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Do You Have A Guardian Angel?: Jimmy Evans


Understanding and Interpreting the End Times

πŸ’‘ The book serves as an “eternity saver” for those left behind, helping them understand what just happened and what is about to happen in the world.

πŸ˜‡ The angel of the Lord in the Old Testament is Jesus pre-incarnate.

βš–οΈ There are two extremes when it comes to angels – worshiping them or not believing in them, but the truth is that they exist and have a significant impact on our lives and in the end times.

πŸ’‘ The Bible is incredibly specific, with the first 483 prophetic years being exactly fulfilled to the day from the announcement of the command to rebuild Jerusalem until Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

🌍 The second coming of Jesus will be a powerful event, with his feet standing on the Mount of Olives and the mountain splitting in two.

πŸ“– The Book of Revelation promises a blessing to those who read it, emphasizing its importance in understanding the end times.

🌌 God uses angels in a profound way, especially in relation to the end times.

Guardian Angels and their Role

πŸ™ Psalm 91 assures that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, delivering them from evil and keeping them safe in all their ways.

πŸ‘Ό “I do believe that there is a special uh presence of God an Angelic presence of God when we’re submitted to God and when we’re trusting him.” – The speaker believes in the presence of guardian angels when we are submitted to and trust in God.

πŸ˜‡ The angels carried Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom, highlighting the concept of guardian angels and their role in the afterlife.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that angels play a significant role in the end times, protecting and guiding believers, and will be present during the Rapture and other important events.

  1. πŸ“š A book called “Where are the Missing People” explains the disappearance after the rapture and guides those left behind to have a relationship with Christ, making it a great Christmas gift.

1.1 The speaker discusses the topic of angels in relation to end times theology, specifically focusing on the main angels involved and providing a general overview before delving into the subject.

1.2 A book is designed to explain the sudden disappearance of millions of people after the rapture and guide those left behind to have a relationship with Christ and understand what will happen in the world.

1.3 You can purchase the book “Where are the Missing People” at or on Amazon, and it has received many positive reviews and blessings from readers, potentially awakening them to the reality of the world, making it a great gift for Christmas.

  1. πŸ‘Ό Guardian angels are ministering spirits sent by God to protect and guide believers, and they are present when Christians die to take them into the presence of God.

2.1 Angels are ministering spirits sent by God to help Believers and those who will inherit salvation, and they encamp around and deliver those who fear the Lord, as stated in Psalm 34 and 91.

2.2 God’s protection and angelic presence are available to those who trust and submit to Him, including the belief that guardian angels are present to protect and guide us.

2.3 A beggar named Lazarus was carried away by angels to Abraham’s bosom, while the rich man was buried in torment in Hades.

2.4 When Christians die, the presence of God is powerful and angels come to take them into the presence of God, as stated in Matthew 18, where it is also mentioned that each child has an assigned angel until the age of accountability.

  1. πŸ‘Ό Angels are important in our lives, protecting us and influencing our experiences, but we should not worship them as they are created by God and we are of a higher order.

3.1 Jesus is referred to as the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament, but he is not an angel and should not be worshipped as such.

3.2 Angels are ministering spirits created by God, but we are of a higher order than them and should not worship them.

3.3 Angels play a crucial role in our lives, protecting us from harm and influencing our experiences, and they also have a significant impact in eternity and the end times.

  1. πŸ“– Gabriel the angel appeared to Daniel and revealed that there are 490 prophetic years until the end times, with 7 years remaining, and also disclosed the location of the second coming of Christ.

4.1 The angel Gabriel is mentioned in the Book of Daniel as part of the end times, which began when God announced it in Daniel chapter 9.

4.2 Gabriel came to Daniel during his prayer to give him understanding and informed him that he is greatly beloved.

4.3 Gabriel the angel announced that there are 490 prophetic years from the command to rebuild Jerusalem until the end of the tribulation, with the first 483 years already fulfilled, leaving 7 years remaining, and also revealed the location of the second coming of Christ.

  1. πŸ“š Jesus will return to Earth from the Mount of Olives, announced by an angel, and the Rapture will happen with the voice of an archangel, as mentioned in the Bible.

5.1 Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives and will return in the same manner, as described in Acts 1 and Zechariah 14.

5.2 Jesus will return to Earth with all the saints, and an angel announced the specific location of his return in the New Testament.

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5.4 The Rapture will occur with the voice of an archangel, specifically Michael or Gabriel, as mentioned in the book of Thessalonians, and the book of Jude quotes the book of Enoch, which cannot be dismissed.

  1. πŸ‘Ό Angels play a significant role in the end times, being present at the Rapture, sealing the 144,000 Jews, and being seen in the supernatural realm.

6.1 Michael and Gabriel will be present at the Rapture, and the Book of Revelation was given to John by the Lord’s Angel, who also controls the scroll with the seals that begins the tribulation.

6.2 Angels are present with us and will be seen in the supernatural realm during the end times.

6.3 An angel seals the 144,000 Jews in the tribulation with the Seal of God, protecting them from harm as they proclaim the gospel worldwide.

6.4 Some believe that the church is the Bride of Jesus and the Jews are the Bride of the father, as indicated by the names on the gates and foundations of the New Jerusalem.

  1. πŸ‘Ό Guardian angels play a major role in the end times, as they help and minister to people and are powerful enough to defeat Satan and bind him for a thousand years.

7.1 Three angels proclaim a universal message in Revelation 14, warning people to fear God, give glory to Him, and not worship the beast or receive his mark.

7.2 Those who worship the beast and receive the mark of his name will be tormented in the presence of Jesus and His Holy Angels, as Satan is not the Lord of Hell.

7.3 An angel proclaims the everlasting gospel to the entire world, including through the church, the 144,000, the two witnesses, and finally in Revelation chapter 20, where an angel binds Satan for a thousand years at the beginning of the Millennium.

7.4 One angel is powerful enough to defeat Satan and lock him up, highlighting the significant role of angels in the end times.

7.5 You have guardian angels around you all the time, and they are used by God to help and minister to you, and will also play a major role in the end times.

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