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Caesarea, Israel: Joseph Prince


Embracing Jesus and receiving righteousness

πŸ™Œ The power of Jesus transcends individual churches and denominations, uniting believers under one name.

🌍 Messianic congregations in Israel are seen as the firstfruits and the beginnings of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists mentioned in the book of Revelation.

πŸ‘€ It is important to see Jesus in every aspect of Israel, converting rituals and customs into opportunities to experience blessing, grace, mercy, and peace.

πŸ™Œ Grace is not just a topic, it is the gospel and must be incorporated into every aspect of our lives.

πŸ™Œ The examples of Abraham and Joseph show that holiness existed before the giving of the Ten Commandments, highlighting the significance of a personal relationship with God.

πŸ™Œ The New Covenant ministry is about resting in God’s grace, where there is no sweat or striving, and it is through grace that redemption is found.

🏠 The scandalous scandal of grace: Jesus showed Zacchaeus unconditional love and acceptance, leading to his transformation and generosity without any commandments given.

πŸ‘ Our sins are transferred to the innocent lamb, Jesus, and we receive the righteousness and blessings that he deserves.

πŸ™ Embrace Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the reality, and receive the gift of righteousness that allows God to hear your prayers and treat you as a righteous person.

Controversial nature of the gospel of grace

πŸ’‘ The gospel of grace preached by Paul faced opposition from Jews at the time, highlighting the controversial nature of his message.

🌍 The gospel of grace has come full circle, starting from Jerusalem and now returning to Israel, indicating that they are once again ready to hear it.

πŸ“– “If preaching the gospel is not necessary for the Jews, then Paul suffered needlessly, so it is important to preach the gospel to Israel for their salvation.”

⛰️ We need to move our focus from the law (Mount Sinai) to the Spirit (Mount Zion), as the law kills but the Spirit gives life.

Miracles and answered prayers

🌍 Joseph Prince shares stories of how God has brought miracles and answered prayers over the past 40 years, giving hope to those still waiting for their prayers to be answered.

πŸ’° Joseph Prince shares a personal story of working hard and praying for a TV station, highlighting the importance of faith and perseverance in achieving miracles.

🍽️ Joseph Prince shares a vision of Dr. Paul being laid hands on by his father, highlighting the significance of this event and its impact on their dinner meeting.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that God’s perfect timing and the message of grace are emphasized, highlighting the importance of faith, trust in Christ’s finished work, and the restoration of the message of grace to the church.

  1. πŸ™ God’s perfect timing is emphasized as Joseph Prince shares a personal story of a miraculous $35,000 gift for a Christian TV station, symbolizing the passing of leadership and an impartation from God for the next generation.

1.1 Joseph Prince delivers a special message in Caesarea, Israel, discussing how God brought them through almost 40 years of miracles and emphasizing the importance of waiting for God’s timing.

1.2 The speaker shares a personal story about how he and his wife worked hard and prayed for a Christian TV station, facing a deadline to come up with $100,000, and despite their efforts, they only had $65,000, leaving them in a desperate situation.

1.3 A man unexpectedly arrives and gives a $35,000 gift to Paul and Jan Crouch for their Christian TV station, proving that God speaks to Lutherans and performs miracles.

1.4 God’s timing is perfect, and the torch of leadership is being passed from Dr. Paul to Pastor Prince and his son, symbolizing an impartation from God for the next generation.

1.5 The speaker thanks God for the ministry of TBN and prays for the continuation of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the next generation.

1.6 Always look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who will never fail us and will always be there for us.

  1. πŸ™Œ Sing praises to the Lord and proclaim His love, for we are His children and He will set us free from our fears, receiving healing and miracles in Jesus’ name, even without anyone laying hands on us.

2.1 The speaker had a vision of Dr. Paul laying hands on someone during a dinner meeting and shared it, leading to the realization that Dr. Paul had not done it in public before but wanted to.

2.2 Caesarea is a significant place where Paul launched his missionary journeys and defended the gospel of grace against opposition.

2.3 Paul preached the gospel in Caesarea, where King Agrippa was present, and now the gospel of grace is ready to be heard in Israel again.

2.4 Sing praises to the Lord and proclaim His love, for we are His children and He will set us free from our fears.

2.5 Sing praises to the Lord and receive healing and miracles in Jesus’ name, as he is the King over all things.

2.6 If you know pain has left your body and something has happened to you, let the world know what Jesus has done and praise the Lord, as Jesus has healed you without anyone laying hands on you.

  1. πŸ™ The name Yeshua signifies deliverance and healing, pastors should see Jesus in everything in Israel, Israel needs the gospel of grace, and the true gospel is that we can receive good we don’t deserve because another received all the bad.

3.1 Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus, stopped and stood still when a blind beggar cried out to him, demonstrating that the same God who stopped the Sun in the sky is now in human form, and the name Yeshua signifies deliverance and healing.

3.2 The pool of Siloam in Israel is a symbol of the blindness of Israel, but it is now uncovered and signifies the end of blindness and the coming revival, and pastors should not teach replacement theology but instead see Jesus in everything in Israel.

3.3 Israel needs the gospel of grace and it is important to preach the gospel to them, not just provide charitable works, as the greatest love we can show them is to share the gospel.

3.4 We are not preaching the gospel that Paul preached, but rather a gospel of do good get good do bad get bad, while the true gospel is that we can receive good we don’t deserve because another received all the bad, and it takes the Holy Spirit to understand this.

3.5 In the Hebrew New Testament, the word for grace is “has said,” which is best described as Yeshua Christ, and grace and truth are not separate but joined together in the gospel.

3.6 David, the psalmist, and Solomon were all expressing their unwavering belief in God’s goodness and eternal protection.

  1. πŸ™ Grace is the truth that sets you free, so it is important to follow after holiness and not fall from grace by trying to keep the law, build your life on the unshakeable foundation of grace, and run away from sexual temptations.

4.1 Grace and truth are one, as indicated by the singular verb used in the Greek, emphasizing that grace is the truth that sets you free.

4.2 The first miracle of the law resulted in death, while the first miracle of grace resulted in life and celebration, showing that the law kills but the Spirit gives life, and it is important to follow after holiness and not fall from grace by trying to keep the law.

4.3 Falling short of God’s grace leads to bitterness and prevents people from walking in holiness and peace, as seen in the example of Esau and the fear and trembling experienced by Moses.

4.4 Build your life, ministry, and family on the unshakeable foundation of grace found in Mount Zion, rather than on man-made laws and regulations, in order to experience unshakable success and restoration in these last days.

4.5 Without the law, Pastor Prince teaches that identity is the key to correcting children and living a holy life, as seen in his own experience with his daughter and examples from Abraham and Joseph.

4.6 Joseph Prince discusses the importance of running away from sexual temptations and emphasizes that running is the best way to avoid them.

  1. πŸ™ Grace is higher than the law, sin, sickness, and poverty have no power over us under grace, Jesus redeemed us from stress and work, the pulpit should focus on preaching the gospel, and grace has power over the law as seen in the stories of John the Baptist’s father, Simeon, the rich young ruler, and Zacchaeus.

5.1 Grace is higher than the law, and when John the Baptist’s father didn’t believe the angel’s word, his mouth was shut, but when John was born, his name represented the grace of God, and when baby Jesus was brought to the temple, Simeon, representing the entirety of the law, blessed the parents and proclaimed that his eyes had seen salvation, and right after that, a lady named Hannah came in and proclaimed redemption through grace.

5.2 Sin, sickness, and poverty have no power over you when you are under grace, and rest is not inactivity but directed activity.

5.3 Jesus redeemed us from the curse of stress and work by sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, and God wants every ministry to be sweatless and under grace.

5.4 The pulpit is not a place to focus on people’s sinfulness, but rather to preach the gospel of Jesus, His righteousness, and the gift of salvation.

5.5 Jesus uses the law to bring people to the end of themselves and realize their need for Him, as seen in the story of the rich young ruler in Luke 18 and 19.

5.6 Jesus gave the law to the rich young ruler, who struggled to keep up with it, but when he showed grace to Zacchaeus, his heart and wallet opened up, demonstrating the power of grace over the law.

  1. πŸ™Œ A woman with hemorrhaging is healed by touching Jesus’ garment, representing the church’s need to trust in Christ’s finished work for righteousness and blessings, while emphasizing the importance of faith and not being afraid.

6.1 A woman who had been suffering from hemorrhaging for 12 years, and was considered unclean by the law, heard about Jesus and touched the hem of his garment, resulting in instant healing.

6.2 A 12-year-old girl who was suffering from hemorrhage represents the church, and Jesus was on his way to raise Israel from the dead but the church came from behind.

6.3 Our righteousness is like filthy rags, but when we stop relying on our own efforts and instead trust in the finished work of Christ, we can become fruitful and conceive seed for God’s glory.

6.4 Seeking the righteousness of God will result in all blessings being added to you, and it is important to work out your salvation with fear and trembling in various aspects of life.

6.5 In the New Testament, the phrase “fear and trembling” does not mean being afraid of God, but rather experiencing awe and amazement, as seen in the story of the woman who touched Jesus and was healed.

6.6 Jesus tells a woman to go in peace and remain well, emphasizing the importance of faith, while also reassuring Jairus not to be afraid and to believe in the face of looming fears over Israel.

  1. πŸ™Œ Jesus brings new life and understanding through grace, surpassing the law, offering forgiveness and love, empowering people to not fear or lack, and restoring the message of grace to the church.

7.1 Jesus brought Peter, James, and John to witness the resurrection of a young girl, symbolizing that Israel and the young generation worldwide need to understand that righteousness, represented by the talit, can bring them back to life.

7.2 There is a new generation that is being misunderstood and judged, but if we preach the message of grace instead of the law, we will see this young generation and Israel come alive.

7.3 The glory of Jesus’ face, which represents the gospel of grace, surpasses the glory of Moses’ face, which represents the law, and the preaching of the gospel of grace in the end times will have an even greater glory.

7.4 Jesus forgives a woman caught in adultery and challenges those without sin to cast the first stone, showing that he upholds the law but offers love and forgiveness instead of condemnation.

7.5 In the last days, shepherds will preach a message of grace that will empower people to not fear, be discouraged, or lack, and this will happen when the Jewish people return from the north country, restoring the message of grace to the church.

7.6 Jesus took on our sins and gave us his righteousness, just like in ancient Israel where the lamb took on the sins of the offeror and the offeror received the blessings of God.

  1. πŸ™ Worship and keep the glory of God in mind, as there is no rival in His presence; God loves you and is not holding your sins against you, so embrace Jesus Christ, receive his gift of righteousness, and become a child of God with all things made new, as he is coming back soon.

8.1 Worship and keep the glory of God before your eyes, as there is no rival that can survive in His presence.

8.2 God loves you and is not holding your sins against you, so come home to Him.

8.3 Embrace Jesus Christ as the Son of God, receive his gift of righteousness, and become a child of God with all things made new, as he is coming back soon.

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