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The Coming Psalm 83 War Explained: Jimmy Evans


Prophecies and Biblical Events

📜 “There’s a plethora of prophecies that I believe are related to Psalm 83 that talk about war that talk about Israel defeating its surrounding enemies.”

💡 According to the transcript, there is a prophecy that the countries and populations that King David had just conquered will form a Confederacy to wipe out Israel.

💥 “The Lord intervenes and empowers the Israeli Defense Forces to wage and win the war against the psalm 83 countries.”

🏙️ The destruction of Damascus, as prophesied in Isaiah 17, could be caused by Israel, resulting in the city becoming a ruin.

💥 “I think the Arab world will go up in an uproar because they just took out the oldest continuously inhabited City and recorded history the capital of Syria Damascus.”

🔥 According to the prophecy, the Israeli Defense Forces are predicted to be like a “fiery torch” and defeat the surrounding countries in the Psalm 83 war.

💥 The prophecies mentioned in the video suggest that Israel will possess Jordan, plunder and win wars, and take out Damascus and Iman Jordan.

💡 Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are seen as pre-tribulation events, with Psalm 83 occurring first to enable Israel to dwell securely by breaking down the walls and barriers surrounding them.

Threats and Potential Disasters

🎯 “Iran’s Precision guided missiles pose a significant threat to Israel, with the capability to target specific locations such as Ben Gurion Airport.”

⚠️ The prophecy of Elam in Jeremiah, which may involve a nuclear event, could precede the events discussed, highlighting the potential danger posed by Iran’s nuclear program.

⏱️ The development of Iran’s Hypersonic missile, capable of striking in just 400 seconds, adds urgency to Israel’s need to consider a preemptive strike.

☢️ The nuclear reactor located in the Alon territory of Iran is a potential disaster waiting to happen, making it a prime target for attack.

💣 Iran’s nuclear program and their desire to wipe Israel off the map could potentially lead to biblical wars in the near future.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Israel will face threats from surrounding nations, but God will supernaturally protect and empower Israel in upcoming wars.

  1. 📖 Psalm 83 describes a future war where Israel defeats its surrounding enemies, and the fact that it was written by Asaph, a close friend of King David, is significant.

1.1 Bill Salus, an end times expert and author, joins Jimmy Evans on the Tipping Point show to discuss the psalm 83 War, a significant prophetic event, and Salus’s book “Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed.”

1.2 The speaker believes that Psalm 83 describes a future war in which Israel defeats its surrounding enemies, and the fact that it was written by Asaph, a close friend of King David, is significant.

1.3 David, as the anointed king, conquered various territories including Felicia, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Syria, and Assyria, and ASAP prophesied that these nations would form a Confederacy to destroy Israel.

  1. 📜 The prophet Asaph wrote Psalm 83 predicting that surrounding nations will try to destroy Israel, and the psalmist pleads for God’s intervention in this upcoming war involving countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria.

2.1 Asaph, a prophet, wrote Psalm 83 which predicts that the nations surrounding Israel will attempt to destroy them, and the psalmist pleads with God to not remain silent or still in the face of this threat.

2.2 God is urged to intervene in the upcoming war against Israel, as the psalm predicts that a group of modern-day countries will form a devious plan to destroy Israel and take possession of the promised land.

2.3 The participants in the Confederacy mentioned in Psalm 83 are identified as the Moabites, Ammonites, and other ancient tribes.

2.4 The speaker identifies various nations involved in the coming Psalm 83 war, including Saudi Arabia, Central Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Northern Jordan, Sinai, Gaza, and Syria, with Assyria supporting Jordan.

2.5 Edom is the main participant in the Confederacy and is portrayed as the star of the show, with their habitation condition representing military encampments.

  1. 🔥 Israel faces threats from various groups and countries, including Iran, Hamas, Syria, and Iraq, with the potential for a major conflict, but God will supernaturally empower the IDF to protect Israel.

3.1 The Palestinians, who are represented by the majority, are in a refugee condition as a result of the 1948 War and are seeking a Palestinian State with the support of the International Community.

3.2 The United Nations committee recommended that Israel be tried in an international criminal court for their occupation of Palestine, potentially leading to an invasion.

3.3 God will supernaturally empower the IDF to protect Israel, and a possible scenario leading to this is Israel striking Iran, which would create a major issue due to Iran’s proxies and the large number of missiles aimed at Israel.

3.4 Hamas, Syria, the Houthis, and shared militias in Iraq pose a threat to Israel with missiles and potential chemical weapons, while Iran’s nuclear program and possession of a Hypersonic missile further escalate the possibility of a war in which Israel will be fighting for its survival.

  1. 🔥 Israel’s Iron Dome defense system may not withstand potential attacks, leading to the destruction of Damascus and triggering an Arab-Israeli conflict, with Israel preparing for a potential conflict with Iran.

4.1 Israel’s Iron Dome defense system may not be able to withstand the firepower that could be unleashed on them, leading to a potential destruction of Damascus and fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 prophecy.

4.2 The speaker predicts that if his scenario is correct, the Arab world will be in an uproar after the destruction of Damascus, leading to potential attacks on Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and Israel will have no choice but to respond militarily for its survival.

4.3 Israel is preparing for a potential conflict with Iran, including a massive drill and budget allocation for bombing Iran, as they anticipate a succession of events leading to a final Arab-Israeli conflict.

  1. 📜 Israel may launch a preemptive strike on Iran due to their new government and Iran’s hypersonic missile, while Psalm 83 explains how God defends Israel supernaturally against surrounding enemy countries.

5.1 Israel is considering a preemptive strike on Iran due to the newly elected ultra right-wing government and Iran’s bragging about a hypersonic missile that can strike in 400 seconds.

5.2 Psalm 83 explains how God supernaturally defends Israel, with the Israeli Defense Forces being able to protect their nation from surrounding countries that have been enemies of Israel.

5.3 Psalm 83 war is discussed as a separate event from Ezekiel 38, involving countries that were involved in the 1948 War, and the speaker mentions specific verses in the psalm that need to be addressed.

5.4 God dealt with the Arab enemies in a similar way as He did with the Canaanites and the Midianites, defeating them and ending their oppression of Israel.

  1. 🔮 Israel will engage in a war and annex territory, including all of Jordan, due to insults and threats against their borders, fulfilling prophecies about possessing Jordan and winning wars against Damascus and Iman Jordan.

6.1 Arab countries around Israel are still oppressing the Jews, and according to prophecies, there will be a final bid by the Psalm 83 countries to take control of Jerusalem.

6.2 Jordan’s control over the Temple Mount is a concern due to potential changes in the status quo, and the Israeli Defense Forces are prophesied to defeat the surrounding countries in the Psalm 83 war.

6.3 Jordan’s fragile peace treaty with Israel will be threatened when the status quo changes on the Temple Mount, as the Jews plan to build a third Temple, potentially leading to conflict in the near future.

6.4 Israel will take possession of Amman, Jordan, reducing it to rubble, and there are unfulfilled prophecies involving the Israeli Defense Forces and the three countries of Ammon, Moab, and Edom.

6.5 Israel will engage in a war and annex territory, including all of Jordan, due to insults and threats against their borders.

6.6 Israel has a history of taking over territory in wars, and there are prophecies about them possessing Jordan, plundering, and winning wars against Damascus and Iman Jordan.

  1. 🔥 Israel may strike Iran’s nuclear installations in the Elam region, which could have global consequences, as West and West Central territories are strategically important for Iran and Gulf Arab countries are concerned about potential disasters.

7.1 Israel is likely to strike Iran due to the presence of nuclear installations in the Elam region, which could have significant global consequences, making it an important prophecy to monitor.

7.2 West and West Central territories, specifically the Alborz Mountains, are strategically important for Iran due to their proximity to Israel, housing underground missile silos and portable rocket launchers, as well as a nuclear reactor, making them vulnerable to attack.

7.3 The Gulf Arab countries are concerned about potential disasters, such as earthquakes or attacks, that could harm their populations due to wind patterns carrying nuclear fallout, with Tehran being less vulnerable due to mountains blocking the fallout.

  1. 🔮 The speaker believes that the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars will happen before the tribulation, with God supernaturally stopping Israel’s enemies, and emphasizes the need for preparation for the tribulation period.

8.1 The speaker believes that the Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel 38 war will happen before the tribulation, with Psalm 83 occurring first to enable Israel to dwell securely with walls and the Israeli Defense Forces involved, while Ezekiel 38 does not involve the Israeli Defense Force.

8.2 God supernaturally stops the enemies of Israel, causing them to kill each other, and takes the glory for it, in order to make His holy name known and show His faithfulness to His people before the tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist.

8.3 The speaker explains that the church is not present during the events described in Ezekiel 38, as it specifically refers to the Jewish people and their conflicts with Arabs, which occur before the tribulation period, while during the tribulation period, Israel will be living in a false peace and will not be fighting wars against Arabs, but rather fleeing for their lives due to the Antichrist’s persecution.

8.4 The speaker discusses the book “Psalm 83” and other end times materials, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for the tribulation period and the need for action.

8.5 Iran has missiles that can reach Israel in six minutes, a nuclear program, and a desire to wipe Israel off the map, potentially leading to biblical wars in the near future.

8.6 Subscribe to for $7 a month or $77 a year to access the full Tipping Point podcast and other content, as watching on YouTube is limited to subscribers only.

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