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Answering Difficult Questions Non-Believers Ask: Greg Lauri

Key Insights

  • 📚 The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors over a span of 1,500 years, all inspired by the Holy Spirit, with the theme of the redemption of mankind.
  • 🌟 Science and the Bible are often in harmony, with the Bible accurately stating the countless number of stars before science could confirm it.
  • ⛏️ Recent archaeological findings consistently confirm the reliability of the Bible, strengthening its credibility as the Word of God.
  • 🤔 The criticism that there is no historical evidence of crucifixion is silenced by the discovery of the crucified man’s remains, challenging the doubts surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  • 🔮 The Bible’s ability to accurately predict future events, such as the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, adds credibility to its truthfulness.
  • 🤔 The odds of Jesus fulfilling just eight prophecies by mere coincidence are almost as crazy as sextillion, highlighting the unlikelihood of it happening randomly.

Personal experiences and transformation

  • 💡 “God has really changed my life…and how things that had changed for me.” – Insight: Personal experiences of transformation can be powerful evidence for the impact of faith.
  • 🤔 The speaker acknowledges that they don’t have all the answers, emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding to effectively respond to challenging questions.
  • 🙏 “The Lord’s servant must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone and gently teach those that oppose the truth.” Showing kindness and gentleness when sharing the truth can help change hearts and lead others to believe.
  • 💔 “You never really know how much you really believe anything until it’s truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life or death to you.” – Lewis

Theodicy and the problem of suffering

  • 😱 The idea that God doesn’t send anyone to hell, but we effectively send ourselves there, challenges the common belief and raises questions about personal responsibility.
  • 😈 Hell was created for the devil and his angels, not for people, according to Jesus.
  • 😱 How could a God of love allow suffering? Jesus’ response challenges the idea that suffering is always a result of sin, suggesting that it can serve a greater purpose.
  • 🤔 Our human intellect and notions of fairness struggle to reconcile the contradiction between a loving God and a world filled with pain and suffering.


Christians should be prepared to answer difficult questions from non-believers with love and humility, focusing on the core message of the gospel and not getting sidetracked by secondary issues, while also understanding that the Bible is confirmed by personal experiences, science, archaeology, historical evidence, and fulfilled prophecies, and that people’s eternal destination is based on their choice to accept God as their Savior or not, with God’s judgment applying even to those who have never heard the gospel.

  • 📚 Christians should be prepared to answer difficult questions from non-believers with love and humility, focusing on the core message of the gospel and not getting sidetracked by secondary issues.
  • 📚 The Bible is believed to be true because it has provided personal experiences of forgiveness, peace, answered prayers, and strength during hardships, even in the face of grief; it is also confirmed by science in its accurate description of the stars, and the speaker avoids discussing the topic of sex.
  • 📚 The Bible is not a scientific textbook, but it accurately addresses scientific concepts and has been confirmed by archaeological findings, historical evidence, and fulfilled prophecies.
  • 📚 People’s eternal destination in heaven or hell is based on their deliberate choice, either to have God as their Savior or to be their own saviors, and God’s judgment applies even to those who have never heard the gospel.
  • 📚 Non-believers will still be judged by God because they have an internal compass that instinctively knows right from wrong, and if someone truly seeks truth, God will reveal Himself to them.
  • 📚 God reveals himself to those who seek him, suffering can reveal God’s works, Jesus heals to show it’s God’s doing, hardships aren’t God’s fault, injustices and tragedies can lead to doubt, we must learn to deal with the unexplainable.
  • 📚 Suffering and bad things happen because of sin, but they are not necessarily tied to individual sins; instead, they serve as wake-up calls to our need for God, help us grow spiritually, and can bring glory to God when we call on Him in times of crisis.
  • 🙏 Rejoicing in suffering can be a powerful witness, leading to opportunities to share the gospel, and by asking Jesus into your life, you can receive forgiveness, assurance of heaven, and help from God.

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