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Waiting For Jesus To Return: Jimmy Evans


🌍 “The pieces of the prophetic puzzle continue to move into place with Israel and globalism and what we see happening in the Middle East with Russia and Iran.”

πŸ™ The only thing we cannot do better in heaven is lead another person to Christ.

πŸ€” The speaker expresses a sense of urgency and belief that we are currently living in the end times, with the presence of the Antichrist.

πŸ•ŠοΈ “They’ll be martyred by the Antichrist. They’ll die in the judgment and God in his Mercy if Jesus tarries God in his Mercy is for the purpose of those people being redeemed.”

πŸ›‘οΈ “We’re not battling against people, we have demonic spirits that are attacking our lives and our children’s lives” – The battle we face is not physical, but spiritual, and we must be aware of the spiritual warfare happening around us.

πŸ™ “I live for a king and a kingdom and to preach the gospel of peace to as many people as I can before Jesus returns.”

πŸ›‘οΈ The shield of faith is essential in overcoming the challenges of the world and believing that God is bigger than any obstacle we face.

🏰 “When you leave the house naked you’re an open Target for the devil he’s going to attack your mind. He’s going to attack your your identity. He’s going to attack you with condemnation but when you have the armor of God on you’re going to be able to stand.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that believers should be prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ and actively engage in witnessing and spiritual warfare while staying connected to the church and prioritizing Christian education.

  1. πŸ”” The Rapture can happen at any moment, and we need to be prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ as prophetic events unfold.

1.1 Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and Feast of Trumpets, is believed by some to hold prophetic significance and be related to the Rapture of the church, although it does not necessarily occur every year.

1.2 The Rapture can happen at any moment, and as we see the pieces of the prophetic puzzle continue to move into place with Israel, globalism, and events in the Middle East, we need to be prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ.

  1. πŸ“… If Jesus doesn’t return soon, it’s because he wants more people to come to heaven, as everything we do on Earth can be done better in heaven except leading others to Christ, but end time teaching has downsides such as date setting and fatalism.

2.1 If Jesus doesn’t return next week, it’s because he wants more people to come to heaven, as everything we do on Earth can be done better in heaven except leading others to Christ.

2.2 End time teaching has downsides such as date setting, which can lead to loss of credibility, and fatalism, where the world is seen as beyond redemption.

  1. πŸ”‘ The Antichrist is ready to assume power, and witnessing is a way of life that involves loving and supporting others until they go through a crisis, at which point the message of Jesus can be shared.

3.1 The Antichrist spirit, system, and individual are present and ready to assume power on the world stage.

3.2 Witnessing is not just an action, but a way of life, and the speaker shares how they lead people to Christ by loving and supporting them until they go through a crisis, at which point they will be there to share the message of Jesus.

  1. πŸ“– Witnessing is sharing your personal experience with Jesus and the need for Him in others’ lives, believers will face persecution during the tribulation, but God’s mercy allows for redemption, so the speaker discusses three things to do until Jesus returns.

4.1 Witnessing is not about what you do, but about who you are; it is simply sharing what you have personally experienced with Jesus and the need for Him in others’ lives.

4.2 Believers will face persecution during the tribulation, but God’s mercy allows for redemption, so the speaker discusses three things to do until Jesus returns.


  1. πŸ›‘οΈ Stay clothed in the full armor of God to stand against the devil’s attacks, as truth is essential in battling against spiritual forces.

5.1 Stay clothed in the full armor of God to stand against the devil’s attacks, as we are not battling against people but against spiritual forces, and this requires being dressed in the form of God, starting with having your waist girded with truth.

5.2 The belt around the waist represents how one walks in truth, with the word of God having a place in their life, while walking in error leads to the reproduction of error and the elimination of truth.

  1. πŸ”‘ Choose righteousness and truth to combat the devil’s condemnation, reminding yourself of your identity in the kingdom of God and preaching the gospel of peace before Jesus returns.

6.1 Choose to walk in truth and put on the breastplate of righteousness to combat the devil’s condemnation, reminding yourself that you are righteous by the blood of Jesus and protecting your identity and purpose.

6.2 I live for a king and a kingdom, preaching the gospel of peace before Jesus returns, with an eternal purpose and identity in the kingdom of God.

  1. πŸ›‘οΈ We must have faith, put on the armor of God, and stay committed to church in order to overcome the world and be prepared for the approaching day of Jesus.

7.1 Faith is the shield that overcomes the world, and we must also have the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, in order to think, hear, and speak according to the word.

7.2 Jesus defeated the Devil with three scriptures, and in order to be victorious, we must do everything according to the word of God, put on the armor of God every day, and stay committed to church.

7.3 Come together and encourage each other, as the day of Jesus is approaching and we need each other, so don’t forsake the gathering of yourselves together.

  1. πŸ‘ͺ Parents should be cautious about their children’s education, prioritize church and Christian education to protect them from worldly influence, and understand the importance of being connected to others in order to receive the fullness of what God has for us.

8.1 Parents need to be cautious about where their children are being educated and what they are being taught, as many colleges and universities are promoting ideologies like critical race theory.

8.2 In church, the speaker discusses the importance of being thankful for the opportunity to attend and the impact it has on the children.

8.3 Kids are targeted by real demons, so as gatekeepers of their lives, it is important to prioritize church and Christian education to protect them from the world’s influence.

8.4 Church is essential because everything in the kingdom of God is relationally transferred through touch, and it is important to be connected to others in order to receive the fullness of what God has for us.


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