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Revelation 19:1 to 21: Robert Breaker


Interpretation and Understanding of the Book of Revelation

πŸ“– The Book of Revelation is a retelling of future events, providing extra information and patterns for believers to understand God’s plan.

πŸ€” The speaker encourages independent thinking and questioning of established beliefs, emphasizing the importance of studying and thinking for oneself.

πŸ’’ The speaker highlights the controversial idea that a certain religion prioritizes money over biblical principles, engaging in anti-biblical and pagan practices.

πŸ˜‡ Let the Lord take care of justice, just like the man who forgave his son’s killer and adopted him as his own.

πŸ™Œ The voices of the Four and Twenty elders and the four beasts joining in worship with the saved ones create a powerful moment of praise.

πŸ’ͺ Jesus beats the whole Army of probably 200 million men without breaking a sweat.

πŸ€” The Book of Revelation is often misunderstood as past history, but it is actually a prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled.

πŸ”₯ Jesus brings fire and destruction to his enemies, while we, in our glorified bodies, run without being wounded, in the ultimate victory.

πŸ”₯ The false prophet and the Antichrist will be cast alive into a lake of fire, a powerful image of their ultimate defeat.

🌍 The battle of Armageddon is a significant event in biblical prophecy, where Jesus will come back and gather his elect from all corners of the Earth.

End Times Prophecy and Events

πŸ˜‡ The best way to fight against the New World Order is to win someone over to Jesus, making it a spiritual battle rather than a physical one.

🏰 At the Judgment seat of Christ, believers are judged for their service to Jesus and receive rewards such as mansions in heaven and the opportunity to reign with Jesus on Earth.

🌍 The signs of wonders in the heavens and Earth, such as blood, fire, and pillars of smoke, are seen as events that will occur before the great and terrible day of the Lord, specifically for Israel.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus will ultimately triumph over evil, destroy the Antichrist, and save Israel, while cautioning against false doctrine and emphasizing the importance of spiritual battles and leaving justice in Jesus’ hands.

  1. πŸ”₯ Roman Catholicism has strong connections to ancient paganism, evident in symbols and practices, but Jesus will ultimately win the battle, destroy the Antichrist, and save Israel.

1.1 The speaker discusses the presence of paganism in Roman Catholicism, providing examples such as the fish hat worn by the Pope and the use of pagan symbols and practices in Catholic rituals and artifacts.

1.2 Roman Catholicism has strong connections to ancient paganism, evident in the similarities between the hats worn by Babylonian priests and Roman Catholic popes, the use of the title “pontifus Maximus,” and the presence of occult symbols and imagery in the Vatican.

1.3 Jesus wins the battle and takes control, bringing chills to the devil as his time is short, and this is what Christians are looking forward to in Revelation chapter 19.

1.4 After discussing the concept of prepping and the importance of salvation, the speaker emphasizes the need for independent thinking and encourages people to study for themselves, before mentioning the excitement of hearing a great voice of many people in heaven and questioning how many people will ultimately be saved.

1.5 Jesus is coming back to destroy the Antichrist and save Israel, and we should honor and obey Him because His judgments are true and righteous.

1.6 People get offended when told the truth because they are guilty and corrupt.

  1. πŸ’₯ The speaker discusses the dangers of prioritizing money over biblical principles, leading to sexual immorality and exploitation, and emphasizes the importance of spiritual matters and leaving justice in Jesus’ hands as the ultimate judge and avenger.

2.1 The speaker discusses the concept of spiritual and physical fornication in relation to a religion that prioritizes money over biblical principles, leading to a culture of sexual immorality and the exploitation of individuals.

2.2 Various groups, such as Islam, communism, and Roman Catholicism, have killed Christians throughout history, with communism being responsible for the deaths of over a hundred million people, and Roman Catholicism being involved in the Inquisition and the murder of Bible-believing individuals.

2.3 Being a Christian means not engaging in physical violence in the name of religion, focusing on spiritual matters and getting people saved, and avoiding using dirty language.

2.4 Jesus is the ultimate judge and avenger, and we should leave justice in his hands, just as he forgives us of all sins.

2.5 The city and the political and religious system are judged and destroyed, resulting in the elders, beasts, and a multitude praising God.

2.6 Armageddon takes place and the Antichrist, who desires to be God, gathers an army to fight against Jesus, but ultimately fails as God is all-powerful.

  1. πŸ“– The church is the bride of Christ, represented by fine linen, and the marriage supper of the Lamb will take place after the Rapture, with worship directed towards God and not towards any man or figure.

3.1 Jesus has a bride, which is the church, and the transcript explains how the church is the bride of Christ according to Paul’s writings in Second Corinthians and Ephesians.

3.2 God viewed Israel as his bride in the Old Testament, and the bride of Christ in the New Testament, as shown in verses from Hosea and Ezekiel.

3.3 Marriage is a vow made to each other and God, and the marriage supper of the Lamb, which occurs after the Rapture, could either take place in heaven or on Earth after the battle of Armageddon.

3.4 The righteousness of the Saints is represented by fine linen, which is why women traditionally wear white when getting married, and it is unclear whether the marriage supper of the lamb will take place in heaven or on Earth, but regardless, those called to it are blessed, and when the speaker fell to worship an angel, the angel corrected him and stated that they were a fellow servant and that worship should be directed towards God.

3.5 The speaker discusses the identity of a figure mentioned in the Bible, speculating that it could be one of the Old Testament prophets or possibly King David, but ultimately concludes that it is unknown, emphasizing the importance of not worshiping a man.

3.6 The speaker emphasizes the importance of following Jesus and not worshiping him or any other figure like the pope.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus is coming to make war against the Antichrist, be cautious of false doctrine in the Pentecostal movement, and in the end, Jesus wins.

4.1 The Book of Revelation is a prophecy about the testimony of Jesus and the events that will happen in the future, despite some people believing it is past history.

4.2 Jesus is coming to make war at the battle of Armageddon, and everything he does is faithful and true, unlike the Antichrist.

4.3 The speaker warns against the Brownsville Revival and the modern Pentecostal movement, claiming that it is not of God and that their doctrine is influenced by a woman preacher who read The Book of Joel.

4.4 Be cautious of false doctrine and practices in the Pentecostal and charismatic movement, as there is a history of spirit bathing and fornication, and it is important to study and understand the origins of this movement.

4.5 God has a secret name for himself and when he gives us our new names, they will be fitting and we will be pleased with them.

4.6 Jesus comes back and wins.

  1. πŸ”₯ Jesus will return with a flaming sword at Armageddon, defeating the Antichrist and saving the Jews, while those who do not know God or obey the gospel will go to hell.

5.1 Jesus will come back with a flaming sword of fire at Armageddon to punish those who do not know God or obey the gospel, as mentioned in Second Thessalonians, and there is a pattern of certain chapters in the Bible having numbers divisible by seven.

5.2 Jesus, referred to as the Word of God, is described as being clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, which signifies his sacrifice and the power of his blood, and the armies in heaven follow him on white horses.

5.3 The armies of angels and saved individuals, including us, will come down with Jesus, defeating the United Nations and ruling with him, as described in Joel chapter 2, during the battle of Armageddon.

5.4 The speaker discusses the prophecy of the army’s return to save Israel in Revelation 19, and mentions the rewards in heaven and the gathering of armies for war against the king of kings.

5.5 During the battle of Armageddon, the Antichrist will deceive people into thinking they can overthrow God, but they will be defeated when Jesus returns on a white horse, and the Antichrist, false prophet, and those who worshiped the beast will be cast into a lake of fire; in Matthew 24, Jesus speaks about the abomination of desolation and the Great Tribulation, which will be a time of intense suffering, but the elect, specifically Israel, will be protected by God during this period.

5.6 Jesus will come back at the battle of Armageddon, saving the Jews and gathering his elect, while those who are not looking for Jesus will go to hell.

  1. πŸ”₯ Those who engage in pedophilia will face God’s wrath, Christians should focus on spiritual battles, the marriage supper of the Lamb could be the communion meal, scare the enemy in battle, after the Millennium there will be a Lake of Fire, judgment seat of Christ determines rewards, Galilean wedding aligns with pre-trib Rapture.

6.1 Pedophilia is condemned by God and those who engage in it will face his wrath, including the destruction of nations and perpetual fires in the Millennial Kingdom.

6.2 Christians should focus on winning people to Jesus rather than physically fighting against the New World Order, as the true battle is spiritual, and Christians should respond to evil with good.

6.3 The speaker discusses the possibility that the marriage supper of the Lamb mentioned in Revelation 19 could be the communion meal and explains the significance of Jesus’ blood as a powerful force in the universe.

6.4 In battle, it is important to scare the enemy so that they are afraid and hesitant to fight, as seen in historical examples such as the Celts and the Romans, and the Rebel Yell during the Civil War.

6.5 After the end of the Millennium, there will be a Lake of Fire where everyone in hell is thrown, and at the Judgment seat of Christ, we are judged for our service to Jesus and receive rewards such as mansions and the opportunity to reign with Jesus on Earth, potentially being in charge of nations.

6.6 The speaker mentions the Galilean wedding and how it aligns with the idea of a pre-trib Rapture, suggesting that viewers should watch a DVD called “Before the Wrath” for more information.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus is preparing a place for us and will come at the right time for the rapture, while signs in the heavens and Earth will precede the day of the Lord, but be cautious of misinterpretations and influences in charismatic movements.

7.1 The father determines when the son can get married, and in the same way, Jesus is building a house for us and will come at the right time for the rapture, closing the doors and preventing anyone else from being saved, which is why Jesus went to Galilee.

7.2 The speaker discusses the use of witchcraft in interpreting the Book of Joel and how it has influenced the charismatic movement, specifically regarding the belief in speaking in tongues and the role of women as pastors.

7.3 Rejoice, for God will bring rain to Israel and pour out His spirit, while signs in the heavens and Earth will precede the great and terrible day of the Lord.

7.4 The speaker discusses the misinterpretation of tongues in the Bible, emphasizing the need for an interpreter when someone speaks in a language unknown to the church.

7.5 Women speaking in tongues in the church is considered shameful according to the Bible, and women should not be pastors, as exemplified by the case of Catherine Coleman.

7.6 Be cautious of Pentecostals as they may be influenced by the Kundalini spirit, which is a new age occult and can result in demonic possession, as seen in Pentecostal churches where people bark like dogs and cluck like chickens, and some ministries even exploit women’s immodesty.

  1. πŸ”‘ Pentecostals in the Prosperity Gospel movement preach a deceptive gospel, engage in questionable practices like speaking in tongues, and may be led by demonic spirits, while true tongues are meant as a sign for unbelievers, not believers.

8.1 The speaker recalls two instances where he encountered individuals claiming to have demons, one of whom tried to perform an exorcism on him, and another who tried to convince him to speak in tongues.

8.2 Pentecostal people in the Prosperity Gospel movement preach a deceptive gospel, engage in divorce, and practice questionable spiritual practices such as speaking in tongues, which the speaker argues is not supported by the Bible.

8.3 Speaking in tongues can be deceptive and may not be of the Holy Spirit, as it can be a manifestation of a demon or even a satanic altar call, and true tongues are meant as a sign for unbelievers, not believers, so one must be cautious of false churches that teach the false doctrine of losing salvation and the requirement of speaking in tongues to receive the Holy Spirit.

8.4 Salvation cannot be lost, and Pentecostals who believe otherwise are led by demonic spirits, as they prioritize emotions over biblical teachings, while false churches that go against the Bible may join forces with the Antichrist and follow the Pope.

8.5 At the Rapture, our bodies are transformed into glorified bodies, and those who have died before the Rapture will have their bodies resurrected and reunited with their souls in heaven.

8.6 Before the Rapture, it would be interesting if the dead in Christ rose and walked around, confirming the truth of the Bible and the need to avoid the Kundalini movement.

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