Key Insights
- π Every single Christian is called into ministry, regardless of whether they are on a platform or not.
- π Don’t be afraid to try new things in your ministry, as it is through stepping out and finding out that you will discover God’s specific calling for you.
- π§ “The way that God speaks to us and deals with us is a lot more normal than what you might think.” – Hearing from God doesn’t always involve supernatural experiences, but can be through ordinary means.
- π Even if you can’t go to school to be trained for ministry, you can always ask God to begin to train you right where you’re at in whatever it is that you do.
- π± Preparation is essential for stepping into what God wants us to do, as taking the time to prepare allows us to be released into our purpose.
- π‘ Treating others with kindness and excellence is important because the way we treat others will eventually come back to us.
- π “Nothing bonds us together with God in close fellowship more than being a child of God who’s willing to do seemingly foolish little things just because you believe that’s what your heavenly Father wants you to do.”
- π‘ “It’s not a head knowing, it’s a heart knowing.”
The key idea of the video is that discovering and fulfilling one’s ministry involves stepping out, trying new things, and being obedient to God in both small and big matters.
- π It’s important to have a normal perspective and not overcomplicate being led by the Holy Spirit in order to hear from God and find His will for your life, as every Christian is called into ministry and most of the work is done one-on-one outside of church.
- π Discovering your ministry involves stepping out and trying different things, as God may have multiple ways for you to manifest your ministry before setting you apart for a special task, so don’t be afraid to step out and try new things, even if they may not seem attractive or valuable, because God tests our attitude and willingness to obey, and just because something doesn’t work out doesn’t mean it was a mistake, as finding out what God wants you to do doesn’t always involve direct communication, but rather involves trying, praying, and doing things, as God’s guidance is often more normal than supernatural.
- π Taking the time to listen and obey God in the small things is crucial for hearing and understanding His bigger plans for our lives, as demonstrated by Joyce Meyer’s experience of being called into ministry and learning valuable lessons in everyday situations.
- π Obedience to God, even in small matters, is important as it affects how we treat others and the seeds we sow in our lives.
- π The speaker questions the importance of being convicted about small matters when there are more serious issues in life, and realizes that feeling the need to hide something means you are doing something wrong.
- π Obeying God, even in small things, leads to a closer relationship with Him and the ability to do bigger things.
- π It is important to be honest and return extra change, God speaks to us through a deep knowing and our relationship with Him is precious, but having a negative attitude hinders us from hearing from Him properly, so we should strive to be obedient and mindful to make progress.
- π Knowing what to do and what to teach comes from a deep knowing in the heart and our ability to hear from God comes from within ourselves.