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Hebrews 11:7 to 19: Robert Breaker


The Significance of Jesus’ Sacrifice and Salvation

💭 The book of Hebrews focuses on the message of who Jesus is and what he did, emphasizing the blood atonement for our sins.

📚 Deep study of the scriptures can lead to interesting and potentially controversial findings.

👑 The speaker emphasizes that believers are heirs with Christ, highlighting the significance of their relationship with Him.

😇 The suffering we experience as Christians in this world is incomparable to the glory that will be revealed in us.

🌟 The birth of a child to a 90-year-old woman is considered a miracle, showcasing God’s power and defying scientific possibilities.

😮 The story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac is a foreshadowing of God the Father sending his only begotten Son, Jesus, into the world to die for our sins.

📖 According to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, salvation is obtained through faith in the gospel, specifically in the blood atonement of Christ and his death, burial, and resurrection.

Examples of Unwavering Trust in God’s Promises

🚢 Noah’s faith in building the ark for 120 years, despite the incredulous task, is a powerful example of unwavering belief in God’s word.

🌍 As believers, we spiritually become part of Abraham’s seed and will rule and reign with Jesus in the land of Israel during the Millennium.

🚢 Noah’s faith in building the ark condemned the world and made him an heir of righteousness.

🙏 Abraham’s faith was unparalleled, as he believed in God’s promises even when they seemed impossible to fulfill.

🤔 Abraham’s belief in God’s promise, despite his old age and seemingly impossible circumstances, challenges the limits of human understanding and requires a great deal of faith.

🙏 Abraham’s faith in God’s promise was so strong that he waited 100 years for it to come true, showing incredible patience and trust.

The Importance of Faith and Belief

🙏 According to Paul, without faith, it is impossible to please God and receive salvation.

📖 The Word of God is emphasized as the source of faith and understanding, as it frames the worlds and is the means by which faith comes through hearing.

🌾 The Word of the Lord endures forever, unlike the fleeting glory of man.

🙏 The importance of faith is emphasized, as without it, it is impossible to please God and receive His blessings.


TLDR: Salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ’s blood atonement, as illustrated by various Old Testament examples, emphasizing the importance of the Word of God.

  1. 📖 Salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ’s blood atonement, as illustrated by various Old Testament examples, emphasizing the importance of the Word of God.

1.1 The book of Hebrews discusses the importance of faith, with the early teachings focusing on who Jesus was and the later teachings emphasizing what Jesus did, particularly his blood atonement for our sins.

1.2 The book of Hebrews emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus as the Messiah and the sacrifice for sins, highlighting that salvation is obtained through trusting in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ.

1.3 The chapter of Hebrews 11 emphasizes the importance of faith and the Word of God, as Paul references various individuals from the Old Testament to illustrate this point.

1.4 Our faith is based on the Word of God, which is the Bible, and through it, we can understand and believe in the blood of Christ, as seen in the example of Abel mentioned in verse 4.

1.5 Abel understood that salvation required a blood sacrifice, while Enoch serves as an example of someone who was raptured without dying, highlighting the importance of faith in the blood atonement and the anticipation of the future rapture.

1.6 The speaker believes that the King James Bible is the infallible and perfect Word of God, and that it is better to read the English translation rather than the original Hebrew or Greek.

  1. 📖 Noah faithfully built an ark as a symbol of the rapture, while the story of Joseph serves as a type of both Christ and the Antichrist.

2.1 The speaker discusses the stories of Noah, Abraham, and Moses in the book of Hebrews, emphasizing the importance of trusting in the blood atonement for the rapture.

2.2 Noah was instructed by God to build an ark, which is seen as a symbol of the rapture, and he faithfully spent 120 years constructing it.

2.3 There are signs and scriptures that suggest the rapture could happen in 2018 or before 2033, based on the Gentile and lunar calendars, and the story of Noah is mentioned as an example of faith.

2.4 Noah inherited the world after everyone drowned in a flood, making him a great example of faith.

2.5 The Old Testament stories in the Bible serve as types of future prophetic events and are not boring to read, as they contain valuable information and insights.

2.6 Joseph is not only a type of Christ, but also a type of the Antichrist, as he ruled for seven years, showing similarities to the Antichrist’s rule.

  1. 📖 Noah’s story in Hebrews 11:7 teaches the importance of faith and preparation for both Jews and Christians, with a double application to the church age and the tribulation period.

3.1 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to the Jews, encouraging them to believe in Jesus, but as Gentiles, we can only take some lessons from it as our salvation is secure according to Paul’s other epistles.

3.2 If you take the mark of the beast during the tribulation, there is no more sacrifice for your sins and you cannot be saved.

3.3 Noah’s story in Hebrews can be seen as a double application, representing both the church age and the Jews being delivered from God’s wrath in the tribulation, as seen in Revelation chapter 12.

3.4 During the tribulation period, Israel is protected by God for three and a half years, but Satan tries to harm them by causing a flood.

3.5 Noah’s story in Hebrews 11:7 teaches that both Jews and Christians need to be prepared for the future and have faith in God.

3.6 The speaker discusses the concept of becoming an heir and how it relates to inheriting the land of the world.

  1. 🌈 Christians and Jews are saved from judgment and the devil through faith, becoming heirs of righteousness and receiving eternal life, secure in Christ, with the opportunity to rule and reign with Him in the Millennial Kingdom.

4.1 Noah is seen as a type of both Christians being delivered from judgment and Jews being saved from the devil and the wrath of God in the future.

4.2 We become heirs of righteousness through faith, as discussed in Hebrews 11:7 and further explained in Galatians 3:26-29.

4.3 We become heirs of the promise God made to Abraham, receiving eternal life through faith and remaining saved once we are justified by His grace.

4.4 Once saved through faith in the blood of Christ, believers have eternal life and are secure in Christ, as the second death (hell) has no power over them.

4.5 When we get saved, we become heirs with Christ, receiving eternal life and the opportunity to rule and reign with him in the Millennial Kingdom, fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham.

4.6 We will receive a glorified body and return to reign with Christ in the Millennium, which is exciting to know that we will come back to this earth and reign with Jesus.

  1. 🌟 As believers, we become joint heirs with Christ, inheriting the promises made to Abraham, and receiving the righteousness of God through faith in Christ.

5.1 Noah’s fear serves as a double application of the teaching, but as Christians, we have received the spirit of adoption and are children of God.

5.2 Suffering as a Christian is incomparable to the future glory we will experience with our glorified bodies, as the whole creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God, and while we currently groan and wait for the redemption of our bodies, we are encouraged to patiently hope for it.

5.3 We, as believers, become joint heirs with Christ and inherit the promises made to Abraham, including eternal life and the land promised to him, due to our salvation and being counted in the seed of Abraham.

5.4 Noah and Abraham became heirs of righteousness through faith, and as believers, we also become heirs to what God promised Abraham through faith in Christ, receiving the righteousness of God.

5.5 Abraham is highlighted in Hebrews chapter 11 as the greatest example of faith, as he believed and obeyed God’s promises despite not knowing where he was going.

5.6 Abraham and his heirs dwelled in the land of promise, looking for a city built by God, and Sarah had faith and gave birth to Isaac.

  1. 🙏 Abraham, the ultimate example of faith, obeyed God’s command to leave everything behind and go to a specific land, trusting in God’s promise of numerous descendants and a blessed inheritance.

6.1 Believers in Hebrews 11:7-19 embrace their identity as strangers and pilgrims on earth, eagerly desiring their heavenly home and the promise of a better country, where God has prepared a city for them.

6.2 Abraham is portrayed as the ultimate example of faith in the Bible, particularly to the Hebrews, as he left his inheritance and obeyed God’s commands.

6.3 God tells Abraham to leave everything behind and go to a specific land, promising to make him the father of many nations and bless him.

6.4 God promised Abraham that he would give him the land and make his descendants as numerous as the dust, and Abraham believed and obeyed God’s command.

6.5 Abraham had faith in God’s promise to give him many descendants and a land, and God made a covenant with him.

6.6 Abraham had immense faith to believe God’s promise of having numerous descendants, despite his old age and the inability to count the stars, because he trusted in God’s truthful Word.

  1. 🙏 Abraham and Sarah, despite their old age, believed in God’s promise to give them a child, and their faith was demonstrated through the miraculous birth of their son Isaac and Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice him.

7.1 God promised Abraham that he would give him and his descendants everything, even though Abraham was old and unsure if he had any descendants left, but Abraham believed God and it was all about faith.

7.2 God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah, promising them that they will have a child and become the parents of many nations.

7.3 Abraham and Sarah, despite their old age, believed in God’s promise to give them a child, and they were blessed with a son named Isaac, whose name means laughter, as a reminder of their initial disbelief.

7.4 A miraculous birth occurred when a 90-year-old woman gave birth without a father, just as God did with the birth of Jesus Christ.

7.5 Abraham’s strong faith in God’s promise was demonstrated by waiting 100 years for a child, and then being willing to sacrifice that child when God commanded it.

7.6 Abraham’s faith in God’s promise was so strong that he was willing to sacrifice his only son, believing that God would raise him from the dead to fulfill his promise, serving as a type of the gospel.

  1. 📜 The speaker emphasizes that salvation is achieved through faith in the gospel, specifically in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and uses the story of Abraham in Hebrews 11 to point out Jesus as the only begotten of the Father who rose from the dead.

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