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Hebrews 2:4 to 5: Robert Breaker


The Empowerment of the Apostles

🔮 The Apostles were witnesses to Jesus’ ministry and were empowered by God with signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost.

🌟 The Old Testament was accompanied by miracles, signs, and wonders, highlighting the supernatural nature of God’s interaction with His people.

✨ The signs and wonders performed by Jesus and his disciples were meant to provide evidence that Jesus was the Messiah and that God was working through them.

🙌 These miracles were not limited to specific individuals, as Paul could heal people he had never even seen before, showcasing the extraordinary nature of his healing abilities.

💦 According to the speaker, we are baptized into the body of Christ and receive the Holy Spirit when we believe the gospel.

💦 According to the Apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit baptizes believers into the body of Christ, regardless of whether they are Jews or Gentiles.

📖 The most important baptism is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as stated in the Bible.

📖 The Apostle Paul makes it clear that the baptism that saves us is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, not water baptism.

📖 The interesting insight is that the book of Hebrews teaches that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the only baptism necessary for salvation.

Emphasis on Jesus’ Blood Atonement

💉 Jesus’ blood atonement on the cross is emphasized as the payment for our sins in the book of Hebrews.

📖 It is important to approach the Bible without preconceived notions and read what it actually says, rather than trying to make it fit our own beliefs.

🚫 Signs were meant for Jews only, not for Gentiles, and today we should live by faith and not by sight.

🙏 The Bible emphasizes that today we live by faith, not by sight, relying on evidence rather than miracles.

💦 Water baptism is not essential for salvation, as the Holy Spirit is received through belief in the gospel.

Dual Application of the Book of Hebrews

📚 The book of Hebrews has a dual application, addressing both the early church age and a future time for the Jews during the Tribulation Period.

📜 The early book of Acts shows that the Holy Spirit was received through signs, wonders, miracles, and diverse ways, but as the Jews rejected their Messiah, doctrine became set in stone that the Holy Spirit is received today through belief in the gospel.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that while signs and miracles were important in the early church to confirm the authority of the Apostles and convince Jews to believe in Christianity, they are not necessary for salvation today, and water baptism is not essential for salvation but can be a way to share the gospel with others.

  1. 📜 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of not neglecting the salvation offered by Jesus, confirming it through miracles and the preaching of the Apostles, and clarifies that while salvation is eternal and cannot be lost, certain Jews during the tribulation period can lose their salvation.

1.1 The speaker discusses the importance of not neglecting the salvation offered by Jesus to the Jews, emphasizing the confirmation of this message through miracles, signs, wonders, and the preaching of the Apostles.

1.2 The book of Hebrews discusses the transition from disciples to apostles and the dual application of the book for both the early church and future Jews during the Tribulation Period.

1.3 The message in the time of Jesus and the early church was about believing in who Jesus is, but after the Jews began to reject Jesus, the message shifted to trusting in what Jesus did for us.

1.4 Jesus died for our sins and the book of Hebrews explains that he tasted death for all men, making him the captain of our salvation, and although some parts of the book may apply to the tribulation, it is not entirely limited to that period and cannot be disregarded.

1.5 Some people misinterpret the book of Hebrews to believe that salvation can be lost, but the Bible actually states that only certain Jews can lose their salvation, while those who are saved through the gospel of Christ cannot.

1.6 Salvation is eternal and cannot be lost, but during the tribulation period, someone can turn away from God; Jesus performed miracles during his earthly ministry.

  1. 🔑 The signs and miracles performed by Moses, Jesus, and the Apostles were evidence of their divine authority, but signs are no longer necessary for Gentiles who live by faith.

2.1 The Jews required physical signs to believe in Moses, so God performed miracles and signs to convince them, such as turning Moses’ hand leprous and then healing it, and turning Moses’ staff into a snake and back into a rod.

2.2 God gave signs to Moses and Jesus performed miracles and gave his disciples the ability to do signs and wonders, which were evidence that Jesus was the Messiah and that God was working through them, and the Apostle Paul also had these signs.

2.3 Paul had signs and miracles that were only for Jews at the beginning of the book of Acts, but eventually he lost these signs and they were not for Gentiles, which explains why there are no apostles today.

2.4 The signs of the Apostles mentioned in Mark chapter 16 include casting out devils, speaking in tongues with interpretation, taking up serpents, and not being harmed by drinking poison.

2.5 The Apostles had the ability to perform miracles such as healing and raising the dead, and if people claim to have these abilities today, they should be going to hospitals and healing everyone.

2.6 Signs were only for Jews to believe, but as Gentiles, we live by faith and not by sight, so we don’t need signs.

  1. 🔑 Paul had the ability to perform miracles, but these gifts were only meant for the Apostles to demonstrate their authority and convince Jews to believe in Christianity, and are not necessary for salvation today.

3.1 Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, had the ability to perform diverse signs and miracles, including healing people through their handkerchiefs or aprons, without even seeing the sick person.

3.2 People who claim to have gifts like speaking in tongues or handling venomous snakes in order to receive money are deceiving others, as these gifts were only meant for the Apostles to demonstrate their authority and to convince Jews to believe in Christianity.

3.3 Paul had the ability to heal people through touch, but at the end of his ministry, he left a man named Trophimus sick, which raises the question of why he didn’t use his healing ability to help him.

3.4 Jews sought signs to believe, but now we live by faith and not by sight, so while God can still heal, the gift of healing is only for the apostles and not present in the world today.

3.5 Signs are not necessary for salvation today, as we are saved by faith alone according to the Bible.

  1. 📜 Paul acknowledges the use of medicine for healing and believes that signs and miracles performed by the Apostles were only necessary during the time when the message was primarily preached to Jews, but as the focus shifted to Gentiles, these signs gradually ceased to occur.

4.1 Paul recommends drinking a little wine for stomach ailments, but later states that he no longer has the ability to heal miraculously and instead advises the use of medicine.

4.2 Pentecostals and charismatics believe in signs and wonders, but the speaker no longer believes in their ability to heal and instead trusts in God for healing.

4.3 Paul understood that there would be a time when the signs and miracles performed by the Apostles would cease, as he wrote in the book of Hebrews, indicating a shift towards the Gentiles and away from the Jews who had rejected their Messiah.

4.4 The signs of the Apostles, such as raising the dead, healing the sick, and casting out devils, were only necessary during the time when the message was primarily being preached to Jews, but as the focus shifted to Gentiles, these signs gradually ceased to occur.

4.5 If someone encounters a demon, they should say “the Lord rebuke thee” instead of “I rebuke you” because even the powerful Archangel Michael did not rebuke Satan himself, and one way to determine if it is a demon is by asking if they believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.

4.6 God gave the Holy Spirit according to his own will, allowing the early apostles to perform signs, wonders, and miracles, which were necessary for the Jews to believe, but in the church age, belief is now based on hearing the gospel and scriptures, rendering signs and wonders unnecessary.

  1. 📖 The book of Acts is a transitional period in the early church age, where people received the Holy Spirit in different ways, leading to various denominations, and it is important to rightly divide the book of Acts and the book of Hebrews to avoid false doctrine.

5.1 The book of Acts is a transitional period in the early church age, where people received the Holy Spirit in different ways, leading to various denominations, and it is important to rightly divide the book of Acts and the book of Hebrews to avoid false doctrine, as hyper dispensationalists believe that only Gentiles are part of the body of Christ.

5.2 The body of Christ, which includes both Jews and Gentiles, started at the cross and is formed through belief in the gospel and baptism by the Holy Spirit.

5.3 In the early church, Jews received the Holy Spirit through water baptism, but this is not how it is done today as the book of Acts is a transition book.

5.4 Philip preaches to the Ethiopian eunuch who believes in Jesus and gets baptized, showing that belief in Jesus is necessary for baptism, and later Peter preaches about Jesus and the remission of sins to Gentiles.

5.5 In the early book of Acts, people received the Holy Spirit in different ways, such as through belief or baptism, indicating a change in how the Holy Spirit was obtained.

5.6 In Acts 19, some people received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, but they were not saved in the same way as Gentiles today, who receive the Holy Spirit when they believe the gospel according to Ephesians 1:13.

  1. 📖 Gentiles are now included in the body of Christ through belief in the Gospel, with Jesus breaking down the barriers between Jew and Gentile, and believers growing into a holy temple in the Lord.

6.1 In Acts chapter 19, Paul encounters disciples who were only baptized by John the Baptist and informs them that they did not receive the Holy Spirit, so they are then baptized in the name of Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit.

6.2 The book of Acts shows the transition from Jews to Gentiles and from Israel to the church, with the doctrine changing until it aligns with Paul’s ministry, where the Holy Spirit is received through belief in the Gospel according to Ephesians 1:13.

6.3 People were given the Holy Spirit in different ways in the book of Acts, but the set way to receive the Holy Spirit is through Paul’s doctrine of being baptized into the body of Christ.

6.4 The book of Acts explains the transition from Jew to Gentile in the formation of the church, with the body of Christ being made up of both Jew and Gentile, and the teaching of Paul’s gospel being the key to understanding this transition.

6.5 Gentiles, who were once without Christ and alienated from the Commonwealth of Israel, are now brought near to God through Jesus, who has broken down the barriers between Jew and Gentile, reconciling them both to God.

6.6 You are no longer strangers but fellow-citizens with the Saints and of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the chief Cornerstone, growing into a holy temple in the Lord, and imitating God through the spirit.

  1. 💦 Water baptism is not essential for salvation according to the gospel of Paul, but it is still permissible for believers to be baptized if they choose to do so, and pastors should prioritize ensuring individuals understand salvation before baptizing them.

7.1 Jews and Gentiles are both part of the body of Christ, receiving the Holy Spirit differently in the early church compared to today, as explained by Paul in Ephesians 1:13.

7.2 Believing in the gospel is what leads to receiving the Holy Spirit, not water baptism, which was necessary during the time of Acts 2:38 but not today.

7.3 Water baptism is not essential for salvation and does not have anything to do with salvation according to the gospel of the Apostle Paul, but it is still permissible for believers to be baptized in water if they choose to do so.

7.4 Many independent Baptists prioritize water baptism over salvation, leading to a focus on getting people to church and quickly baptizing them.

7.5 People mistakenly believe that water baptism can wash away their sins, but it is important for pastors to ensure that individuals understand salvation before baptizing them.

  1. 💦 Water baptism is not necessary for salvation, as the baptism of the Holy Spirit through belief in the gospel is what saves us, but getting baptized in water can be a way to share the gospel with others.

8.1 Water baptism is not essential for salvation, as the Apostle Paul emphasizes that the baptism that saves us is the baptism of the Holy Spirit through trust in the gospel.

8.2 Jesus distinguishes between the baptism of water and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and while Peter initially preached baptism in water, he later recognizes that the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit without water baptism, confirming Jesus’ words.

8.3 The only baptism necessary for salvation is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, received through belief in the gospel, as stated in the book of Hebrews.

8.4 Water baptism does not save us; we are saved by believing in the gospel, but getting baptized in water can be a great opportunity to share the gospel with others.

8.5 Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again, and through faith in Him, we are saved; water baptism is not necessary for salvation, as it is a testimony of our identification with Christ, and the Holy Spirit is received through belief in the gospel.

8.6 The speaker discusses the transition and changes happening during the time of the writing of the book of Hebrews, emphasizing that the world to come will be different and that the church age has its own specific way of receiving the Holy Spirit.

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