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Hebrews 8:5 to 6: Robert Breaker


The importance of understanding and trusting in Jesus’ actions for salvation

πŸ™ Believing in who Jesus is alone is not enough for salvation; we must also trust in what Jesus did for us.

πŸ“– The importance of believing in Jesus goes beyond just acknowledging his name, as true belief involves recognizing him as the Son of God and finding life through him.

πŸ’­ The early apostles preached salvation through believing in the name of Jesus, while Paul emphasized salvation through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

πŸ“– Paul’s message focuses on what Jesus did, rather than just who Jesus is, highlighting the significance of Jesus’ actions in justifying and forgiving us.

πŸ“– The message of the gospel is not just believing that Jesus is the Christ, but also understanding and trusting in the blood atonement through his death, burial, and resurrection.

πŸ™ “He’s not going around telling people believe Jesus is the Christ believe in his name. He’s saying this is what Jesus did for you now believe in that trust what Jesus did.”

πŸ“– Paul includes both the message preached by the early apostles and the revelations given to him by God, highlighting the significance of both the “who” (Jesus) and the “what” (his redemptive work) in salvation.

🌍 Jesus’ death as the sin sacrifice allows us to receive the promise of eternal inheritance and be joined with Christ through faith.

πŸ’‰ The key to salvation is not just believing in who Jesus is, but also in what he did – his sacrifice for our sins.

The fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible

🌱 The prophecy in Genesis 3:15 challenges traditional understanding by referring to Jesus as “her seed,” highlighting the miraculous birth and divine nature of Christ.

⏳ God gave the prophet Daniel a specific timeline of 490 years for the arrival of the promised seed, referring to the coming of Christ.

⏳ The fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible, such as the timing of Jesus’ arrival and crucifixion, demonstrates the prophetic nature of God’s Word.

πŸ’‘ The belief in Jesus as the Messiah was based on the fulfillment of prophecies, such as those found in the Book of Daniel.

The significance of Jesus’ sacrifice for salvation

πŸ’‘ The book of Hebrews goes beyond just explaining who Jesus is, but also delves into the importance of understanding what Jesus did for our salvation, emphasizing the significance of trusting in His sacrifice.

πŸ“š The book of Hebrews was likely written by Paul during a transition period, with the last chapter added towards the end of his ministry to emphasize the importance of knowing who Jesus is and what he did for both Jews and Gentiles.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that salvation comes through trusting in Jesus’ sacrifice and shedding of his blood, and it is important to have faith in his atonement for salvation.

  1. πŸ“š The early apostles had a different understanding of the Bible and the timeline of events, leading to a shift in their understanding of Jesus’ return.

1.1 Continuing the verse-by-verse study of the book of Hebrews, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding a key concept in chapter 8 and how it relates to Paul’s message in the book.

1.2 The speaker apologizes for sounding sick due to a cold but still wants to deliver the message and asks for prayers.

1.3 The early apostles saw the Bible differently than how it is seen today, as they were going through a transition period where God’s focus shifted from Jews to Gentiles, and Jesus’ ministry was initially intended for Jews but was rejected, leading to a change in approach.

1.4 The early Jews and the early church had different views on the timeline of events, with the early church expecting the soon return of Jesus Christ and the Jews having a different understanding of the calendar.

1.5 Jesus told his Jewish disciples that he would go away and return for them, and after his resurrection, he instructed them to preach to Israel.

1.6 Early Jews believed that Jesus would return within their lifetime, but as time passed and various interpretations were disproven, it became clear that Jesus would not come back in their lifetime, leading to a shift in understanding among the Apostles.

  1. πŸ“š The book of Hebrews, written by Paul, reveals the importance of understanding Jesus’ identity and actions for both Jews and Gentiles, emphasizing that salvation comes through trusting in his sacrifice and shedding of his blood.

2.1 There will be a rapture and tribulation, and God revealed this to the Apostle Paul, who initially viewed it differently but later understood that both Jews and Gentiles in the church would be raptured before the tribulation.

2.2 Paul’s understanding of the body of Christ, composed of both Jews and Gentiles, was revealed to him by God and is reflected in the book of Hebrews, which he likely wrote between chapters 9 and 13 of the book of Acts.

2.3 There were two distinct messages of salvation during that time, one focused on who Jesus is for Jews and the other on what Jesus did for Gentiles, as seen in the book of Hebrews.

2.4 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of understanding who Jesus is and what he did for us, as we are saved not just by believing in Jesus but by trusting in his sacrifice and shedding of his blood.

2.5 The speaker explains that the book of Hebrews was written by Paul to warn the Jews about Jesus’ imminent return and the establishment of his Millennial Kingdom, and that the book also serves to inform the Gentiles about Jesus’ identity and actions.

2.6 The book of Hebrews has a twofold message of who Jesus is and what Jesus did, with the emphasis shifting from Jesus’ identity to his actions in the gospel, which is what saves us today.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the first promise in the Bible, and the prophecies in the Bible reveal that he is the Messiah who will come again.

3.1 The first promise in the Bible, found in Genesis 3:15, states that Jesus Christ, born of a woman without an earthly father, is the miraculous fulfillment of this prophecy and proves that he is God.

3.2 From the beginning of time, there has been a promise of a seed that would come through Abraham and Israel, and the Jews were waiting for this promised seed, known as the Messiah or Christ, to appear.

3.3 The Bible contains prophecies and God gave the prophet Daniel a timeline of events, including the arrival of the promised seed, Christ, within 490 years.

3.4 From the commandment to restore Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah, there would be 483 years, and the last seven-year period is seen as the tribulation, fulfilling the prophecy in God’s Word.

3.5 Jesus Christ is the Messiah and people in the Old Testament knew when he would come, so it is possible to know when he will come again if we study the prophecies in the Bible.

3.6 In heaven, those who are saved will easily understand things that may have been difficult for them on Earth.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus was prophesied in the Book of Daniel and his arrival was expected by the early Jews, as seen in John chapter one when the Jews sent priests and Levites to ask John the Baptist who he was, fulfilling the prophecy of being the voice in the wilderness, and leaving no excuse to reject Jesus.

4.1 Jesus was prophesied in the Book of Daniel and his arrival was expected by the early Jews, as seen in John chapter one when the Jews sent priests and Levites to ask John the Baptist who he was.

4.2 John the Baptist, though not the Christ, was sent to point Israel to their Messiah and fulfill the prophecy of being the voice in the wilderness.

4.3 A man finds Jesus and tells others that he believes Jesus is the Messiah, and they all understand and believe because of the prophecy of Daniel, leaving no excuse to reject Jesus.

4.4 Levitical priests killed Jesus because they didn’t want to lose their job, as stated in John 4:25-26.

4.5 Messiah is coming and the Jews, known for their counting skills, would have kept track of the days of the prophecy.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus proclaimed himself as God and the Messiah, emphasizing the importance of believing in him, while the early apostles preached salvation through believing in his name and Paul emphasized salvation through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

5.1 Jesus is proclaiming himself as God and the Messiah, emphasizing the importance of believing in him, which was the message preached during his ministry and by the Jews at that time.

5.2 Understanding the difference between who Jesus is and what Jesus did for us is crucial for correctly interpreting the Bible and salvation.

5.3 The message of John and the importance of believing in the name of Jesus is emphasized throughout the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as it is stated that those who endure to the end and suffer for his name will be saved.

5.4 Believing in the name of Jesus means believing that he is God and the promised Messiah, but salvation comes from trusting in what Jesus did for us, not just believing in his name.

5.5 The early apostles preached salvation through believing in the name of Jesus, while Paul emphasized salvation through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

5.6 The early Pharisees and demons hated the name of Jesus, but the disciples were commanded to believe in and speak in his name for the remission of sins.

  1. πŸ’‘ Believing in Jesus is not enough for salvation; one must also trust in his blood atonement and be justified by faith, not by following the law.

6.1 Paul preaches in the book of Acts that through Jesus, forgiveness of sins and justification are obtained, emphasizing the importance of Jesus’ blood atonement for salvation.

6.2 The early apostles had a different understanding of the church age and thought they would be in the tribulation, but Paul later revealed that the body of Christ is made up of both Jews and Gentiles and that the gospel is about trusting in what Jesus did, not just believing who he is.

6.3 Believing in the gospel means solely trusting in what Jesus did, specifically his death for our sins through blood atonement, as the message of salvation according to the scriptures.

6.4 Believing in who Jesus is not enough for salvation, one must also trust in what Jesus did for them, as stated in Romans 5:1-2, emphasizing the importance of Jesus’ death and the need to believe in and trust in his actions for salvation.

6.5 To obtain salvation, it is not enough to simply believe in Jesus, but one must also trust in the atonement of Christ through faith in his blood.

6.6 Believing in Jesus is not enough for salvation; one must also trust in his blood atonement and be justified by faith, not by following the law.

  1. πŸ“š The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of trusting in Jesus’ blood atonement for salvation, understanding that it is not solely based on believing in Jesus but also accepting and having faith in what he did for us.

7.1 The book of Hebrews is written to Jews about who Jesus is and what he did, emphasizing the importance of trusting in his blood atonement for salvation.

7.2 Jesus came to die as the sin sacrifice for the world, and through his blood, he purges our conscience from dead works and allows us to receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

7.3 Jesus is the sacrifice for our sins and by trusting in his blood atonement, we are saved, emphasizing the importance of believing in what Jesus did rather than just who he is.

7.4 Understanding the book of Hebrews requires recognizing that salvation is not solely based on believing in Jesus, but also accepting and having faith in what Jesus did for us.

7.5 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to remind Jews of the need to believe in Jesus and wait for his return during the tribulation, emphasizing the importance of trusting in what Jesus did for them rather than solely focusing on who Jesus is.

7.6 The book of Hebrews can be confusing because it seems to contradict the idea of eternal security, but the speaker explains that the author, Paul, did not yet know about eternal security when he wrote to the Jews, which is why it may seem different from his other epistles.

  1. πŸ“œ The speaker discusses the importance of enduring chastening and remaining faithful to God, emphasizing the tribulation for Jews and the importance of faith and the blood of Jesus in saving believers, while also explaining the sequence of events in the future.

8.1 The speaker discusses the importance of enduring chastening and remaining faithful to God, emphasizing that the Jews may go through the tribulation before Jesus returns to rule over them in the Millennial Kingdom.

8.2 The book of Hebrews was written during a time when there were questions about the future, specifically regarding the tribulation, and it addresses the idea that salvation can be lost, but it also emphasizes the importance of faith and the blood of Jesus in saving believers.

8.3 If someone sins willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sins, and taking the mark of the beast damns a person, but the church age allows for the rapture to save believers from the tribulation, while the Jews will face temptation, and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

8.4 Paul’s ministry shifted from preaching to Jews to preaching eternal security for the church age, with the book of Hebrews serving as a message to Jews about Jesus and the tribulation, but its doctrine does not apply to the church today.

8.5 The book of Hebrews, written by Paul to Jews in the early part of the book of Acts, emphasizes that Jesus is the mediator of a better Testament and reveals the early apostles’ view of salvation and the shift towards saving Gentiles.

8.6 The speaker explains the sequence of events in the future, including the rapture, tribulation, and Millennial Kingdom.

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