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Be Strong in the Lord!: Beth Moore


Spiritual Warfare and Scripture Engagement

πŸ’ͺ “You get in the word of God…and you take that Spear and you aim right in the dead center of that Target and you where it will hit Bull’s Eye into what he’s after he has targeted you target him back.”

πŸ›‘οΈ As believers, we are called to be armored warriors of the faith, equipped with the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit.

πŸ—‘οΈ Every attack has a point, and it’s crucial to understand what the enemy is after in order to effectively combat it.

🎯 “You get in the word of God you pull out your concordance. You find out how you can match scriptures to that particular attack and you take that Spear and you aim right in the dead center of that Target and you where it will hit Bull’s Eye into what he’s after.”

πŸ“– “You better get out the scriptures and get proficient in using them as life and godliness and breath and hope and and healing to your bones and then get that sharp stick ready and cast that thing do you want to be Wonder Woman because you better know there is a God of Wonders and it’s only his woman that’s going to be a Wonder Woman.”

πŸ€” Solomon’s downfall was his inability to say no to himself, leading him to turn to other gods and be unfaithful to the Lord.

Empowerment and Supernatural Living

πŸ€” Beth Moore challenges our self-perception: “We can handle more than we think… We just can.”

πŸ’ͺ We are called to live supernaturally charged lives that leave people with no other explanation but to acknowledge that God must be God.

πŸ’ͺ The Holy Spirit can empower us to do things beyond our natural abilities, providing us with knowledge and skills in moments of crisis.

πŸ’ͺ “If we’re in Christ we not only can handle more than we think we can handle, extraordinarily more than we could possibly think.”

πŸ’ͺ Beth Moore emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and repentance in the Christian faith.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that by relying on scripture, being disciplined and strong, and following Jesus’ example, individuals can overcome attacks and live supernaturally charged lives.

  1. πŸ“š Identify the enemy’s target, use scripture to counterattack, and aim for the bull’s eye to overcome attacks.

1.1 Identify the enemy’s target, use scripture to counterattack, and aim for the bull’s eye to overcome attacks.

1.2 The speaker discusses her love for coffee and her preference for using a French press with a coarse grind, specifically mentioning her stainless steel pot.

1.3 I start my day by boiling water for coffee, but I really wake up for Jesus, using the coffee to prepare myself for what he has to say to me, and I make a French press by pouring boiling water over coarse ground coffee and stirring it briskly before placing the filter on top.

1.4 The speaker accidentally spilled hot coffee on themselves while holding a cup by the handle.

1.5 There is a realization that although we may think we are handling things, there is actually nothing on the other side of the handle.

  1. πŸ“’ The message warns against pride and arrogance, emphasizing the importance of choosing between being a handler or a can’t handler, represented by a pit bull and a pill bug respectively.

2.1 The message in Isaiah 9:8-10 warns against pride and arrogance, as the people dismiss the message and believe they can handle any challenges by rebuilding and replanting.

2.2 There are two types of people, the handlers who believe they can handle anything and the can’t handlers who live in constant panic, and it is important to choose which category we fall into rather than staying in the middle.

2.3 The speaker assigns a mascot to each group, with the handlers being represented by a pit bull and the can’t handlers being represented by a pill bug, and discusses how handlers think they can handle everything.

  1. πŸ“š People who manipulate others are not well-received, as seen in the Bible with Sarah, Rebecca, the mother of James and John, and Cain, and even Saul, the first king of Israel, hid himself among the baggage.

3.1 People who try to handle and manipulate others are not well-received and can cause a rebellious reaction.

3.2 Handlers in the Bible manipulate others under the guise of God’s will, as seen with Sarah, Rebecca, and the mother of James and John.

3.3 Some people have a tendency to be manipulative and deceptive in order to achieve their goals, like Cain in the Bible.

3.4 Saul, the first king of Israel, was chosen by lot but hid himself among the baggage, prompting Samuel to inquire of the Lord.

  1. πŸ“š We are called to live supernaturally charged lives, handling more than we think we can with the help of the Holy Spirit.

4.1 A woman on a talk show could fold herself into a suitcase, and the speaker wonders what made her think she could do that, while also mentioning an older couple who attended shows in Branson, Missouri.

4.2 Saul, who was taller than all the Israelites, represents the absurdity of hiding one’s true identity and being deceived or defeated as believers in Jesus.

4.3 We are capable of handling more than we believe and less than we believe, as proven by Scripture.

4.4 We are called to live supernaturally charged lives that leave people with no other explanation except that God must be God, going beyond what the average person can handle.

4.5 We are meant to live lives that handle more than we think we can, with the help of the Holy Spirit enabling us to do things beyond our natural abilities.

  1. 🦁 Each person has the potential to handle more than they think, as seen in the story of brave warriors who were compared to lions and gazelles.

5.1 David, who has been anointed as king but is being pursued by Saul, is joined by brave warriors who are ready for battle and have the faces of lions and the swiftness of gazelles.

5.2 Each person has the potential to handle more than they think, with even the least capable being able to match a hundred, and the strongest a thousand, as seen in the story of the gadites who were compared to lions and gazelles.

5.3 There is a contrast between the defected guidance who were seasoned fighters and knew how to handle shield and spear and the animals being pictured.

  1. πŸ›‘οΈ Warriors in the army of God are disciplined and strong, relying on training, obedience, and perseverance, wielding the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit to fight against darkness and understand motives behind attacks.

6.1 The warriors in the army of God had a wild and agile appearance, with faces like lions and the ability to glide like gazelles, creating an odd pairing of wildness and discipline.

6.2 Warriors may appear strong and powerful on the outside, but their strength comes from the training, obedience, and perseverance they endure on the inside.

6.3 Seasoned and eager fighters who know how to handle shields and spears are called to be armored warriors of the faith, holding the shield of faith in one hand and the sword of the spirit in the other.

6.4 Learn to use the sword of the spirit in order to fight against darkness and understand the motives behind attacks.

  1. πŸ“– Know the scriptures, be a warrior, and aim your spear at the enemy’s attack by following Jesus’ example in the wilderness, relying on prayer and scripture to combat discouragement and the enemy’s attacks, while being cautious and responsible like Christine Kane, and learning from the cautionary tales of Solomon and Nebuchadnezzar about the dangers of entitlement, pride, and lack of self-control.

7.1 Know the scriptures, be a warrior, and aim your spear at the enemy’s attack by following Jesus’ example in the wilderness.

7.2 Pray and rely on the scriptures to combat discouragement and the enemy’s attacks, as knowing and using the scriptures effectively is key to victory.

7.3 Christine Kane is adventurous and courageous, but she is also responsible and cautious, as demonstrated by her adherence to traffic rules while riding a Vespa.

7.4 The woman discussed in the video is described as adventurous, devoted to Jesus, trained in self-discipline, and experienced in repentance, making her a strong and dedicated follower.

7.5 Solomon was given great wisdom by God, but he ultimately became unfaithful and turned to other gods because he lacked the discipline to say no to himself, which serves as a reminder that we cannot handle entitlement and lack of self-control.

7.6 Nebuchadnezzar’s downfall serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of entitlement, pride, and territorialism, as we must remember that our success and glory come from God alone.

  1. πŸ™Œ God rescues us from the chaos and baggage of our lives, bringing healing and honor.

8.1 Rivalry can be detrimental to us and steal our joy, as illustrated by a story of someone tripping at the end of a moving sidewalk in an airport.

8.2 A person holding a suitcase got caught and toppled over, causing a pile-up of people, and another person quickly went over and started pulling people off.

8.3 God has come to rescue us from the chaos and baggage of our lives, pulling us out one by one and bringing healing and honor.

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