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Hebrews 6:4 to 6: Robert Breaker


Nature of salvation and eternal security

πŸ’” The belief in a faith plus works gospel undermines the power of Jesus’ blood to forgive all sins and suggests that salvation is dependent on human effort.

πŸ“– The concept of eternal salvation is emphasized, as Jesus is described as the author of eternal salvation in Hebrews 5:9.

πŸ€” The interpretation of the passage as stated by CI Scofield implies that it is impossible for those who heard and rejected salvation to ever be saved, raising questions about the nature of God’s grace and multiple opportunities for salvation.

πŸ€” Paul received revelations from God, including the concept of eternal security in Christ for believers.

πŸ”₯ The idea that those who don’t endure to the end of the tribulation will be burned up challenges the notion of eternal security in salvation.

πŸ”₯ According to the speaker, those who reject Jesus, turn to the Antichrist, and take the mark of the beast have lost their salvation and it’s impossible for them to get saved again.

End times and the tribulation

🌟 The book of Hebrews was written to encourage Jews who had rejected their Messiah to accept Jesus and wait for His return during the tribulation.

🌍 The church age has lasted approximately 2,000 years, indicating that we may be nearing its end.

πŸ€” The book of Hebrews was written with the mindset that believers must endure till the end to be ready for Jesus’ return, emphasizing the importance of staying faithful.

🌍 The Day approaching mentioned in the verse refers to the day of Armageddon, indicating the importance of believers staying together and supporting each other during that time.

😱 According to the Bible, those who take the mark of the beast will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of holy angels and the Lamb.

😱 According to the Bible, choosing to take the mark of the beast in the tribulation could result in going straight to hell.

Interpretation of Hebrews 6:4-6

πŸ“š The passage in Hebrews 6:4-6 raises the controversial question of whether those who have experienced spiritual enlightenment can still fall away from their faith.

πŸ“– It is important to approach the Bible without preconceived doctrines and interpretations, allowing the text to speak for itself.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that salvation through Christ’s blood atonement is eternal and cannot be lost, but there are consequences for rejecting Jesus and taking the mark of the beast during the Tribulation Period.

  1. πŸ“š The speaker discusses the difference between the Apostles doctrine and current teachings, emphasizing that the signs performed by the Apostles were primarily for the Jews and not applicable to present-day practices, arguing against the belief that one can lose their salvation and emphasizing that salvation through Christ’s blood atonement is eternal and cannot be lost.

1.1 The speaker discusses the difference between the Apostles doctrine and the current teachings, emphasizing that the signs performed by the Apostles were primarily for the Jews and not applicable to present-day practices.

1.2 The speaker discusses the Apostle Paul’s doubts about continuing to perform signs, miracles, and wonders, emphasizing that the ability to heal through laying hands on someone is no longer present today.

1.3 The speaker argues against the belief that one can lose their salvation by emphasizing that the book of Hebrews, which is often used to support this belief, is not applicable to the current dispensation.

1.4 The book of Hebrews, written by Paul early in the book of Acts, addresses the future coming of Jesus and the possibility of losing salvation during the tribulation, urging Jews to endure and accept Jesus as their Messiah.

1.5 The speaker explains that the belief in losing and regaining salvation through works goes against the teachings of the Bible, as salvation through Christ’s blood atonement is powerful enough to forgive all sins.

1.6 Jesus died on the cross to secure eternal salvation, and while some believe salvation can be lost and regained, the Bible teaches that salvation is eternal and cannot be lost.

  1. πŸ“– It is impossible to regain salvation if someone falls away after experiencing certain spiritual experiences, contradicting the belief in eternal security and the possibility of salvation through good works.

2.1 It is impossible for those who have experienced enlightenment, tasted the heavenly gift, been protectors of the Holy Ghost, and tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, to renew their repentance if they fall away, as they would be crucifying the Son of God again and putting him to shame.

2.2 If you lose your salvation, you cannot get it back, contradicting the belief that salvation can be regained through good works.

2.3 Paul discusses the concept of eternal security in his epistles, but in Hebrews 6:4-6, he uses the word “if” to indicate that it is impossible for those who have experienced certain spiritual experiences to be renewed to repentance.

2.4 If someone were to lose their salvation, it would be impossible to regain it, proving the concept of eternal security and that salvation is for all eternity.

2.5 Many pastors misinterpret Hebrews 6:4-6, but one preacher named Marty Hahn suggests that it refers to losing rewards in heaven, which is a flawed interpretation based on personal doctrine.

  1. πŸ“š The passage in Hebrews 6:4-6 emphasizes that God gives multiple chances for salvation, but suggests that if someone were to lose their faith, it would be impossible for them to regain it, contradicting the belief that it can be regained later.

3.1 The passage in Hebrews 6:4-6 does not mean that you can lose your salvation, but rather emphasizes that God gives multiple chances for salvation and grace is the opportunity to be saved.

3.2 The passage in Hebrews 6:4-6 suggests that if someone were to lose their faith, it would be impossible for them to regain it, contradicting the belief that it can be regained later, and it is important to consider the context of the passage when interpreting it.

3.3 Hebrews 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26 are often cited as verses that suggest one can lose their salvation, but the speaker argues that these verses need to be understood in the context of the book of Hebrews, which was written to Jews, and that they do not necessarily apply to Gentile believers today.

3.4 If you believe in the sacrifice of Christ for salvation, there is no need for him to sacrifice himself again, and those who claim you can lose your salvation by sinning do not understand that it would mean you can never be saved again.

3.5 Check the context of troubling verses, such as Hebrews chapter 10, to understand the speaker’s intended meaning.

  1. πŸ“œ The early apostles and disciples believed Jesus would return soon, but as time passed, they realized their understanding of the future was incorrect, leading Paul to write the book of Hebrews to warn Jews about the consequences of following the Antichrist during the Tribulation Period.

4.1 Jesus offered salvation to the Jews, but they rejected him, so God turned to the Gentiles, and now, at the end of the church age, we see that the church age has lasted for about 2,000 years.

4.2 The early apostles were waiting for Jesus to come back and rule in his Millennial Kingdom, unaware that it would take 2,000 years for this to happen.

4.3 The early disciples believed that Jesus would return soon, but as time passed, they realized that the prophecy of Daniel indicated a longer wait before his return.

4.4 The early church, consisting of Jews, believed that Jesus would return after seven years and establish his Millennial Kingdom, unaware of the concepts of the rapture and the extended period of tribulation.

4.5 The early apostles believed that Jesus would come back soon, but as time passed without his return, they realized their understanding of the future was incorrect.

4.6 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to warn Jews that they could lose their salvation if they chose to follow the Antichrist instead of Jesus during the Tribulation Period.

  1. πŸ“š Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to warn Jews about the possibility of losing their salvation in the tribulation if they follow the Antichrist, and it also has a future application for Jews after the rapture who will read the book to understand Jesus as the Christ.

5.1 The Jews initially believed that Armageddon and the establishment of Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom would happen in their lifetime, but as time went on, they realized that God had revealed to Paul certain mysteries, including the concept of eternal security in Christ for believers.

5.2 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to warn Jews about the possibility of losing their salvation in the tribulation if they choose to follow the Antichrist, and it also has a future application for Jews after the rapture who will read the book to understand how Jesus was the Christ.

5.3 In the Tribulation Period, Jews in Israel will find hidden King James Bibles under rocks, which will provide them with the necessary doctrine to understand Jesus Christ and become relevant again.

5.4 A YouTube video discusses a person who believes that God is done with the Jews, but recent events, such as Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, fulfill Bible prophecy.

5.5 Israel became a nation in 1947 when it was declared by the United Nations, but they officially declared themselves a nation in 1948, and the Bible counts the date from the commandment to go forth, so it is not wrong to say that Israel became a nation in either year.

5.6 Attacking Robert Breaker is meaningless because even the President of the United States agrees with him, so instead of attacking, focus on teaching the Bible to others.

  1. πŸ“œ Christians should continue to gather together and encourage one another as the Day of Armageddon approaches, and Jews in the Tribulation Period should trust in Jesus as their Messiah and not turn away, as there will be no more sacrifice for sins if they willfully turn to the Antichrist.

6.1 Hebrews 6:4-6 discusses the idea that if you lose your salvation, it is impossible to be saved again, but this is specifically addressed to Jews in the early part of the book of Acts, not to the church age.

6.2 Christians should continue to gather together and encourage one another, especially as the Day of Armageddon approaches, and those who sin willfully during the tribulation period will face judgment and fiery indignation.

6.3 The book of Hebrews was written to Hebrews in the early part of the church age who were still expecting Jesus to come back soon at Armageddon, not realizing that the rapture would come before the tribulation, and the transcript discusses how the nation of Israel, still thinking they are under the law of Moses, has not accepted the blood of Christ.

6.4 Paul is encouraging Jews in the Tribulation Period to trust in Jesus as their Messiah and not turn away, as there will be no more sacrifice for sins if they willfully turn to the Antichrist, and he emphasizes that it is impossible to renew their repentance if they fall away.

6.5 The speaker explains that in Hebrews 6:4-6, it is impossible for those who were once enlightened to lose their salvation in the church age, as Paul’s other epistles affirm that once saved, always saved.

6.6 It is impossible for Jews who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.

  1. πŸ“– In the tribulation, receiving the Holy Spirit and then taking the mark of the beast makes it impossible to be saved again, but for believers today, once saved, they are eternally secure in Christ.

7.1 In the early book of Acts, some people received the Holy Spirit and got saved, but today when we receive the Holy Spirit, we are sealed with it and cannot lose it.

7.2 In the tribulation, if you receive the Holy Spirit, you can lose it, as stated in Ephesians 1:13, and if the Jews who have tasted the powers of the world to come fall away, they cannot be renewed unto repentance.

7.3 If a Jew in the tribulation receives the Holy Spirit but then takes the mark of the beast, it would be impossible for them to be saved again, as explained in Hebrews 6:4-6.

7.4 In the context of the tribulation, one can lose their salvation if they do not endure to the end, but for believers today, once saved, they are eternally secure in Christ.

7.5 If you miss the rapture and are not saved, the only way to get to heaven is to refuse the mark of the beast and be willing to die for Jesus, as those who don’t take the mark have their heads chopped off according to the book of Revelation.

7.6 Many people believe that the easiest and least painful way to die is by having their head cleanly chopped off, as it would instantly sever all nerves and provide an instant ticket to heaven.

  1. πŸ”₯ Those who reject Jesus and take the mark of the beast will lose their salvation, with the exception of possibly those who do not have the mark, as discussed in Hebrews 6:4-6 and other verses on eternal security.

8.1 Those who reject Jesus and choose allegiance to the Antichrist by taking the mark of the beast will lose their salvation, as described in Revelation chapter 13, and the presence of AI robots resembling humans may be connected to this concept.

8.2 The speaker discusses the possibility that the RFID chip and Obamacare could be connected to the Antichrist, suggesting that the mark of the beast mentioned in the Bible may be related to these concepts.

8.3 The Bible predicts the coming of the Antichrist and warns that those who take his mark will be condemned to hell, with the speaker suggesting that the law called Obamacare aligns with this mark.

8.4 If you miss the rapture, you have a choice to either die for Jesus and go to heaven or take the mark of the beast and go to hell, and while it is said to be impossible to be saved after taking the mark, there is a possible exception mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 5:30.

8.5 The speaker discusses the concept of salvation and the impossibility of bringing back those who have fallen away in the tribulation, with the exception of possibly those who do not have the mark of the beast.

8.6 The speaker discusses the interpretation of Hebrews 6:4-6, stating that it is impossible to lose salvation and get it back, but suggests that in the context of the Tribulation Period, choosing the mark of the beast damns a person, and mentions other verses on eternal security in Paul’s writings.

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