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A Visit From An Angel: Jimmy Evans


Power of Prayer and Spiritual Empowerment

πŸ’’ The secret to having a spirit empowered Church with miracles and healings is through consistent and fervent prayer, making it the centerpiece of the church’s activities.

πŸ‘Ό “You’re talking as a man of God who believes in the Supernatural Dimension that really is the control realm around the Physical Realm.”

πŸ™ Seeking unity and a common understanding among the staff can cultivate a hunger for the supernatural and a deeper understanding of how God works in healing and prayer.

πŸ’’ The presence of God is the greatest compliment a church can receive, as it draws people in and makes them feel connected to something greater.

πŸ’ͺ The power of the Holy Spirit enables believers to boldly share the truth of Jesus, even at the risk of their own lives.

πŸ™ “Prayer is a game changer. Can I pray with you? You know, you see somebody, you go and pray with them, watch what God will do through that. It will change their life and honestly, it’ll fill your heart with joy that is so wonderful.”

Miracles and Healing

πŸ™Œ Miracles of healing, including the healing of ALS and cystic fibrosis, have been happening in every single service, creating an unprecedented spiritual movement.

πŸ’« “We’re due for one of the greatest moves of God, unlike anything this country has seen.”

πŸ’” There is a need for a mighty move of God to bring people to Him and give them abundant life.

πŸ”₯ “An angel came into the room, put his hand on my leg, and it was a Vortex of fire that went from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.”

πŸ˜‡ “Whether it’s themselves or whatever and the greatest Skeptics in the world are changed when people are healed when lives are changed well.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to pray for a Great Awakening, seek unity in experiencing the supernatural, and boldly share the truth of Christ to bring about positive change and transformation in people’s lives.

  1. πŸ“š The speaker discusses controversial laws in California, the revival happening in their church, and the significant increase in salvations, baptisms, and miracles of healing.

1.1 California has passed a law allowing them to take custody of children to change their gender, and a university is facing controversy for a teacher stating there are only two sexes.

1.2 John and the speaker discuss angels, demons, living in the last days, and the revival happening in their church.

1.3 There has been a significant increase in salvations, baptisms, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, resulting in numerous miracles of healing, including cases of ALS and cystic fibrosis, happening in every service.

  1. πŸ™ There is a growing faith and desire for a Great Awakening, with a focus on prayer and seeking God’s intervention for a powerful demonstration of His existence and care.

2.1 The speaker believes that there is a growing faith among people, leading to a confidence in praying for others and a desire for a Great Awakening in Southwest Missouri and the whole country, as they believe that we are in the last times and that God’s power will be poured out in a dynamic way.

2.2 The secret to having a spirit empowered Church with people being saved, baptized, and healed is to prioritize prayer and consistently seek God’s intervention.

2.3 Pray to God for a powerful demonstration of His existence and care for people, as He delights in answering prayers and bringing joy to those who ask.

  1. πŸ™ Pray for positive change in troubled areas, revival in churches, and the supernatural impact of angelic encounters in ministry.

3.1 Call people to pray and get leaders to pray to see the positive impact of God in an area plagued by troubles such as gun violence, poverty, domestic abuse, drug abuse, and a high suicide rate.

3.2 Pray for a mighty move of God to bring people to Him, for Revival in Bible preaching churches and even in churches that don’t believe the Bible, as God can bring about divine turnarounds.

3.3 God wants to bring revival and save a multitude of people, and the speaker believes in the supernatural and has had angelic encounters that have impacted their ministry.

  1. πŸ™ An angel appeared during a near-death experience, bringing a profound change and increased hunger for God, leading to a desire for unity in experiencing the supernatural.

4.1 The speaker shares their personal experience with cancer, surgery, and a near-death experience, expressing the intense despair and physical pain they went through during that difficult season.

4.2 During prayer, the speaker asked for either an angel to touch them or to be taken home, and an angel appeared, placing their hand on the speaker’s leg and creating a vortex of fire from head to feet.

4.3 An encounter with the Lord brings about a profound change, increasing hunger for Him and prompting a desire for unity among the staff in understanding and experiencing the supernatural.

  1. πŸ™ Praying together brings unity and God’s presence, leading to impactful change in people’s lives, including skeptics, and gives us authority over evil in the last days.

5.1 Understand and explain John’s perspective and our future direction to others, as it has brought us closer together.

5.2 Praying together allows the Holy Spirit to create unity and a sense of God’s presence, which is more impactful than any leadership studies or conversations.

5.3 The leader of a motorcycle ministry asked a motorcycle gang for permission to wear colors, and in return, the gang leader asked the pastor to pray for his sick granddaughter.

5.4 Skeptics are changed when lives are healed, and there is a supernatural realm of angels and demons that affects various aspects of life such as suicide, poverty, and violence.

5.5 We have authority over evil in the last days, as Jesus has given us all authority in heaven and on Earth, and when we understand and operate in this authority, we can overcome the spiritual battle against principalities and powers.

  1. πŸ‘Ό Be wise and guard your heart against evil, as there is a battle between angelic and demonic forces; pray for political leaders and use the authority of Jesus to combat darkness in our country.

6.1 Supernatural forces of evil are working to blind people to the gospel, so we must be wise and careful about what we allow in our lives.

6.2 Be vigilant and guard your heart to avoid being deceived by the enemy, as believers need to realize the presence of both the angelic and demonic realms and strive for holiness by separating themselves from worldly things.

6.3 California passed a law allowing the state to take custody of children seeking transgender surgery, which is attributed to a demonic spirit and the influence of demonic agendas on unaware leaders.

6.4 Pray for political figures and people of influence, as they may appear fine on the surface but may be influenced by darkness, so we should have compassion for them and pray for their wisdom and for a move of the Holy Spirit in our country.

6.5 No superpower in history has ever come back from the brink at this stage in their development, and the speaker is deeply concerned that the final minutes of our Republic are being played out right in front of our eyes, emphasizing the need to pray and use the authority of Jesus to change things in the face of the demonic.

  1. πŸ‘Ό The Evangelical Church in America is facing a challenge of fear and intimidation in speaking up for their faith, but Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to boldly share the truth, even if it could cost us our lives, and supernatural intervention can empower introverts to speak truth with grace and power, transforming hearts.

7.1 The Evangelical Church in America is facing a challenge of fear and intimidation in speaking up for their faith and standing up for righteousness in public discussions.

7.2 Jesus understood how we’re wired and gave us the power of the Holy Spirit to boldly share the truth of the gospel, even if it could cost us our lives.

7.3 Supernatural intervention can empower introverts to speak truth with grace and power, transforming the hearts of those who hear it.

  1. πŸ™ Pray for empowerment and boldness to share Christ, witness miracles, and experience the joy of changing lives, while growing in love for God and subscribing to access exclusive content.

8.1 Acts 1:8 is about the power to share Christ and perform miracles, not just having a prayer language, as the gospel is not just talk but also power.

8.2 Consider praying for people and witnessing powerful things happening, and you can watch and listen to the messages on James River’s website, YouTube channel, or app.

8.3 Thousands of people watch the online prayer service and many are healed, with the speaker encouraging listeners to ask God to empower them to pray for others and experience the joy of changing lives.

8.4 Pray for empowerment and boldness for all listeners to experience the Holy Spirit’s power, speak up, pray for others, and witness miraculous healings, sparking a revival.

8.5 The speaker discusses the importance of growing in love for God and the things of God, and expresses gratitude for the positive experiences happening at James River.

8.6 God wants to spread his message across the country and encourages viewers to become subscribers to access exclusive content.

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