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Building Truth into Your Life: Charles Stanley


Importance of Truth in Relationships and Character

πŸ’‘ Kindness and Truth are very essential in a person’s character and how they relate to other people.

πŸ€” Truth is not subjective, it is what corresponds to reality and how things really are.

πŸ“– The Bible is not just a book about truth, it is the book of Truth itself.

πŸ’Ό Would you want to work for somebody who’s not honest with you? No, because honesty is essential in any professional relationship.

πŸ€₯ “There’s only one kind of lie and that is the sin lie.”

πŸ™ The Holy Spirit guides Christians to recognize and confront falsehoods in their lives.

πŸ—οΈ Truth is a foundational life principle that is essential for reaching our potential and fulfilling God’s purpose for us.

Consequences of Ignoring or Violating Truth

πŸ›οΈ “When truth loses its supreme position in our life individually and in the life of a nation, everything begins to crumble on the inside.” – Dr. Charles Stanley

πŸ€” Without truth, our thinking, actions, and beliefs become distorted, leading us astray in life.

πŸ’ͺ Being committed to the truth of the Gospel may lead to making enemies, but it also brings the love and loyalty of those who appreciate hearing the truth.

πŸ’” Knowing the truth but choosing to violate it can have devastating consequences.

πŸ™ Not telling the truth not only destroys our testimony, but it also grieves the heart of God.

πŸ€” Without an ultimate principle of truth, everyone’s opinions are equal, but the word of God serves as the ultimate truth to guide our lives.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that truth is foundational and essential for individuals and nations, and living in truth leads to well-being, growth, and making informed choices in all aspects of life.

  1. πŸ”‘ Truth is foundational and essential for individuals and nations, especially leaders, and requires intentional effort to speak truth and address the sinful nature that leads to lying.

1.1 Jesus is the ultimate source of truth and the importance of truth in our lives cannot be overstated, as it is foundational for individuals and nations, and should be upheld by those in positions of influence.

1.2 Moses’ father-in-law advises him that he cannot handle the task alone and suggests that he appoint representatives to bring disputes to God and teach the people the laws and statutes.

1.3 Truth is an essential characteristic that should be found in every person, especially leaders, as it is closely tied to kindness and is ultimately found in Jesus.

1.4 Pilate, in his ignorance, questioned Jesus about the concept of truth, which was corrupted by power and corruption in Roman society, and similarly, the Apostle Paul faced opposition for speaking the truth in his letter to the Galatians.

1.5 Stop living like unbelievers and instead walk in righteousness and holiness, putting on the new self created in the likeness of God.

1.6 Truth is not something that just happens in our lives, but rather it requires intentional effort to speak truth and address the inherent sinful nature that leads to lying.

  1. πŸ“š Telling the truth is important because it corresponds to reality, reflects our character, and has consequences, so we should prioritize honesty and speak the truth to one another.

2.1 I took him to Dairy Queen and let him have whatever he wanted, then we talked about how he sometimes lies about completing tasks I ask him to do.

2.2 The importance of telling the truth is highlighted through a personal story about a father and son, emphasizing the need to prioritize honesty over avoiding hurting others.

2.3 Truth is what corresponds to reality, not what we feel or want it to be, and telling the truth is important because falsehoods are misleading and have consequences.

2.4 Truthfulness is not just a word, but a character quality that reflects what is on the inside of a person and influences their actions.

2.5 Do you tend to tell the truth with some exceptions, feel threatened by the truth, and believe it’s okay to lie as long as you don’t hurt anyone?

2.6 Jesus is the truth and the Bible is the book of truth, so we should speak the truth to one another and represent Jesus by always telling the truth.

  1. πŸ” People often struggle with honesty, leading to strained relationships and missed opportunities for growth, but truth is essential for well-being and making informed choices in all aspects of life.

3.1 How do you feel when you know you haven’t told someone the truth and when someone else is not being truthful with you, causing conflict and stress in relationships?

3.2 People often struggle to be honest with others, even when the truth could be beneficial, leading to strained relationships and missed opportunities for growth.

3.3 Truth is essential in all aspects of life, whether it be in relationships, business transactions, or personal health, as it affects our well-being and the choices we make.

  1. πŸ” Building truth into our lives is crucial for protection, guidance, and relationships, as it provides a foundation, discernment, and direction in life, allowing us to make decisions based on what is right and avoid devastating consequences.

4.1 Building truth into our lives is essential for our protection and relationships, as it serves as a form of protection and allows us to discern what is true and what is not.

4.2 Without truth, our thinking, actions, and beliefs become distorted, leading to a lack of foundation and a disconnect from God, making it crucial to seek and embrace the truth in order to find guidance and anchor our souls in times of difficulty.

4.3 Truth provides guidance, wisdom, strength, courage, and protection, allowing us to make decisions based on what is right rather than seeking approval from others.

4.4 Building truth into our lives is important for comfort, faith, and guidance, as without it, we are left without a foundation and direction in life.

4.5 Believing in and living by the truth of God’s word is essential for avoiding error, confusion, and uncertainty in life.

4.6 The book of Truth is the source of guidance for living and dying, and when people know the truth but choose to violate it, the consequences are devastating.

  1. πŸ“š Living in truth is essential for avoiding harm and evil habits, as lying hinders spiritual growth, destroys testimony, and grieves the heart of God.

5.1 Believing lies about activities such as drinking and unfaithfulness can lead to harm, as living in truth is essential for avoiding evil habits and emotional bondage.

5.2 Lying is a sin that hinders spiritual growth, throws off emotional balance, destroys testimony, and grieves the heart of God.

5.3 There is no distinction between white lies and black lies, as all lies are sinful and involve telling something that is not true.

  1. πŸ”‘ Living a life without truth leads to disappointment, conflict, and a lack of peace in one’s heart, and not telling the truth in relationships can lead to broken trust and difficulty discerning truth from others, so it is crucial for us to face the truth and not hide things, as truth is essential for reaching our potential in life, and we can find ultimate truth in the word of God.

6.1 Living a life without truth leads to disappointment, conflict, and a lack of peace in one’s heart, as lying goes against our nature as spiritual beings.

6.2 Not telling the truth in relationships can lead to broken trust, damaged self-image, and difficulty discerning truth from others.

6.3 Trust is crucial in society, but it seems that nobody trusts anyone in our government today, which is why it is important for us as individuals and as a nation to face the truth and not hide things, as not telling the truth leads to a constant state of unease and unsettledness in life.

6.4 Truth is essential for reaching our potential in life, and to build truth into our lives, we must recognize it as a foundational principle and evaluate the consequences of past failures in truthfulness.

6.5 Accept the Bible as the ultimate guide to truth, as there needs to be an ultimate principle of truth and that truth is found in the word of God.

6.6 God knows that we will make mistakes and make decisions based on what we have been taught, but He works all things together for those who love Him and corrects us as we learn and grow.

  1. πŸ“š Practice truth, trust in God, and be reliable; Jesus’ sacrifice offers forgiveness and eternal life, so spread this truth and seek wisdom in all areas of life.

7.1 Practice telling the truth and be aware of the consequences, as it can free you from inhibitions and fear of rejection.

7.2 Embrace truth in every aspect of your life, trust in God’s word, and strive to be a trustworthy and reliable person.

7.3 If a friend is unwilling to tell you the truth, they are not a true friend, and the truth is essential in life, including the truth about eternal life.

7.4 God’s love for us led him to send Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, and by asking for forgiveness based on his sacrifice, we can be saved and have our sins forgiven.

7.5 Believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to have eternal life and access to God, and it is important to spread this truth to the rest of the world.

7.6 Always seek wisdom and truth in all aspects of life, including relationships, faith, employment, and theology, and find answers in Dr. Charles Stanley’s comprehensive handbook for Christian living.

  1. πŸ™ Having faith and enduring despite fear is the key to conquering tough times, and walking in the constant awareness of God’s presence can eliminate worry, anxiety, fear, and trouble.

8.1 Emotions are a powerful force in our lives that can either be controlled by us or control us, and it is important to remember that dealing with them is a battle of faith.

8.2 All tough times are conquerable when we learn the key to surviving, which is having faith and enduring despite fear.

8.3 To endure and overcome difficult times, one must maintain a constant awareness of walking in the presence of God.

8.4 Moses walked in the awareness of God’s presence, seeing everything under His control, which changed his perspective on life.

8.5 If we walk in the awareness of God’s presence, we will have no worry, anxiety, fear, or trouble, just like Moses who boldly confronted Pharaoh because he knew he stood in the presence of an awesome God.


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