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Hearing God’s Voice: Charles Stanley


πŸ”₯ Moses’ encounter with the burning bush was a life-changing moment that shows how God can work in our lives and speak to us in unexpected ways.

πŸ‘ Moses’s transformation from a murderer to a shepherd shows that God can use anyone, regardless of their past, for His purpose.

🌟 Moses questioned his ability to fulfill God’s calling, but God assured him of His presence and gave him a sign of confirmation.

πŸ€” God’s love is not just shown through material blessings, but also during times of sickness, difficulty, and hardship.

πŸ”₯ God knows how to get our attention and will use unique signs and experiences to speak to us.

πŸ™ When God gives a command, He expects obedience, emphasizing the importance of following His will.

πŸ™ Despite Moses’ doubts, God chose him specifically for the task of leading the Israelites out of Egypt, showing that God can use unlikely individuals for His purposes.

πŸ’ͺ Whenever God tells us to do anything, we have the promise of His assistance, His presence, His power, His whatever we need, He’s there..


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that understanding how to read the Bible involves seeking a personal message from God, trusting and obeying Him, and sharing our testimonies to bring glory to Him.

  1. πŸ“š Understanding how to read the Bible involves seeking to understand what God is saying to you personally in each passage.

1.1 Learn how to get more out of reading the Bible by examining Moses’ experience with God at the burning bush and applying it to our own reading of Scripture.

1.2 Understanding how to read the Bible involves not just reading it externally, but also seeking to understand what God is saying to you personally in each passage.

  1. πŸ—‘οΈ Reading the Word of God without considering its personal message causes us to miss out on God’s specific instructions for our lives, as seen in the example of Moses being sent to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.

2.1 Moses, banished and herding sheep for forty years, learns a personal lesson.

2.2 Reading the Word of God as a narrative without considering its personal message will cause you to miss out on God’s specific instructions for your life.

2.3 God speaks specifically and gives encouragement when He has a mission for us, as seen in the example of Moses being sent to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.

  1. πŸ™ God, a God of love, encourages us to believe that He speaks to us, even in difficult times, as seen in the story of Moses and the burning bush, to remind us that He will always be with us and find ways to get our attention.

3.1 God encourages us to believe that He speaks to us because He is God and a God of love.

3.2 God’s encouragement goes beyond material possessions, and in difficult times, He still loves and wants to communicate with us, as seen in the story of Moses and the burning bush.

3.3 God wants us to know that He will always be with us and He will find ways to get our attention, just like He did with Moses through a burning bush that was not consumed.

  1. πŸ™ God wants our attention and will guide us if we listen, but when He gives a command, He expects obedience, even if it is frightening and we doubt ourselves.

4.1 God wants our attention and will guide us if we listen, but when He gives a command, He expects obedience.

4.2 God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt, but Moses doubted himself and questioned why he was chosen.

4.3 When God chooses to send you somewhere or have you do something, it is inescapable and you cannot change His mind, which can be frightening.

4.4 Moses was initially frightened when God called him to lead the people out of Egypt, and many people feel scared when God calls them to do something.

  1. πŸ™ God’s answer to Moses was that “I AM” has sent him, signifying His sovereignty and promise of assistance, and when you trust Jesus, the Holy Spirit within you will provide all the answers and God will never leave or forsake you.

5.1 God’s answer to Moses was to tell the sons of Israel that “I AM” has sent him, signifying that He is the sovereign God of the universe and will provide assistance and power for any task.

5.2 When you trust Jesus as your Savior, the Holy Spirit within you has all the answers you need and God promises to never leave or forsake you, even if you may feel forsaken at times.

  1. πŸ™ God’s presence is a promise, and He will provide clear instructions and assistance, even if they seem foolish to us; obeying Him in the little things leads to greater tests and blessings, but many miss out by limiting Him.

6.1 God’s presence is a promise, and He will be clear in His instructions and provide assistance.

6.2 God may require us to do something that seems foolish to us, but it is important to obey and do what He says.

6.3 God takes us step by step towards His goal of setting His people free, and the sooner we are willing to obey Him in the little things, the greater tests and blessings He will give us, but many people miss out on God’s best because they limit Him and can’t see their way clear.

6.4 God does not change in His character or power; He is omniscient and has all power.

  1. πŸ™ God promises to be with the Hebrews, perform miracles, and grant them favor, requiring faith to believe they will be freed from bondage, but reading Scripture and asking God questions can help us understand His will and be obedient to Him.

7.1 God promises to be with the Hebrews, perform miracles in Egypt, and grant them favor, allowing them to leave with the Egyptians’ treasures, requiring faith to believe they will be freed from bondage.

7.2 Reading Scripture and asking God questions can help us understand His will and be obedient to Him, as He is willing to guide and provide for us, even in situations that seem impossible.

  1. πŸ™ God wants us to humble ourselves, trust and obey Him, and share our personal testimonies to bring glory to Him, as we see His love, forgiveness, truth, and grace through the cross.

8.1 God wants us to humble ourselves, listen to Him, trust and obey Him, and watch Him work in our lives.

8.2 We don’t need a burning bush, just the cross, where we see God’s love, forgiveness, truth, and grace, and we pray to bring glory to Him by sharing our personal testimonies.

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