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Science Proves God Is Real: Jimmy Evans


πŸ€” The speaker acknowledges that quantum physics can be complex and intimidating, highlighting the need for accessible explanations and discussions about scientific concepts.

🌌 Quantum physics is seen as the study of God’s creation, focusing on the smallest building blocks of the universe.

πŸ”¬ Science and the Bible can coexist harmoniously, as both involve studying God’s creation and should be approached with objective observation and interpretation.

🌌 The observation of particles in quantum physics can lead to different patterns, but the interpretation of why this happens is still controversial and can be attributed to either controlling reality with our thoughts or the interference of additional particles.

πŸ€” Christians should have a basic understanding of quantum physics to disarm against deception and false interpretations of scientific experiments.

🌌 The thought experiment of a two-dimensional being trying to comprehend a three-dimensional object highlights the limitations of our own perception and the potential existence of higher dimensions.

🀯 The fact that Ezekiel was able to describe this phenomenon 2600 years ago, without any knowledge of quantum physics, highlights the potential existence of a higher power or divine inspiration.

🧬 The discovery of human DNA and the complexity of its coded sequence suggests the presence of a code writer, indicating the need for a creator.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that there is no contradiction between science and the Bible, and understanding quantum physics can strengthen one’s faith and debunk the notion that the Bible is unscientific.

  1. πŸ“š Quantum physics and CERN’s mission are discussed, emphasizing the importance of understanding scientific advancements and the frustration with the lack of clear explanations in the scientific community.

1.1 Josh Peck and Tom Horne wrote a book called “Abaddon Ascending” which explores the ancient conspiracy at the center of CERN’s secretive mission and how technology and Bible prophecy intersect.

1.2 The speaker discusses quantum physics and mentions the international project called CERN.

1.3 Quantum physics is the study of the smallest building blocks of nature, or God’s creation, and it is important for people to be aware of its scientific advancements.

1.4 Scientists often use complex language when discussing quantum physics and other scientific concepts, but once you understand the basics, it becomes clear that these ideas are not as difficult to comprehend as they may seem, and it is a problem that these concepts are not explained well in the scientific community; furthermore, there are physicists like Michio Kaku who are able to explain complex ideas in a way that the average person can understand, and it is amazing how nature is both beautiful and complex yet simple enough for us to grasp, and it is frustrating

  1. πŸ”¬ Science and religion used to be the same thing, scientists cannot prove evolution, science and the Bible study God’s creation, disagreements arise in interpretations, quantum field theory does not disprove an afterlife.

2.1 Evolution is being taught in schools as an absolute fact, but science and religion used to be the same thing and scientists cannot actually prove evolution.

2.2 Science and the Bible go hand in hand as they both study God’s creation, and when an observation is made, everyone should be able to agree on what is happening.

2.3 Observations of the objective reality of the Bible and scientific observations go hand in hand, but the disagreements arise in the interpretations.

2.4 The idea that quantum field theory disproves an afterlife is not supported by the science, as it only describes the physical reality and says nothing about the soul or the afterlife.

  1. πŸ”¬ Different interpretations of scientific findings and the Bible exist, but there is no contradiction between science and the Bible; the double slit experiment is interpreted differently by secularists, and observing a particle in quantum physics can change its behavior, likely due to interference rather than our thoughts controlling reality.

3.1 Different interpretations of scientific findings and the Bible are due to individual belief systems, and there is no contradiction between science and the Bible.

3.2 Secularists control most of the sciences and interpret the double slit experiment differently, as there is no consensus on its meaning or why it happens.

3.3 Observing a particle in quantum physics can change its behavior, but it is likely due to the interference caused by adding a detector or clump of particles rather than the idea that we control reality with our thoughts.

3.4 Scientists and new agers often exaggerate the extent to which we can control things for personal gain, but there is no evidence to support this belief.

  1. πŸ”¬ Christians should understand quantum physics to strengthen their faith and navigate scientific deception, as the Bible contains scientifically accurate claims that debunk the notion that it is unscientific.

4.1 Quantum physics suggests that everything in reality is energy, and while physicists don’t know where this energy comes from, Christians believe that God spoke everything into existence, making it important for Christians to understand quantum physics to disarm against deception and to strengthen their faith.

4.2 Theory says there can’t be an afterlife because there’s no quantum field to take information anywhere, but that’s not convincing to Christians.

4.3 Science interpretations that disagree with the Bible can be discarded, but quantum field theory is a real thing and understanding it can help us navigate the deception in the scientific community, particularly in relation to the CERN project and its spiritual and prophetic implications.

4.4 An astrophysicist found that all major religious texts were scientifically baseless except for the Bible, which contains scientifically accurate claims.

4.5 The Bible contains scientific evidence, such as references to the expanding universe and quantum physics, debunking the claim that it is unscientific.

  1. πŸ”¬ Scientists explain heavenly beings and Ezekiel’s description using scientific principles, such as extra dimensional unfolding and quantum physics, while also exploring the mysteries of dark matter and the weakness of gravity.

5.1 Heavenly beings described in the Bible can be explained by the scientific principle of extra dimensional unfolding.

5.2 A cube can be unfolded into a cross-like shape in our three-dimensional universe, similar to how a four-dimensional hypercube could be unfolded into our universe.

5.3 Ezekiel’s description of overlapping parts in a two-dimensional world aligns with the scientific concept of quantum physics, proving that God is real.

5.4 Scientists have discovered that galaxies are being held together by an invisible and undetectable force called dark matter, which is still a mystery and has various theories surrounding it.

5.5 Gravity is the weakest force in the universe because gravitons may exist in higher dimensions, allowing them to interact with other universes and potentially explaining why gravity is weaker compared to the other forces.

  1. πŸ”¬ Science cannot prove the spiritual reality created by God, and theories claiming to disprove God’s existence are just interpretations and do not invalidate the possibility of a higher power.

6.1 The possibility that what scientists call extra dimensions could actually be the spiritual reality created by God, which may be affecting gravity and holding galaxies together, is an interesting idea that science cannot prove.

6.2 Rainbow gravity theory is a scientific theory that some claim disproves certain aspects of God, but the speaker finds it ridiculous.

6.3 Gravity affects different wavelengths of light differently, known as rainbow gravity, but this does not disprove the existence of God or the possibility of a point of creation.

6.4 Scientists often present theories that they claim disprove the existence of God, but these theories are just interpretations and do not invalidate the possibility of a higher power.

  1. πŸ§ͺ Science cannot disprove the existence of God, as evidence such as the complexity of the human eye and Einstein’s theory of relativity point towards a creator, so have confidence in your faith and don’t believe the lies from the scientific community.

7.1 Charles Darwin doubted evolution because of the complexity of the human eye and the existence of DNA, and Einstein’s theory of relativity proves the existence of a creator.

7.2 Stop believing lies from the scientific community that try to disprove the Bible; have confidence in your God and Bible because they cannot be disproven, and there are good Christian scientists like Dr. Stephen Meyer and Michael Strauss who work at CERN.

  1. πŸ”¬ It is important to know where to find good scientific sources, and viewers are encouraged to subscribe to for updates on mind-boggling events at CERN and news related to Israel and Iran.

8.1 There are good scientific sources available to learn from, and it is important to know where to find them.

8.2 Josh will be discussing mind-boggling events happening at CERN in the next show, and viewers are encouraged to become subscribers to to watch the full version and stay updated on news related to Israel and Iran.

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