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The GREATEST End Times Lie: Jimmy Evans


πŸ˜‡ “The day is coming when Jesus returns that he is going to redeem us from the pain of this world.”

πŸ˜” The consequences of sin have resulted in immense pain and suffering for humanity, both emotionally and physically.

πŸ˜‡ “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying. There shall be no more pain for the former things that passed away.” – The promise of a future without suffering brings hope and comfort.

πŸ˜‡ We will experience an eternity of exquisite pleasures beyond our comprehension in the afterlife.

😈 Compared to the paradise Jesus is taking us to, the world is like a torture chamber and even the pleasures we experience here are nothing compared to what awaits us.

πŸ˜‡ Imagine being in the presence of God in Heaven, worshiping Him with a perfect voice and experiencing music that is a thousand times better than anything you’ve ever heard before.

🌌 Exploring a Galaxy 300 million light years away and experiencing unimaginable wonders for 30,000 years sounds like an incredibly fun and interesting adventure.

πŸ˜‡ According to Don Piper’s account of his near-death experience, Heaven is described as a place of indescribable beauty and sensory overload.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus will redeem humanity from the pain and suffering of this world, bringing eternal pleasure and joy in Heaven.

  1. πŸ” Jesus will redeem us from the pain of this world and bring back pleasure by redeeming our bodies.
  2. πŸ’‘ Humanity’s pain and suffering began with Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God, but Jesus will ultimately redeem us and bring an end to all pain for eternity.

2.1 God created Adam and Eve in a place of pleasure, but pain entered the human race when they rebelled against God, resulting in sorrow, pain in childbirth, and toil for both men and women.

2.2 The pain experienced by humanity since Adam and Eve’s rebellion, due to the consequences of sin, includes emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual suffering.

2.3 Jesus will redeem us from the pain of this world, and in the twinkling of an eye, we will never feel pain again for all of eternity.

  1. πŸ“– In the end times, there will be a new Heaven and Earth where God will dwell with his people, bringing an eternity of exquisite pleasures beyond our comprehension.

3.1 In Revelation 21, it is revealed that there will be a new Heaven and Earth where God will dwell with his people, wiping away all tears, death, sorrow, and pain.

3.2 In the end times, we will experience an eternity of exquisite pleasures beyond our comprehension, as described in scripture.

3.3 Paul recounts an experience where he was caught up to the third heaven and heard words that he cannot express.

3.4 When Jesus returns, we will go back to a paradise that is beautiful, comfortable, pleasurable, abundant, and safe, unlike the current world which is a torture chamber.

  1. 🌟 In Heaven, there are no negative consequences or boredom, only unimaginable joy and happiness in the presence of God, followed by a thrilling 14,000-year journey exploring a perfect Earth with loved ones.

4.1 Excessive eating leads to weight gain, excessive rest leads to laziness and failure, crossing sexual boundaries destroys marriages and families, staying in the sun too long leads to sunburn, and excessive spending leads to financial ruin, but none of these consequences apply in Heaven.

4.2 In heaven, there is no sin or negative consequences, everything is pleasurable and beyond our comprehension, and the idea of sitting on a cloud playing a harp is a misconception influenced by cartoons.

4.3 In Heaven, you are in the presence of God, experiencing unimaginable joy and happiness for eternity without ever getting tired or bored.

4.4 In God’s presence, you enjoy an eternal banquet in paradise with friends and family, followed by a family reunion and a thrilling 14,000-year journey exploring a perfect Earth without any dangers or negative experiences.

  1. πŸ“š Heaven is a place of indescribable beauty and joy, where you can meet Bible characters, watch their stories, worship God for millions of years, and experience heightened senses and no concept of time.

5.1 Exploring a distant galaxy with friends, experiencing unique and incredible sights, before returning home to meet the heroes of the Bible.

5.2 In the Hall of Pavilions, you can personally meet and spend time with various Bible characters, watch 3D movies of their stories, and stay there for forty thousand years.

5.3 You have a strong desire to be in God’s presence, worship Him, and are led by an angel to God’s throne where you receive personal love and affirmation for 100 years, then return to worship Him for seven million more years before joining friends at Evan’s banquet table.

5.4 Heaven is described as a place of indescribable beauty and joy, where the senses are heightened and time does not exist, according to a man who died and came back to life.

  1. πŸ”‘ Choosing Jesus Christ as our savior is the only way to remove the consequences of sin and go to heaven, as God gave humans free will and without consequences, there would be no distinction between good and evil.

6.1 God gave humans free will, but with that comes consequences, as seen in the rebellion of Adam and Eve and the resulting consequences in the world.

6.2 Without consequences for our choices, there would be no distinction between good and evil, resulting in a world of chaos and suffering.

6.3 The only way to remove the consequences of sin and go to heaven is to choose Jesus Christ as our savior, as he knocks on the door of our hearts but does not force himself upon us.

  1. πŸ”‘ God desires a family who willingly chooses to love him, and by accepting his grace and exercising our free will, we can avoid hell and experience eternal pleasure without pain.

7.1 Lucifer and a third of the angels rebelled against God in the first Eden, despite never experiencing a bad day or having a sin nature.

7.2 God created a perfect paradise with two perfect people, but they rebelled against him by eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

7.3 God wants a family who chooses to love him and be in heaven, without the possibility of rebellion, which is why he wants us to choose him and not force obedience.

7.4 Hell is avoidable if we accept God’s grace and understand that we have a free will, leading to a life of eternal pleasure and no more pain.

  1. πŸ’‘ Subscribe to for $7 a month or $77 a year to access the full program, articles, and videos.


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