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The Day Before Armageddon: Jimmy Evans


📖 The creation story in Genesis chapter 1 mirrors the end of this age, providing insight into the timeline of Jesus’ return.

⏳ From a prophetic perspective, we are not just living in the end times, but at the end of the end times, making it crucial for us to be prepared for the return of Jesus.

🌍 In the end times, God will gather all nations and enter into judgment with them on account of His people, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and divided up their land.

🌑 The occurrence of Four Blood Moons on Jewish holy days throughout history is seen as a significant sign for Israel.

🏛️ The Temple Mount is considered the center of Jerusalem, and there was a dramatic increase in activity on the Temple Mount during the period of the blood moons in 2014-15.

🌍 “Jesus returns and slays the armies of the world that have come against Jerusalem.”

🌍 The age of Grace is coming to an end, and it is crucial for people to take the opportunity to get saved before Armageddon.

🌍 Explore the sacred lands of Israel and walk in the footsteps of Jesus to build a deeper relationship with God.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the speaker believes we are in the end times and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for Jesus’ return as prophesied events are unfolding.

  1. 📺 The speaker discusses the prophetic state of the world and predictions about the condition of the world being fulfilled.
  2. 🔮 The speaker believes we are in the end times and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for Jesus’ return as prophesied events are unfolding.

2.1 The speaker believes that we are currently living at the end of the end times and that we should be prepared for the return of Jesus because the events prophesied in the Bible are happening.

2.2 The speaker discusses prophetic timelines and the possibility of measuring the current hour of the end times.

  1. 🌍 During the end times, the sun will be darkened, the moon will turn to blood, and all nations will be gathered for judgment, as discovered by a pastor studying Nasa and lunar eclipses.

3.1 In Joel chapter 2, it is stated that during the end times, the sun will be darkened and the moon will turn to blood, and God will gather all nations for judgment.

3.2 Mark Bilts, a pastor from Washington State, discovered the meaning of the blood moons by studying Nasa and the history of lunar eclipses.

  1. 🌙 Blood moons and solar eclipses are seen as signs for Israel and the world respectively, with significant occurrences in 1492-1493, 1949-1950, 1967-1968, and 2014-2015, aligning with historical events such as the expulsion of Jews from Spain and the establishment of Israel as a nation.

4.1 Blood moons, which are lunar eclipses, are believed to be a sign for Israel, while solar eclipses are seen as a sign for the world, and there have been four instances of four blood moons occurring on Jewish holy days in 1492-1493, 1949-1950, 1967-1968, and 2014-2015, making it a rare and significant occurrence.

4.2 God created the sun, moon, and stars to speak to us and in 1492 and 1493, the Jews were expelled from Spain and Christopher Columbus, a Jew, found America as a safe place for Jews to live, and in 1949 and 1950, Israel became a nation and in 1967, they took Jerusalem, fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy.

  1. 📅 Significant events related to holy people, land, and city occurred in 1968 and 2014-15, with blood moons symbolizing the gathering of God’s people and the Temple Mount being the center of Jerusalem, where kosher replicants will be present when the temple is built.

5.1 In 1968 and 2014-15, there were significant events related to the holy people, holy land, and holy city, with the blood moons representing the gathering of God’s people and the Temple Mount being the center of Jerusalem.

5.2 Kosher replicants will be in the temple when it’s built, and there is a lot of activity related to the Temple Mount in Israel.

  1. 🔥 Israel’s occupation of the West Bank may lead to an invasion and the loss of Jerusalem, potentially triggering Armageddon, but God will judge all nations during this time.

6.1 Joel predicts blood moons and the return of the captives of Judah and Jerusalem in 1948, leading to God’s judgment on the nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat where Jesus will return and defeat the armies of the world.

6.2 Israel has been referred to the international court of justice by the United Nations for occupying the West Bank, which may lead to an invasion and the ultimate goal of taking Jerusalem away from the Jews, resulting in Armageddon, but God will bring all nations into judgment during this time.

  1. 🔥 After the signs of the end times, the generation will witness the fulfillment of events, including Armageddon, which marks the end of the age of Grace and the opportunity for salvation, leading to billions getting saved during the seven years of tribulation.

7.1 Jesus affirms that the generation that witnesses the signs of the end times will also witness the fulfillment of those events.

7.2 Armageddon marks the end of the age of Grace, and while there is currently an opportunity for people to get saved, after the Rapture occurs, billions of people will likely get saved during the seven years of tribulation, although they will face severe judgments.

  1. 👉 Join Pastor Ed Young and explore the sacred lands of Israel, experiencing faith at its fullest, by signing up for an adventure-filled trip at


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