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The 2 End Times Judgments Explained: Jimmy Evans


Salvation and Eternal Life

🌟 Eternity and salvation are not exclusive to a select few, but are accessible to anyone who acknowledges Jesus’ lordship and invites him into their heart.

πŸ’– Jesus adores every person so much that he was willing to die for their sins, offering grace and forgiveness.

πŸ™ “Never be a person in eternity being punished that needs to be there. It’s all avoidable and people who understand and accept this.”

πŸ’” The fallen system we live in, filled with sin and evil powers, makes believers yearn for Jesus’ coming and the opportunity to lead others to Christ before that happens.

πŸ’” “There’s no sin that you’ve committed that God won’t forgive.”

⭐ The greatest reward is being a part of another person coming to Christ, as leading others to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.

πŸ˜‡ There is no bad place in heaven and no good place in hell, emphasizing that the Judgment seat of Christ is not about punishment but about revealing the nature of our lives.

❀️ God’s love for us is demonstrated through the death of Jesus, and receiving Jesus as the Lord of our lives is the key to living in eternity with Him.

πŸ™ The simple act of repentance and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior can change your eternity and guarantee a place in heaven.

Judgment and Accountability

πŸ’€ “But then at the final judgment all the dead will be resurrected okay. So there’s going to be a resurrection of the Dead every person and there’s going to be an eternal judgment.”

πŸ’¬ “For Every Idle Word men may speak they will give account of it in the day of judgment for by your words. You’ll be justified and by your words you’ll be condemned.” – Jesus emphasizes the importance of our words and the accountability we have for them in the day of judgment.

πŸ’¬ Jesus emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our words, as they have a lasting impact and we will be held accountable for them in judgment.

βš–οΈ There are two different kinds of judgment: one for believers and one for unbelievers, with the Judgment of Believers taking place at the Judgment seat of Christ where no one goes to hell.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that every person, believer or unbeliever, will face eternal judgment before Jesus, emphasizing the need for individuals to recognize this reality and prepare for the end times.

  1. πŸ”‘ Every person, believer or unbeliever, will face eternal judgment before Jesus, emphasizing the need for wise individuals to recognize this reality and prepare for the end times.

1.1 Jesus will return and every person, believer or unbeliever, will face eternal judgment before him, as promised in the Bible.

1.2 The speaker discusses the importance of eternal judgment and how every person will eventually stand before God for judgment, emphasizing the need for wise individuals to recognize this reality.

1.3 Prepare for the end times because it will happen whether you are ready or not.

1.4 After death comes judgment, but those who are part of the Rapture will not experience death and will face a separate judgment, as Christ’s sacrifice allows for the avoidance of eternal punishment through Grace.

1.5 Jesus bore the sins of the world and offers eternal life to anyone who acknowledges his lordship and invites him into their heart.

1.6 The speaker shares their personal experience of finding fulfillment and accepting Jesus, emphasizing that God’s love and grace are available to all.

  1. πŸ’€ People who live in sin fear facing eternal judgment before Jesus, but believers should be mindful of their words and repent for their sins as every word spoken is recorded and will be recalled in judgment.

2.1 We eagerly wait for Jesus, but some people dread his return.

2.2 People who live their lives in sin fear facing eternal judgment before Jesus, as sin leads to death and Satan overpromises and underdelivers.

2.3 Jesus fulfills his promises and one of those promises is that he will come again, resulting in a resurrection of the dead and an eternal judgment for every person.

2.4 Jesus said that every idle word spoken will be accounted for in the day of judgment, so Christians should be mindful of their words and avoid vulgar, hateful, gossiping, slanderous, complaining, grumbling, lying, and deceptive speech.

2.5 Every word you speak is being recorded, according to Jesus.

2.6 Believers should repent and ask for forgiveness for their sins, as every word spoken is recorded and will be recalled in judgment.

  1. πŸ“œ Believers will be judged at the Judgment seat of Christ, receiving a crown of righteousness, and all will stand before this judgment to give an account of themselves, aiming to please God in preparation.

3.1 Believers will receive a crown of righteousness from the righteous judge on the day of his appearing, and this is good news for unbelievers who can change by receiving Jesus.

3.2 Believers will be judged at the Judgment seat of Christ, but no one goes to hell from this judgment, and those who receive the crown of righteousness will be known in heaven.

3.3 We will all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and give an account of ourselves, whether good or bad, as believers.

3.4 Preparing for judgment means aiming to please God, just like studying for a test or working hard to meet a deadline at work.

  1. πŸ”‘ Live a life that pleases God, understanding the consequences of our actions, and have a reverential fear of the Lord, as repentance and forgiveness are available for all.

4.1 Prepare for the end times and live a life that pleases and honors God, understanding that our actions have consequences, while having a reverential awe and fear of the Lord.

4.2 Taking someone’s wallet with money and returning it is an example of the fear of the Lord, while taking the money for oneself is not.

4.3 The fear of the Lord is important because when we do good deeds, we should be discreet and humble about it, and it will be rewarded.

4.4 Repentance allows God to remove our sins, no matter how grave, and forgiveness is available for all.

  1. πŸ“š The speaker invites people to join a trip to Israel to learn about the end times, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for judgment before Jesus, where one’s work will be tested and rewarded or burned and suffered loss but still be saved, if you are unashamed of Jesus, gracious, loving, and do not bow to persecution, striving to lead others to Christ and set a good example through acts of kindness and service.

5.1 The speaker invites people to join an upcoming trip to Israel where they will visit different sites and learn about the end times, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for judgment before Jesus.

5.2 The Judgment seat of Christ is a judgment of rewards where one’s work will be tested by fire, and those whose work endures will receive a reward while those whose work is burned will suffer loss but still be saved.

5.3 You are unashamed of Jesus, gracious, loving, and do not bow to persecution, striving to lead others to Christ and set a good example through acts of kindness and service.

  1. πŸ“š Christians will be judged at the return of Jesus based on their actions and works, so it is important to serve and help others in order to receive rewards in heaven.

6.1 Laying up treasures in heaven involves giving financially and serving the Lord by leading others to Christ, which is the greatest reward one can have.

6.2 Everyone who supports and helps others, whether through preaching, serving in the nursery, or other ways, will receive the same reward in heaven.

6.3 At the Judgment seat of Christ, our selfish and temporal actions will be burned up and not endure the Judgment, but there is no bad place in heaven and no good place in hell.

6.4 Christians who do not do much for the Lord, such as giving, serving, and helping others, will still go to heaven but will face consequences at the Judgment seat of Christ for their actions.

6.5 The Judgment seat of Christ occurs at the return of Jesus, specifically at the Rapture, and those who do not follow his Commandments will be judged.

6.6 We are saved by grace, but on the day of judgment, we will be judged according to our works, so we need to be careful about our actions and words as we have an appointment with Jesus.

  1. πŸ”₯ Believers will be held accountable by God without any lies or bargaining, there are two judgments in the end times: one for rewards and one for degrees of hell, and everyone goes to hell at the Great White Throne Judgment unless they receive Jesus as their Lord.

7.1 On the day of judgment, there will be no social media, popularity, or support, and believers will be held accountable by God without any lies or bargaining.

7.2 There will be a judgment where some people will receive rewards for living their lives for Jesus and others will have things burnt off.

7.3 There are two judgments in the end times: one is a judgment of rewards based on our lives, and the other is a judgment of degrees of hell, with Jesus stating that it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for Capernaum and Bethsaida.

7.4 There will be an individual judgment for every unbeliever, and at the Great White Throne Judgment, everyone goes to hell, but God loves us and wants us to receive Jesus as the Lord of our lives and live in the fear of God.

  1. πŸ“– Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior ensures you have the Judgment seat of Christ instead of the great white Throne judgment, so repent, live for the Lord, and share this message with others.

8.1 I am not in control of my own life, but rather I am a follower of God and eagerly await his return.

8.2 Accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior through a simple prayer changes your eternity, ensuring you go to heaven and have the Judgment seat of Christ instead of the great white Throne judgment, and it is important to share this with others and take the first steps in your new life in Christ.

8.3 It is a loving wake-up call to live for the Lord, repent, and be delivered from addiction, as this generation needs to live for Jesus Christ.


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