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You are Born Again Through the Gospel of Grace: Joseph Prince


Transformation and Freedom through Grace

πŸ˜‡ Praying from victory means recognizing that as believers under grace, we have influence with God and can confidently ask Him to intervene in situations.

πŸ™ “The name that Jesus came to reveal is Father, and that’s my intimate name right with God, so my prayer becomes like a family thing.”

πŸ’­ In the New Testament, God has already moved and provided everything for us, so our prayers should reflect a confident and intimate relationship with Him, rather than begging and pleading for His attention and blessings.

🌟 We are entering a time where sin consciousness is being replaced by righteousness consciousness, leading to a transformation in how we glorify Jesus and how people experience freedom from condemnation.

✝️ Embracing grace and recognizing that Jesus took our condemnation on the cross can bring inner peace and freedom from self-judgment.

πŸ™Œ When our focus shifts to Christ, it delivers us from self-centeredness and allows us to experience true freedom.

The Gospel of Grace and Rest

πŸ˜‡ The gospel of grace is not about striving or doing, but about resting in what Jesus has already done for us.

✝️ Through Jesus’ death on the cross, every “if” in the Old Testament promises was removed, and now all the promises are fulfilled in Him.

πŸ˜‡ “Grace gives people the reason why they can believe that God loves them and cannot condemn us today because he’s condemned his son for our sins.”

πŸ™Œ “I can claim any promise that I see in the Old Testament… It’s all mine in Christ.” – Joseph Prince highlights the belief that individuals can claim and receive the promises found in the Old Testament through their faith in Christ.

πŸ’‘ “We celebrate Pentecost the giving of the spirit right and you read what happened at the foot of the mountain. Three thousand people died. Three thousand people died when the law was given okay. Now when the day of Pentecost was fully come new covenant all right no longer mount. Sinai mount Zion god gave not the law but the spirit how many were saved. Three thousand were saved.”

Experiencing God’s Love and Intimacy

πŸ™ “Grace is defined as unmerited favor, and once you experience it when you are most undeserving, it causes you to respond.”

😍 The message of grace helps people understand how deeply loved they are by God, leading to a sense of being cherished and valued.

πŸ’‘ Identifying oneself as loved by Jesus is a way of practicing and experiencing his love in a personal and intimate way.

πŸ™Œ “Our focus needs to be on focusing on his love for his love for me yeah and I would say like this those who are love best love best yes right.”

πŸ’– “If I get my significance from how loved I am, it’s the most secure that a person’s ego or person could ever be.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that embracing the gospel of grace, understanding God’s love and forgiveness, and focusing on Jesus’ sacrifice leads to spiritual growth, freedom from judgment and condemnation, and the ability to love others.

  1. πŸ™ The gospel of grace is about finding joy and peace through understanding that it is not about us or what we do, but about what Jesus has already done, and it is important to be cautious of false teachings.

1.1 The gospel of grace is about finding joy and peace through understanding that it is not about us or what we do, but about what Jesus has already done, and it is important to be cautious of false teachings.

1.2 God is restoring the gospel to the church, including the truths of justification by faith, the gifts of the spirit, the importance of the body of Christ, and the fullness of the gospel, as the world is not hearing it.

1.3 God is restoring the gospel of grace, which is defined as unmerited favor, and it is through this grace that believers are saved, not through works.

1.4 Experience the love of the Father, as most preaching focuses on loving God, but no one, not even David, could fulfill the greatest commandment of loving God with all their heart, soul, and mind, except for Jesus.

1.5 God’s love for us was demonstrated through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, removing the need for conditions in receiving His promises, but many struggle to believe and receive because of their own sin and lack of foundation.

1.6 You suddenly discover that your bank account balance is five million, and after initially rejoicing, you find out that someone anonymously deposited that amount into your account.

  1. πŸ’— Grace assures us of God’s love and forgiveness, making us part of His family, where our love for Him is not as important as His love for us.

2.1 Grace gives people the reason to believe that God loves them and cannot condemn them because Jesus paid the price for their sins.

2.2 When we are born again of God, we become one of His and just like a parent’s love for their children, there is nothing we wouldn’t do for them.

2.3 God’s love and grace make us realize that we are born into His family and He loves us so much, so we don’t need to worry about loving Him more.

2.4 John referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved, but this does not mean that Jesus loved him more than the other disciples; it simply means that John was expressing his personal experience of Jesus’ love.

2.5 Peter boasted of his love for the Lord but ended up denying Him, while John, who leaned on Jesus’ bosom, represented grace and was the only disciple at the foot of the cross, showing that it is not our love for God but His love for us that matters.

  1. πŸ“š Trusting in God’s love and focusing on His love leads to spiritual growth and the ability to love others; true humility comes from security, pride from insecurity; under grace, the fruit of the spirit replaces the works of the flesh.

3.1 Trusting in God’s love for us and focusing on His love rather than our own efforts leads to spiritual growth and the ability to love others.

3.2 Getting a sense of significance and value from God’s love is the most secure and important aspect of a person’s life, according to psychologists and Christian psychologists.

3.3 Jesus displayed true humility by washing the feet of his disciples, and true humility comes from a place of security, while pride often stems from insecurity, which is a common issue in insecure leadership; furthermore, the Israelites boasted in their ability to follow God’s commands before they even heard them, but God changed his tone and instructed Moses to tell them not to come near when he brought them out of Egypt.

3.4 God sweetened the bitter waters and performed miracles for the Israelites based on His undeserved favor, but when they started asking for blessings based on their own goodness and obedience, God warned them not to come near Him unless they die.

3.5 Breaking one law makes you guilty of all, but under grace, the works of the flesh are replaced by the fruit of the spirit.

3.6 The speaker discusses how the fruit of the spirit, including self-control, is achieved through preaching grace rather than relying on one’s own efforts, and highlights the misconception that pride is solely based on arrogance.

  1. πŸ™ Praying, fasting, and reading the Bible are important, but the motivation behind these actions determines whether one is under the law or under grace, with grace bringing joy; forgiveness is emphasized as a change in perspective after the cross, and praying in the spirit allows believers to engage in powerful prayer according to God’s will.

4.1 Praying, fasting, and reading the Bible are important, but the motivation behind these actions determines whether one is under the law or under grace, with grace bringing joy.

4.2 The speaker discusses the difference between old covenant prayer and new covenant prayer, emphasizing that in the new testament, prayer is addressed to God differently and the Lord’s prayer is taught as a model.

4.3 Jesus taught his disciples to forgive others as God has forgiven them, and Paul emphasized this teaching by stating that their motivation to forgive should be because God has forgiven them through Christ, showing a change in perspective after the cross; additionally, Jesus mentioned a new kind of prayer that is not the Lord’s Prayer, indicating a shift in prayer approach.

4.4 The speaker emphasizes the importance of reverencing God and addresses the different ways to worship Him, highlighting the intimate relationship with God as a father through Jesus.

4.5 Praying in the spirit, specifically in tongues, is a special gift that allows believers to engage in powerful prayer according to the will of God, reflecting a God who has already provided all things for us.

4.6 Every promise in the Bible is now yours, and you can claim any promise you see in the Old Testament for yourself.

  1. πŸ’‘ Instead of praying desperately, the speaker suggests a different approach based on discerning the Lord’s body and partaking in the Lord’s supper in a worthy way, focusing on Jesus’ payment for sins; taking the Lord’s Supper with faith in Jesus’ healing power is the New Testament way, and condemnation hinders healing; Pentecost represents the giving of the spirit and the ministry of righteousness exceeds the ministry of condemnation, leading to a revival.

5.1 Instead of praying in a desperate and pleading manner, the speaker suggests a different approach to prayer based on something God showed them from the scriptures.

5.2 The reason why many in the body of Christ are weak, sick, and fall asleep is because they do not discern the Lord’s body and partake in the Lord’s supper in an unworthy way, focusing on their sins instead of realizing that Jesus has already paid for them.

5.3 Taking the Lord’s Supper with the belief that Jesus’ stripes have healed us and releasing our faith is the New Testament way, and the reason some people are not healed is due to condemnation rather than the old testament curse of the law.

5.4 On the day of Pentecost, the Jewish people celebrated the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, where 3,000 people died, but in the new covenant, Pentecost represents the giving of the spirit, where 3,000 people were saved, showing that the letter of the law kills, but the spirit gives life.

5.5 The ministry of condemnation had some glory, but the ministry of righteousness exceeds in glory, and as we move away from sin consciousness and towards righteousness consciousness, we will experience a revival like never before.

  1. πŸ™Œ Embrace grace and look to the cross for freedom from judgment and condemnation, understanding that believing in God’s word and understanding grace helps deliver us from self and overcome the enemy’s twisted use of scripture.

6.1 Our body responds to self-condemnation by producing diseases, but when we embrace grace and look to the cross, we find freedom from judgment and condemnation.

6.2 A woman with a troubled past found freedom and became an evangelist after encountering Jesus, shifting her focus from herself to Him.

6.3 Believing in God’s word and understanding grace helps deliver us from self and overcome the enemy’s twisted use of scripture.

6.4 Understanding grace sets you free from condemnation and diminishes the devil’s power.

6.5 When we give our lives to Christ, our spirit man is alive and sealed, but our mind and body may still have old habits and desires, so we need to focus on Christ’s performance and hear the word to overcome attacks from the devil.

  1. πŸ“– The word of Christ produces faith, but legalism can cause people to forget the message of grace; listening to the word of God brings freedom and should be valued by the body of Christ.

7.1 The word of Christ, which reveals the truth about Christ and is distinct from the Ten Commandments, is what produces faith.

7.2 Faith comes from hearing the word of Christ, but people have a tendency towards legalism and can easily forget the message of grace when exposed to a mixture of law and grace.

7.3 The body of Christ should value hearing the word of God as it has the power to alleviate stress, fears, and bring freedom, and it is important to listen to it day and night.

7.4 Understanding the gospel of grace allows one to experience peace, happiness, and love, and makes reading the word and praying enjoyable, while switching from law to grace prevents the Bible from becoming a source of self-condemnation.

  1. πŸ™ Jesus revealed himself through the scriptures to remedy ignorance and unbelief, offering everyone an equal opportunity to be transformed by the Holy Spirit and experience the abundant life promised in the gospel of grace.

8.1 Why do you restrain your eyes from seeing? It’s cool if they see your Neil Pearce’s hands.

8.2 Jesus is the central focus and remedy for the slowness of heart to believe in the body of Christ, as he expounded on himself through the first five books and the prophets.

8.3 Jesus remedied the problem of ignorance and unbelief in the body of Christ by revealing himself through the scriptures, allowing everyone an equal opportunity to see him and be transformed by the Holy Spirit, rather than focusing on what to do.

8.4 If you’re burdened and find church hard, it’s because you don’t have a revelation of God’s grace, which brings joy and understanding of the power of the blood and the significance of the cross beyond forgiveness of sins.

8.5 The speaker emphasizes the importance of experiencing the abundant life promised in the gospel of grace, which is not about self-effort but about resting in what Jesus has already done, and encourages listeners to seek out and understand the gospel of grace for themselves.

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