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Hebrews 5:1 to 4: Robert Breaker


The message of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus Christ

🌍 The message of who Jesus is can be found throughout the Old Testament, even in the law of Moses, with references to the promised seed and the Prophet to come.

πŸ™ The gospel message for today is to trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

πŸ“– The book of Hebrews combines the “who” message (believing in who Jesus is) and the “what” message (believing in Jesus as the blood atonement) to provide a comprehensive understanding of salvation.

πŸ™ According to the speaker, in the church age, believers are forgiven through the blood atonement of Christ, and there is no need for a human priest to forgive sins.

🩸 Forgiveness under the law was through the blood atonement of an animal, but now we are forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ.

πŸ™ The blood of Jesus Christ is a universal atonement, paying for every sin, even those that have not yet been committed.

πŸ™ By trusting in Jesus Christ and believing in the gospel, one is saved and perfected forever, as stated in verse 14 of Hebrews.

πŸ™ The ultimate source of forgiveness: Instead of seeking forgiveness from sinful priests, one should turn to Jesus Christ, who is sinless and offers forgiveness as the high priest.

The priesthood and its significance in the book of Hebrews

🧐 Different interpretations and ideas about who Melchizedek was create an intriguing and controversial topic for discussion.

πŸ€” The Apostle Paul mentions three distinct priesthoods: the Levitical priesthood, the priesthood of Melchizedek, and the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ.

πŸ™ According to the book of Hebrews, Jesus is the only high priest we need today, rendering the need for earthly priests unnecessary.

πŸ“œ The Levitical priesthood is no longer valid, as Jesus Christ is now the high priest.

πŸ™ The honor of priesthood is not self-appointed, but it is a calling from God, emphasizing the divine selection and responsibility of those in leadership roles.

The contrast between the Old Testament law and the grace of Jesus Christ

πŸ›οΈ “Many people have told me that my message on YouTube entitled the law versus grace has helped them more than probably any of my other messages because I show we’re here today. We’re in the church age. We’re in this dispensation. We’re no longer in that dispensation over there were under grace not under the law.”

✝️ Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the law, and believers are no longer under the Old Testament law but under grace.

β›ͺ️ The mention of the Catholic Church scandal highlights the issue of sin and imperfection among priests, challenging the notion of their infallibility.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of Jesus as the blood atonement for salvation, making the priesthood and sacrifices obsolete.

  1. πŸ“š The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of believing in Jesus as the blood atonement for salvation, shifting focus from Israel to the Gentiles, and the speaker’s personal journey as a missionary using YouTube and the internet to reach a wider audience.

1.1 The speaker discusses the book of Hebrews, specifically chapter 5, which focuses on the topic of priesthood and introduces three different types of priests.

1.2 Repetition is key to learning and understanding, as hearing the truth over and over again helps it stick and allows for variation in delivery to keep it interesting.

1.3 From Moses to the early apostles, the message was about Jesus as the promised Messiah, but when he came, Israel rejected him, leading God to shift his focus to the Gentiles through the Apostle Paul.

1.4 The message of the video is that believing in who Jesus is does not save us, but rather we are saved by trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins.

1.5 Believing that Jesus is God and the Messiah is not enough for salvation; in the book of Hebrews, it is emphasized that one must also believe that Jesus is the blood atonement, similar to the sacrificial animals under the law.

1.6 The speaker discusses their personal journey of becoming a missionary and how they now use YouTube and the internet to reach a wider audience.

  1. πŸ“œ The book of Hebrews teaches about the importance of Christ’s blood atonement for salvation, specifically focusing on the priesthood and the role of high priests in offering sacrifices for sins.

2.1 The book of Hebrews, although primarily written for Jews, can be used to teach new converts about the importance of the blood atonement of Christ for salvation.

2.2 Chapter 5 of Hebrews, possibly written by Paul, is easier for Jews to understand than Gentiles.

2.3 The priesthood in Hebrews 5 is exclusive to those born into the tribe of Levi and descended from Aaron, and this is something that Jews should already be aware of.

2.4 In Hebrews 5:1-4, the speaker explains that under the Old Testament law, the high priest was chosen by God to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins, and people could give gifts to the priest as an expression of their love for God.

2.5 In the Old Testament, priests were supported by gifts from the people, which included meat and other provisions, allowing them to fulfill their calling and sustain themselves.

2.6 This chapter mentions three priesthoods and briefly mentions the name Melchizedek, which will be discussed in more detail in chapter 7.

  1. πŸ“œ Only the Levitical priesthood under the law, the priesthood of Melchizedek before the law, and the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ after the law are mentioned in Hebrews 5:1-4, and now we have Jesus as our high priest and do not need priests anymore.

3.1 There are three distinct priesthoods mentioned in Hebrews 5:1-4: the Levitical priesthood under the law, the priesthood of Melchizedek before the law, and the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ after the law.

3.2 We are no longer under the law of Moses, but under grace in the church age.

3.3 Human priests, specifically the Levitical priests under the law, were ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins, as commanded by God in the Old Testament.

3.4 Only the tribe of Levi could be priests in the Old Testament, but now we have Jesus as our high priest and do not need priests anymore.

3.5 Only priests from the tribe of Levi were allowed to serve in the tabernacle, specifically in the holiest of Holies, and no strangers or Gentiles were permitted, as priests were only designated under the law and not in present times.

3.6 The speaker argues that according to Jesus, it is incorrect to refer to religious figures as “father,” as priests in the Bible were only from the tribe of Levi, and therefore modern priests who are not from this tribe are not following the scriptures.

  1. πŸ”₯ Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross eliminated the need for sacrifices and adherence to the law, making the Levitical priesthood obsolete and establishing Jesus as the high priest in Christianity.

4.1 When Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn, signifying that there was no longer a need for sacrifices or adherence to the law.

4.2 The priesthood of the Levites is no longer valid, as Jesus Christ is now the high priest and there is no need for priests in Christianity as our sins have been forgiven through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

4.3 Levitical priests were ordained by God, but the speaker criticizes the Mormon Church for not understanding that Christ is the only high priest and that priesthood is not needed today.

4.4 God ordained Aaron and his sons to be priests under the Levitical priesthood, but now that we are no longer under the law, the concept of the high priest has changed.

4.5 Under the Old Testament law, priests were necessary to offer gifts and sacrifices on behalf of the people, but today’s priests do not perform these duties.

  1. πŸ”‘ The only priests in the Bible were from the tribe of Levi, and in the church age, our high priest is Jesus who forgives sins through his blood atonement.

5.1 There is no biblical priesthood in the Catholic Church or Mormonism, as the only priests in the Bible were from the tribe of Levi, and in the church age, our high priest is Jesus who forgives sins through his blood atonement.

5.2 In the Old Testament, if someone sinned, they had to bring an offering to the priest, which involved killing an animal and spreading its blood.

5.3 Sin under the law required a sacrifice to make people feel horrible for their sins and understand the pain it caused God, as exemplified by the shedding of blood in animal sacrifices.

5.4 Forgiveness under the law was achieved through the blood atonement of an animal, but now, under the blood atonement of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven by what Jesus did, not by our own actions.

5.5 The speaker discusses the process of offering a sin offering in the tabernacle, where the priest would bring a young bullock without blemish, lay his hand on its head, kill it, collect its blood, sprinkle it before the Lord, and remove the fat and organs, emphasizing the knowledge and skill required of the priests.

5.6 If someone in the congregation sins unintentionally, they must offer a sacrifice, and if a ruler sins, they must seek forgiveness through a sacrifice performed by the priests.

  1. πŸ‘ Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross forgives all sins, past, present, and future, making believers sinless in the eyes of God, unlike the sacrifices made by priests in the past.

6.1 In ancient Israel, the speaker explains the struggle of being poor and having to sacrifice sheep for sins, leading to a lack of food and resources.

6.2 God established a once-a-year sacrifice for the entire nation to forgive their sins, but some people would delay their own sacrifices, relying on the high priest’s sacrifice instead.

6.3 In the Old Testament, the high priest would make a sacrifice once a year to forgive the sins of the entire nation, while individuals had to bring sacrifices daily for forgiveness.

6.4 Under the Old Testament law, sacrifices for sins only covered past sins, not future sins, so if you sinned again, you would have to make another sacrifice.

6.5 Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross forgives all sins, past, present, and future, unlike the sacrifices made by priests in the past.

6.6 Perfection could not be achieved through the Levitical Priesthood, as it only allowed for forgiveness but not true righteousness, whereas Jesus, through his sacrifice, not only forgives but also makes believers sinless in the eyes of God.

  1. πŸ”‘ Forgiveness is obtained through Jesus’ sacrifice, not priests or the mass, and even priests are sinners who must seek forgiveness from Jesus.

7.1 The Old Testament law is no longer applicable today as there has been a change in the priesthood, and only Jesus can make us perfect, so we are now under grace and not under the Old Testament law, which is important to understand especially for Roman Catholics who believe in the ongoing need for a priesthood and confession to a priest.

7.2 The Bible states that forgiveness is not obtained through someone saying “I forgive you” or by taking mass, as the Roman Catholic Church teaches, but rather through the offering of Jesus Christ’s body on the cross, which was a one-time sacrifice.

7.3 The Catholic Church claims that sins can only be forgiven through their priests and repeated sacrifices, but the Bible teaches that Jesus’ one sacrifice forgives all sins past, present, and future for those who believe in him.

7.4 The speaker explains that the sacrifice of Christ, not priests or the mass, is what saves through faith, as discussed in Hebrews chapter 5, where Paul emphasizes that priests, being sinners, have the same infirmity as men, as seen in the scandal of priests molesting children in the Catholic Church.

7.5 Many people who were altar boys have reported being molested by priests, and the speaker argues that forgiveness should be sought from Jesus Christ, who is sinless, rather than from sinful priests.

7.6 Religion cannot save people, only Jesus can offer forgiveness, and even priests are sinners who must offer sacrifices for their own sins before offering them for others.

  1. πŸ”‘ Catholic priests’ celibacy may contribute to sexual misconduct, as the Bible states that priests no longer need to sacrifice for their own sins and Jesus is the high priest.

8.1 In the Old Testament, priests had to sacrifice for their own sins before they could perform their duties, but now we no longer need priests for forgiveness.

8.2 Catholic priests are forbidden to marry and eat meat on Fridays, which goes against what the Bible says, and this may be why there are many cases of child molestation within the Catholic Church.

8.3 The speaker suggests that the reason for sexual sins in the Catholic Church is due to priests being celibate, and proposes that allowing them to get married may prevent such misconduct.

8.4 In the Old Testament, priests had to offer a sacrifice for themselves before offering one for the people, as God commanded.

8.5 Only those born into the tribe of Levi can become priests, but many in the Roman Catholic Church became priests without meeting this requirement.

8.6 The speaker emphasizes that they cannot follow a religion or denomination that contradicts the Bible, stating that Jesus is the high priest and salvation is through him, not through a church or a man.

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