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What The Dark Kingdom Hates About Trump: Perry Stone


  • 🌍 The world system hates righteousness and truth, while embracing corruption.
  • 🌍 The hatred against the Jewish people and Israel has persisted for thousands of years due to the biblical prophecies linking them to the end times and the return of the Lord.
  • πŸ“Ί Big tech and the mainstream media also came against President Trump, indicating the widespread opposition he encountered from powerful institutions.
  • πŸ’€ President Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” and expose political corruption has made him a target of the dark kingdom’s supernatural hatred.
  • πŸ‘Ά President Trump’s efforts to protect the unborn and stop the selling of body parts of aborted babies by organizations like Planned Parenthood caused a backlash from powerful organizations affected by the loss of money.

The Kingdom of Darkness disliked President Trump because of his strong support for Israel.

  • 🀝 Arab nations like Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates are engaging in peace negotiations and trade agreements with Israel, marking a significant shift in the region.
  • πŸ’° Wrong laws can negatively impact the economy, affecting people’s giving and hindering the spread of the gospel worldwide.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the dark kingdom, including extreme liberals, atheist organizations, and the media, hates Trump because he stood for America, exposed corruption, protected the unborn, and defended the Christian faith.

  1. πŸ‘Ώ The dark kingdom hates Trump because their supernatural hatred towards him reaches a violent level, similar to Satan tempting Jesus with authority over the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship.
  • 1.1 The dark kingdom hates President Trump because their hatred towards him is not natural and reaches a violent and argumentative level, which can be classified as supernatural.
  • 1.2 Jesus was tempted by the devil to worship him in exchange for authority over all the kingdoms of the world, which included the areas of Judea, Edom, and Moab.
  • 1.3 Satan offered Jesus fame and popularity in exchange for his obedience, possibly showing him the kingdoms of the world controlled by the Roman Empire.
  • 1.4 Satan can influence the belief systems and legislative systems of the world, but ultimately it is God who controls the kingdoms of this world.
  1. πŸ”₯ The speaker discusses the spiritual forces behind abortion and same-sex marriage, the corruption of the world system, the hatred towards Israel and Christians, and the persecution of the Christian faith due to Satan’s hatred.
  • 2.1 The speaker discusses the spiritual forces behind the legalization of abortion and same-sex marriage in the United States.
  • 2.2 The world system, controlled by Satan, operates on corruption, lies, and bribes, which are the power source that manipulates and controls both dictators and politicians.
  • 2.3 The hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people is rooted in biblical prophecies and their significance in the end times, and this same hatred extends to Christians as well.
  • 2.4 The Christian faith is the most persecuted in the world because Satan hates it due to the power of Jesus’ blood and resurrection, resulting in the Bible being banned and the name of Jesus being offensive to people.
  1. πŸ‘Ώ The dark kingdom, including extreme liberals, atheist organizations, and the media, despised Trump for his promise to expose corruption, protect the unborn, and defend the Christian faith, unlike Obama.
  • 3.1 The world systems controlled by Satan, including extreme liberals, the liberal democratic party, atheist organizations, witches, big tech, and the lame stream media, despised and hated President Trump due to their hatred of righteousness and truth, and their reliance on bribes and lies.
  • 3.2 The dark kingdom hates Trump because he promised to expose political corruption and drain the swamp.
  • 3.3 Corruption in the government, unfair trade practices with China, and protection of the unborn are reasons why the dark kingdom hates Trump.
  • 3.4 Trump was a great president for protecting the Christian faith in America and Syria, unlike Obama who did nothing to help Middle Eastern Christians and instead allowed Muslims to enter the country.
  1. πŸ‘‘ The dark kingdom hates Trump because he stood for America, rejected globalist agendas, and wasn’t part of the traditional elite, while Biden is owned by China.
  • 4.1 The hatred towards Trump stemmed from his pro-America stance, refusal to engage in globalist agendas, and not being part of the traditional Ivy League president club.
  • 4.2 President Trump was disliked by the dark kingdom because he was not part of the established elite, was not owned by any nation or corporation, and supported Israel, while President-elect Joe Biden is owned by China.
  1. πŸ”₯ The Dark Kingdom hates Trump because he fulfilled biblical prophecy, accelerated end time prophecy, and they want a weak leader to control speech and censor differing beliefs.
  • 5.1 Trump fulfilled biblical prophecy by supporting Israel, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital, recognizing Israel’s right to the Golan Heights, and facilitating peace negotiations and trade agreements with Arab nations.
  • 5.2 The kingdom of darkness hates Trump because he was speeding up God’s prophetic mandate on Earth, and Satan wants leaders who are not aligned with scripture or prophecy to avoid God’s judgment and lack of protection.
  • 5.3 The persecution of Christians by the radical left, the potential economic impact of wrong laws, and the importance of spreading the gospel are discussed in relation to the presidency of Donald Trump.
  • 5.4 The Dark Kingdom dislikes Trump because they regretted their decision, as his administration caused debt, discontent, and discouragement, and they want a weak leader to control speech and censor those with differing beliefs.
  • 5.5 The kingdom of darkness hates President Trump because his actions in dealing with the Middle East and Israel were significant in accelerating end time prophecy, causing the enemy to want to remove him to slow down the prophetic acceleration.
  1. πŸ’ͺ God has the power to swiftly change things and there is always a remnant in the earth to confront evil and teach people how to pray for the outpouring of the spirit and the zeal of God to be rebirthed in the church.
  • 6.1 Principality or politician, no matter what they do, God has the power to swiftly change things, as seen in the story of Herod in the book of Acts.
  • 6.2 God always has a remnant in the earth that will confront evil and teach people how to pray for the outpouring of the spirit and the zeal of God to be rebirthed in the church.
  1. πŸ™ We must unite in prayer across denominations, recognizing our power and authority, and pray for President Trump’s continued leadership while actively resisting the spiritual battle without resorting to violence.
  • 7.1 We need to unite in prayer across different denominations and stand together for our freedom of speech, recognizing that we have a power and authority in our prayer life that the world and the opposing side do not have, and we should pray for President Trump and trust that if God is not finished with him, he will remain in power.
  • 7.2 We need to actively resist and speak out against the upcoming spiritual battle, rather than resorting to physical violence.
  1. πŸ‘‰ The speaker discusses a significant word from the Lord about the United States and urges viewers to pray for salvation, the kingdom of God, and President Trump and his family.

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