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The Ultimate End Times Timeline: Jimmy Evans


🌍 Why have the Jews always been hated? – Exploring the historical and ongoing issue of anti-Semitism, shedding light on a deeply rooted prejudice.

πŸ’« The resurrection of the Dead in Christ and the Rapture is the next main prophetic event that’s going to happen in the world, and nothing else has to happen for the Rapture to occur.

βš”οΈ “In righteousness he judges and makes War.” – The idea of Jesus engaging in war during the second coming challenges traditional perceptions and raises questions about the nature of his role in the end times.

🌍 The stark contrast between the glorious event happening in heaven during the marriage supper of the Lamb and the hell on Earth experienced by those going through the tribulation for seven years.

πŸ’¨ According to Second Thessalonians 2:8, the Lawless one (Antichrist) will be consumed and destroyed by the breath and brightness of Jesus’ coming, highlighting the overwhelming power of Jesus over the Antichrist.

πŸ˜‡ The great white Throne judgment is the next event, where everyone present will be sent to hell for their rejection of God.

🌟 “We may be surprised by the incredible rewards that await us in heaven for the small acts of kindness and encouragement we do here on earth.”

πŸ’« When Jesus returns, believers will regain their authority and rule with Him during the Millennium and for all of eternity.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that our actions on Earth determine our authority in Heaven, and it is important to use our lives for God, be obedient to Jesus, and show kindness to others.

  1. πŸ“Ί The speaker discusses Iran’s involvement in a multi-front war with Israel, China’s recent deal with Iran and Saudi Arabia, and answers a question about God’s promise in the Book of Revelation, while also addressing how to relate to gay friends as a Christian and the historical presence of anti-Semitism towards Jews.

1.1 The speaker discusses Iran’s involvement in a multi-front war with Israel, China’s recent deal with Iran and Saudi Arabia, and answers a question about how God’s promise to never destroy the world again fits within the Book of Revelation and the tribulation.

1.2 The speaker addresses how to relate to friends who are gay as a Christian and discusses the historical presence of anti-Semitism towards Jews.

  1. πŸ“… The next main prophetic event is the resurrection of the Dead in Christ and the Rapture, where the dead will rise and those who are alive will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, followed by the second coming of Jesus and the marriage supper of the Lamb, which are two separate events.

2.1 The resurrection of the Dead in Christ and the Rapture is the next main prophetic event that will happen, where the dead will rise and those who are alive will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

2.2 The second coming of Jesus and the marriage supper of the Lamb are two separate events, with the Rapture happening before the tribulation and the marriage supper taking place in heaven for seven years before returning with Jesus.

  1. πŸ“… Jesus will return for the second time after seven years of tribulation, with those who have been raptured experiencing a glorious event in heaven while those on Earth face hell, and then Jesus will return to Earth with his army to judge the nations.

3.1 The voice of a multitude declares that the Lord God reigns and the marriage of the Lamb has occurred, with the wife being prepared in fine linen for the second coming of Jesus.

3.2 Jesus, known as the word of God, will lead the armies of heaven, strike the nations with a sword, and rule them with a rod of iron as the king of kings and Lord of Wars.

3.3 Jesus will come for the second time, and after seven years of tribulation on Earth, those who have been raptured will have a glorious event in heaven while those on Earth will experience hell, and then Jesus will return to Earth with his army to judge the nations.

  1. πŸ”₯ Jesus defeats the false prophet and Antichrist, leading the church to rule over Earth and slaying those who oppose Israel and Jerusalem.

4.1 Jesus will defeat the false prophet and the Antichrist by throwing them into the Lake of Fire with a single breath, as stated in 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

4.2 Jesus leads the church out of Heaven with total authority to rule over the Earth, slaying those who came against Israel and Jerusalem, including the Antichrist and the false prophet, in the most incredible event imaginable.

  1. πŸ“… During the millennial rule of Christ, the devil is sealed for a thousand years, believers reign with Christ, and after the thousand years, the devil is released for a final battle; at the end of the Millennium, Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire, followed by the great white Throne judgment where the rejected go to hell; prepare for the coming of the Lord by joining a tour of Israel with Pastor Ed Young at

5.1 During the millennial rule of Christ, an angel captures and seals the devil for a thousand years, while those who were beheaded for their faith in Jesus reign with Christ, and after the thousand years, the devil is released to deceive the nations for a final battle.

5.2 The final chapter of this age is the end of the Millennium, where Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire, followed by the great white Throne judgment where all people who have been rejected go to hell.

5.3 Prepare for the coming of the Lord by joining a tour of Israel with Pastor Ed Young, where you can experience what God is doing right now and sign up at

  1. πŸ’‘ We will be judged and rewarded based on our works, as illustrated by the parable of the nobleman who rewarded those who gained more and punished the one who did not.

6.1 God is not a socialist, our treasures should be in heaven, and we will be judged and rewarded based on our works.

6.2 A nobleman goes away to receive a kingdom and gives his servants money to invest, rewarding those who gained more and punishing the one who did not.

  1. πŸ“œ Those who take their God-given responsibilities seriously will be rewarded, while those who reject them will face consequences.

7.1 Everyone is given something by God, and those who take it seriously will be rewarded, while those who reject it will face consequences.

7.2 The master rewards those who are faithful with their stewardship, while taking away from those who are untrustworthy.

  1. πŸ”‘ Our actions on Earth determine our authority in Heaven, so it is important to use our lives for God, be obedient to Jesus, and show kindness to others, as even small acts will be rewarded in heaven.

8.1 People who are rich and powerful but do not use their lives for God will not receive rewards, as even simple acts of kindness and using what God has given you for His purpose will be rewarded in judgment.

8.2 During the millennial rule, Jesus will reward individuals with authority based on how they used their talents, potentially giving someone like Billy Graham authority over the United States.

8.3 Our actions on Earth determine our authority in Heaven, where everyone will rule and reign with Jesus during the Millennium, but some will have more authority than others based on their earthly deeds.

8.4 No matter your wealth, status, or occupation, it is important to be obedient to Jesus by loving and being kind, forgiving, gracious, and generous to others, as even small acts of kindness will be rewarded in heaven.

8.5 When Jesus returns, we will regain our authority and rule with him during the Millennium and for eternity, so it is important to remember that despite the challenges and the presence of the Antichrist, our redemption is imminent and we will regain what was lost and more.

8.6 The speaker discusses the upcoming return of Jesus and our redemption, the significance of the China broker deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran’s attempts to stir up a multi-front war against Israel, and answers questions about how to deal with gay friends, all available in the subscriber portion of the Tipping Point show on

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