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Learn to Let Go of Control: Joseph Prince


Surrendering control and finding peace

😌 “The let go life is that one thing that you can do so they can live freer healthier and happier… What is that one thing? It’s just let go.”

😰 In today’s society, people are more stressed, worried, and fearful than ever before, emphasizing the importance of learning to let go of control and finding peace in our lives.

πŸ˜‡ “The devil would not have attacked unless the supply was there already, he’s trying to make you think that you need to get healed, but no, you are the healed.”

😈 “The devil will try to convince you that letting go is irresponsible, but in reality, it is the most responsible and powerful action you can take.”

😒 Some of us may feel like it’s too late to reach our wayward children, but by letting go and surrendering them to God, we open up the possibility for His grace to work in their lives.

πŸ™ “It’s never too late for God to arrest my teenage daughter.” – Joseph Prince emphasizes the power of surrendering control to God in difficult situations.

Resting in our identity in Christ

πŸ€” Living the let go life is a paradigm shift in your thinking, where you change your mind from trying to make things happen to receiving the finished work of Christ applicable to your tough situations.

🏞️ The promised land for believers today is not a physical place, but a state of rest and abundance where we can enjoy the blessings that God has in store for us.

πŸ’ͺ Learning to “sit” in our identity in Christ allows us to overcome challenges and receive the blessings that He has already provided for us.

😌 “The secret is withdraw and rest when you rest you’re not stressed you know when you rest you’re blessed.”

πŸ’ When we rest at the feet of Jesus, we receive abundance and blessings beyond our expectations.

Letting go and trusting in God’s provision

πŸ™ “It’s not like you start praying then God starts supplying, that’s right when Jesus died on the cross, the heavenly supply for all our needs has been released righteously.”

πŸ’ͺ If we refuse to hold onto anxious thoughts and trust in God, He will clothe us with better health and provision than even the wealthiest man in history, King Solomon.

πŸ’ͺ Instead of relying on our own efforts and control, we should learn to let go and trust in God’s grace and His ability to take care of our situations.


TLDR: Letting go of control and embracing God’s grace is the key to living a worry-free, abundant, and healing-filled life.

  1. πŸ™ Letting go of control and worries allows God’s grace to flow, leading to healing, a freer life, and abundant blessings.

1.1 Letting go of control and worries can lead to healing and a freer, healthier, and happier life, as taught by Joseph Prince.

1.2 The premise of this book is that the heavenly supply for all our needs has already been released through Jesus’ death on the cross, so if we’re not receiving it, we need to understand why.

1.3 Jesus teaches not to worry about material needs, using examples of birds and lilies to emphasize that God will provide for us.

1.4 Letting go and not worrying about our lives is the key to a quality life and body, even though it goes against the world’s mentality of always taking action.

1.5 When we worry and try to control things, we block the supply that God wants to provide for us, but if we let go of anxious thoughts, God will clothe us with better health and blessings than even the lilies of the field or Solomon.

1.6 God’s grace flows in the worry-free areas of your life, while the areas you’re worried about seem to be a struggle.

  1. πŸ™ Letting go of control and embracing God’s grace is the key to living a worry-free and abundant life.

2.1 Grace flows in the worry-free areas of your life, and it is important to learn to let go of control and not worry about money or other concerns.

2.2 The story of the woman with the issue of blood teaches us that faith can bring healing and peace, and that stress can lead to various health problems and destructive behaviors.

2.3 Learn to let go of control and enter into God’s rest, overcoming fear and relying on His grace instead of feeling responsible for everything.

2.4 Letting go and trusting in God’s provision is the key to living a fulfilling and abundant life, contrasting the world’s mentality of striving and hoarding.

2.5 The book is available for purchase by calling the 800 number, and the people answering the calls already know that you’re calling for this book.

2.6 Living the let go life is a paradigm shift in thinking, where instead of being demand-minded and under law, one should embrace the concept of grace and receive the supply of wisdom and fulfillment from God.

  1. πŸ™ Letting go of control and worries allows God’s supply to flow in our lives, as seen in Jesus’ ability to accomplish much in a short time while still having time for everyone, and the key to experiencing healing is to relax and let go of control.

3.1 The speaker emphasizes the importance of letting go of control and worries in order to allow the flow of God’s supply in our lives.

3.2 In one day, Jesus preached, calmed a storm, cast out demons, and healed a girl.

3.3 Jesus had the ability to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time while still having time for everyone, as seen in his healing of a woman and raising a dead girl in one day.

3.4 Jesus promises us rest, and the believer’s promised land is not physical but a land of rest where we receive blessings from God without laboring.

3.5 The key to experiencing healing is to let go of control and relax, as the supply for healing is already available and worrying about symptoms only prolongs them.

3.6 Our labor is to rest and ask God for grace, living like a tortoise instead of a lion, as lions in the wild live under intense stress and have shorter lives, while tortoises live longer by taking their time.

  1. πŸ™ Letting go of control and trusting in God’s grace is the most responsible and powerful thing you can do, as it leads to improved well-being and redemption even in challenging situations.

4.1 Let go of control and trust in God’s rhythm of grace, as casting all your cares upon Him is the most responsible and powerful thing you can do.

4.2 Let go of your cares and anxieties to the Lord, as being full of them makes you vulnerable to the devil’s attacks.

4.3 Letting go of control, especially when it comes to our children, is difficult but ultimately the most responsible thing to do.

4.4 Worrying about Jessica sends a message to the devil that affects effectiveness and relationships, so it’s best to let go of control.

4.5 Letting go and surrendering control to God can lead to improved health and well-being for both parents and their children, even in challenging situations.

4.6 A mother’s famous daughter who had gone astray was able to turn her life around and find redemption through God’s love and grace, ultimately becoming a counselor in their church and a mother of four.

  1. πŸ™ Let go of control and trust in God’s plan, as he will provide something better than what you are fighting for.

5.1 Jesus finished the work of destroying the devil’s works, but sometimes things get held up because of our worry; instead, we should have a mental shift and give bountifully out of the belief that we are already rich.

5.2 Pray from victory and remember that as believers, we are seated with Christ, so we can confidently face any challenges that come our way.

5.3 Let go of control and trust in God’s plan, as he will provide something better than what you are fighting for.

5.4 Sit still and let God take control, rather than trying to take control ourselves.

  1. πŸ™ Let go of control and trust God to take care of everything, as shown through the story of a struggling student who only found success when they finally let go and allowed God to work.

6.1 Let go of control and rest, trusting that God will take care of everything.

6.2 A student who was struggling financially tried to let God take control, but only when he reached the end of his rope did God come through, showing that sometimes we strive to make things happen before finally letting go and allowing God to work.

6.3 Joseph Prince discusses the importance of letting go of control and not worrying about material concerns, specifically mentioning a trip to Israel in 2018.

6.4 Boaz, representing Jesus, told Ruth, representing the church, to come to him with six measures of barley, symbolizing the redemption and restoration of Israel and the Gentiles.

6.5 Boaz, a wealthy bachelor and the nearest kin to Naomi, was willing to redeem and help others, just like Jesus who became a kinsman with us and was willing to die for us.

  1. πŸ™ Let go of control, trust in God’s power, and have faith goals to experience abundance in life.

7.1 The church is married to Jesus Christ and when she rests at his feet, she receives abundance and is instructed to bring the measures of bali to her mother-in-law, Israel.

7.2 Have faith goals, thank God first, and let go of control in order to experience abundance in life.

7.3 Let go of control and trust in God’s healing power, casting all your worries and cares onto Him.

7.4 Let go of control and trust in the finished work of Christ to manifest in your life, overcoming worry and questioning why things are taking so long.

  1. πŸ‘‰ Watch the program to hear real testimonies of people who have been set free from addictions, depression, and sickness, and live a life of letting go.

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