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1 John 3:14 to 24: Robert Breaker


Love and Compassion

πŸ’” The sacrifice of soldiers who give their lives for others is a powerful reminder of the depth of love and the impact it can have.

πŸ’” Compassion is not just about feeling sympathy, but also about suffering with another person.

🍎 “The fruit of the spirit is love, and if you love other people, then you want to give to people.”

πŸ’– “I’ve always tried to help people and give… if I see someone that’s doing right, then I want to be a blessing and give them something.”

πŸ™ “Let’s prove that we love each other by deed and in truth doing something for other Christians.” – Love for others should be demonstrated through tangible acts of kindness and support.

πŸ™ The preacher’s decision to return and preach again, despite being mistreated, shows the power of forgiveness and second chances.

Salvation and Eternal Life

πŸ“– Keeping the commandments is not a means to obtain eternal life, but rather a response to being saved.

πŸ“– The speaker questions those who claim that salvation can be lost, emphasizing that eternal life is a gift given by God through Jesus Christ.

πŸ’‰ The controversial idea that salvation is not based on keeping the law, but on faith in Jesus and his sacrifice for our sins.

πŸ’” Belief as the key to salvation: “He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life, but he that believeth not shall not see life.”

πŸ“– “Once saved, always saved because once saved you have eternal life present tense.”

True Christians vs. False Christians

πŸ’” The distinction between true Christians and false Christians is based on their capacity to love or hate one another, with true Christians demonstrating love while false Christians exhibit hatred to the point of wanting to kill each other.

πŸ“– The true church is characterized by love and life, while the false church promotes hate and murder, which goes against the commandments of the Bible.

πŸ“– The speaker’s mission in Honduras was to provide the true gospel and the Bible to those with a false gospel, showing a genuine desire for people to have eternal life.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that true Christians are distinguished by their love for others, and salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus and demonstrated through actions.

  1. πŸ“š The speaker emphasizes the importance of love and differentiates true Christians from false Christians, discusses eternal security in Christ, and expresses frustration with those who claim salvation can be lost.
  2. πŸ“– Salvation is a free gift through Jesus, not based on works; eternal life is obtained through faith in him, and those who love others have passed from death to life.
  3. πŸ’– Christians should show love by helping others, not just focusing on receiving blessings; giving King James Bibles reflects the true gospel message.
  4. πŸ’– Christians should show compassion and support for others, rather than seeking personal gain, as love is the first fruit of the spirit and leads to sacrificial giving.
  5. πŸ”ͺ The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing love through actions, not just words, and discusses their habit of giving pocket knives to those in need, while also cautioning against enabling bad behavior.
  6. πŸ“– If we love in action and truth, rather than just in words, and follow God’s commandments, we can have confidence in Him, but asking God for something does not guarantee receiving it as it must align with His will.
  7. πŸ“– Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus and loving one another, and after being saved, we should strive to please Jesus by following his commandments.
  8. πŸ“– In the tribulation, the gospel includes both faith and works, while today’s gospel emphasizes faith alone, and after the rapture, those who missed it will have to accept Jesus and read the Bible.

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