalem resulted in so much blood that it flowed like water, leaving the city in ashes.
  • ⚡ī¸ The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD had a significant impact on Pompeii, burying the city and preserving its sinful history for centuries to come.
  • ⚰ī¸ The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii resulted in the tragic death of 2,000 people who were unable to escape the sudden spewing of fire, lava, ash, and gas.
  • 🌍 The earthquake mentioned in the transcript suggests a potential disaster or catastrophe, hinting at the perfect storm mentioned in the video title.
  • 💭 “God will not bless a nation past their vote.” – A thought-provoking statement suggesting that a nation’s choices and decisions can impact their blessings.
  • đŸ‘ļ The radical liberals prioritize environmental concerns, such as protecting turtles, over the sanctity of human life, advocating for late-term abortions and even post-birth abortions.
  • 🌍 The second message exposes incorrect prophetic beliefs, such as the rapture being a false doctrine and the belief that we are in the first half of the tribulation, providing a different perspective on the times we’re living in.
  • đŸŒĒī¸ A perfect storm is coming and those who believe in the Bible and its inerrancy must be prepared for what is to come.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that America is facing a perfect storm in 2020 due to ideological divisions and the prioritization of environmental protection over other issues, and those who believe in the Bible must be prepared for the coming disaster.

  1. đŸŒĒī¸ America’s perfect storm is coming in 2020 as the country remains divided 50/50 between progressives and conservatives, with disagreements on issues like abortion, traditional marriage, and unjust judgments hindering unity.
  • 1.1 America’s perfect storm is coming in 2020, according to the Holy Spirit’s message in 1 Kings 18:21.
  • 1.2 America is divided 50/50 between progressives and conservatives, and it is unlikely for the country to come together when there are disagreements on issues such as abortion, traditional marriage, and unjust judgments.
  1. 🌍 In 70 AD, the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem led to a grain shortage, starvation, and the death of 1.1 million people, with 97,000 Jews taken as slaves to Rome, but something strange happened in 79 AD.
  • 2.1 In 70 AD, during the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, the Jewish rebels faced a grain shortage and resorted to eating straw, resulting in a lack of strength, protein, and energy.
  • 2.2 The city was completely destroyed, with the temple being torched and the Romans taking the melted gold, resulting in the death of approximately 1.1 million people.
  • 2.3 Ninety seven thousand Jews were taken as slaves to Rome, where they were mocked and paraded in the streets, but something strange happened in the year 79 AD.
  1. đŸ’Ĩ Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, destroying the city of Pompeii and killing 2,000 people, highlighting the concept of judgment and the repetition of history in relation to America’s current state.
  • 3.1 Pompeii, a city in southern Italy, was known for its pleasure-seeking activities such as brothels and orgies, but in 79 AD, something significant happened there.
  • 3.2 Mount Vesuvius erupted suddenly, causing destruction and resulting in the death of 2,000 people who were unable to escape, as evidenced by the preserved remains found in Pompeii.
  • 3.3 Pompeii, the second largest Roman city, was destroyed nine years after the destruction of Jerusalem, and all four of its temples to idol gods were completely destroyed.
  • 3.4 The speaker discusses the concept of judgment and the repetition of history, specifically referencing the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how it relates to the current state of America.
  1. 🔮 Pay attention to cosmic signs and God’s handwriting on the Capitol building, as they may indicate a coming disaster in America.
  • 4.1 Huge columns were found lying on the ground in one direction during excavation, and a skeleton of a man with gold coins in his hand was discovered underneath, indicating that he died during an earthquake.
  • 4.2 A man in Babylon stole gold from a temple and faced divine judgment for shedding innocent blood, as described in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel.
  • 4.3 God’s handwriting is appearing on the Capitol building in Washington, DC, and the American people need to pay attention to what he is about to say, as there were cosmic signs before the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.
  1. 🌍 The TLDR of the notes is that the United States is facing a perfect storm in 2020 due to the extreme beliefs of radical liberals and their prioritization of environmental protection over human lives, which could lead to economic destruction.
  • 5.1 Some nations are blessed while others suffer extreme poverty, such as Haiti, where the land seems to have been affected negatively.
  • 5.2 Haiti was under French control and the Haitian people, who were part French and part African, dedicated their island to Satan and practiced voodoo, with their leader Papa Doc using voodoo to try and kill President John F Kennedy.
  • 5.3 God will not bless a nation beyond their vote, meaning that if a nation makes a bad choice, God will not bless them over their bad decision, which is relevant to the current state of the United States.
  • 5.4 There are two sides to America, conservatives and liberals, but the radical liberals have a religion-like belief that they are the saviors of the planet, although their ideas are extreme, such as prioritizing the protection of turtles over the lives of babies.
  • 5.5 To save the planet, some propose eating people and banning fossil fuels, but getting rid of cows and horses due to their gas emissions would lead to economic destruction.
  1. đŸŒĒī¸ Progressives, liberals, and radicals in biblical times would have seen controversial headlines about environmentalists, biblical figures, animal rights activists, conservative preachers, FDA investigations, and the administration demanding payment, while Peter warned city leaders about carbon emissions and discovered wealth in a fish’s mouth.
  • 6.1 Progressives, liberals, and radicals living in biblical times would have seen headlines about environmentalists being drowned in the Red Sea, David being portrayed as a dangerous criminal for killing Goliath, Elijah causing a frenzy by killing hundreds with fire on Mount Carmel, animal rights activists threatening to sue a family for removing animals from a stable, conservative preachers delaying the reading of Lazarus being raised from the dead, FDA investigating the safety of the mass feeding program during Jesus feeding the 5,000, and the administration demanding payment
  • 6.2 Peter discovered wealth in a fish’s mouth and warned city leaders about the dangers of carbon emissions and the fiery furnace.
  1. đŸŒĒī¸ The new religion of climate change is paralleled to idol worship in the Old Testament, with the spirit of Elijah bringing an awakening but also the spirit of Ahab and Jezebel with a new green deal, as discussed in the 2019 international camp meeting and predicted to be significant in the next twelve months.
  • 7.1 The new religion in the United States is the new climate army, paralleling the idol God worship in the time of Elijah, Ahab, Jezebel, and throughout the Old Testament called Baal worship.
  • 7.2 The Israelites and surrounding nations believed they could control the climate through idol worship, but the prophet Elijah would come before the end times.
  • 7.3 The spirit of Elijah is bringing forth an awakening, but the spirit of Ahab and Jezebel, characterized by a certain attitude and way of thinking, will also be released, with Jezebel having a new green deal.
  • 7.4 The speaker discusses the messages from the 2019 international camp meeting, including the exposure of Christ’s attack on the false gods of Rome and Greece and the debunking of prophetic beliefs such as the rapture being a false doctrine and the belief that the Anti Christ has already come.
  • 7.5 The speaker predicts the prophetic themes and significance of the next twelve months based on Hebrew hermeneutics, highlighting the parallels between the days of Jezebel and America’s current situation, including the rise of the new religion of climate change, and discusses the differences between socialism and capitalism, as well as three things that radicals and atheists can never defeat.
  1. đŸŒĒī¸ A perfect storm is coming in 2020, and those who believe in the Bible must be prepared, focusing on the large remnant of spirit-filled people who will do God’s work in the last days.
  • 8.1 The speaker discusses the topic of divorce and remarriage, including biblical teachings and the messages of various preachers, and provides information on how to order CDs or DVDs related to the topic.
  • 8.2 A perfect storm is coming and those who believe in the Bible must be prepared, as mentioned in 2nd Thessalonians 2.
  • 8.3 800 million people worldwide, filled with the Holy Spirit, are encouraged to not be discouraged by the negativity in politics and instead focus on the large remnant of spirit-filled people who will do the work of God in the last days.
  • 8.4 Perry Stone is inviting people to attend his upcoming events in South Dakota and Montana, urging them to follow him on social media and support Christian stations, while also promoting the International School of the Word.

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