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Our God of Comfort: Charles Stanley


The Comfort and Guidance of God

πŸ˜‡ Jesus promised to send us a helper, a comforter, who will walk beside us and stand beside us in every circumstance of life.

πŸ“– The Bible is God’s road map for life, containing no wrong turns or mistakes.

πŸ‘‘ God’s sovereignty means that He has the power to fix, change, heal, and uplift us, no matter what challenges we face.

πŸ™ When we come to God, we can find comfort in knowing that He understands our hurts and knows why we hurt.

πŸ’” Turning away from Almighty God is the biggest mistake in life, as He is the One who knows and provides for all our needs, far more than we deserve.

The Incomparable Greatness of God

πŸ“š All the wisdom and knowledge of man cannot compare to the infinite mind of God revealed in the Bible.

🌍 God’s knowledge is limitless and surpasses human comprehension, making Him the ultimate source of comfort and guidance.

🀯 Our minds cannot comprehend the awesomeness, greatness, power, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and love that God has for us.

πŸ’” “All the nations are as nothing before Him, they are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless.”

πŸ™Œ God cannot be compared to any likeness or idol, as He is incomparable and unmatched in His greatness.

God’s Sovereignty and Knowledge

πŸ•ŠοΈ “The Word of God is the eternal Word of God…there’s no time in the past when He was not. There will be no time in the future when He is not.”

🌍 Isaiah describes God as sovereign, in control of all things at all times and circumstances, challenging our limited understanding of why certain things happen.

🌊 God’s power and knowledge are limitless, as He has measured the waters, marked off the heavens, calculated the dust of the earth, and weighed the mountains.

🌌 “How do you measure the heavens?…It’s all within His grasp because He is above and beyond it all.” – God’s knowledge and understanding surpass human limitations.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that God is our ultimate source of comfort, guidance, and care, and we should trust in Him instead of relying on quick fixes or turning away from Him.

  1. πŸ™ God is our ultimate source of comfort, encouragement, and care, and we should seek His help instead of relying on quick fixes.

1.1 No matter who you are or what you’re going through, there are times in life when we all need comfort, encouragement, and the assurance that someone cares and is looking out for us.

1.2 Most people turn to quick fixes without considering the consequences, but the surest help for pain and difficulty is Almighty God Himself.

  1. πŸ™ God is our eternal comforter who promises to comfort us in all circumstances, and we are called to comfort others as well, but departing from the Word of God is suicide because it contains the infinite mind of God and those who disregard it are headed for trouble.

2.1 God is our eternal comforter who promises to comfort us in all circumstances, and we are called to comfort others as well.

2.2 Isaiah chapter forty describes God as our great comforter, and when we understand who He is, we can come to Him with confidence and assurance in times of hurt and distress.

2.3 The authority is the eternal Word of God, and when Moses asked God who sent him, God replied “I Am that I Am,” meaning that God has no beginning or end.

2.4 Jesus Christ is the eternal God who will be acknowledged by all, and in times of difficulty, we should turn to Him because His Word is everlasting.

2.5 Departing from the Word of God is suicide because it contains the infinite mind of God and those who disregard it are headed for trouble.

2.6 When you stop reading the Bible, you lose your guidance in life and will face consequences for sinning against God.

  1. πŸ™ God is sovereign, in control, and all-knowing, guiding us through difficulties and hardships, and we should trust Him instead of questioning His presence.

3.1 God is sovereign and in control of all things, even if we don’t understand it or try to bring Him down to our level of understanding.

3.2 God is in control and will provide, protect, and guide us like a Shepherd through our difficulties and hardships.

3.3 God is the creator of everything and is transcendent, above and beyond all.

3.4 God, who created the world, sees everything from every perspective, measures the vast oceans in the hollow of His hand, and comprehends the heavens because His power and wisdom are beyond human understanding.

3.5 God is all-knowing and in control of every aspect of our lives, even the smallest details like dust, and there is nothing He does not know.

3.6 We should never try to inform God about our struggles because He already knows everything, and instead of questioning His presence, we should acknowledge that He understands and ask for forgiveness for doubting Him.

  1. πŸ™ God is all-knowing and capable of providing comfort and guidance in every aspect of our lives, valuing us despite our flaws, because we are the only part of creation capable of worshiping, praising, and obeying Him.

4.1 God is all-knowing and doesn’t need guidance or information, and He is capable of providing comfort and guidance in every aspect of our lives.

4.2 God knows everything about us, including our sins, and despite our flaws, He values us above all else because we are the only part of creation capable of worshiping, praising, and obeying Him.

4.3 When we come to God, we want to come to someone who knows everything, understands our hurts, and can help us because they have the knowledge and experience.

  1. πŸ™ God’s infinite power and love surpass all worldly things, and turning away from Him is the biggest mistake in life as He opposes pride and provides everything we need.

5.1 God is infinitely powerful and the nations and islands of the world are insignificant in comparison to His greatness and love for us.

5.2 God’s power and love for us are so great that even the entire nation of Lebanon or any other offering would not be enough to adequately sacrifice for Him, but He is willing to comfort and listen to us because of His personal interest in us.

5.3 God is incomparable and it is foolish to worship anything or anyone else, as idols are made by craftsmen and are temporary.

5.4 Turning away from Almighty God is the biggest mistake in life because He is the all-knowing, all-powerful provider of everything we need, while worldly things are temporary and insignificant.

5.5 God is not impressed by man’s pride and accomplishments, as He is the one who sits above the earth, reduces rulers to nothing, and reminds us that He hates pride.

5.6 God opposes pride and removes those who are prideful, as stated in verse 25.

  1. 🌟 God is omnipresent and knows everything, so we can find comfort in His presence and protection.

6.1 God created the stars, and they are all in their place, with not one of them missing.

6.2 God is not only in heaven, but also in our hearts, so we cannot hide anything from Him.

6.3 God is omnipresent and lives within every believer, so there is nothing on earth that can harm us apart from the knowledge and power of God.

  1. πŸ™ God is always working in our lives, giving strength and guidance when we seek Him and patiently wait for His timing.

7.1 God is always working in our lives, never gets tired, and we can never fully comprehend His understanding, but He promises to be there for us.

7.2 In times of distress and pain, God gives strength to the weary and increases power, even if He may take away our strength to teach us to rely on His strength and may not react to our immediate requests.

7.3 God waits for His timing and for us to become desperate, so that He can do His most awesome work in our lives and teach us to depend on Him as the source of our strength.

7.4 God is always present in our hearts, ready to provide strength and guidance if we seek Him and patiently wait for His timing.

  1. πŸ™ Your faith in God allows you to rise above challenges, receive blessings, and experience the love and power of God in your life.

8.1 Every child of God has a set of wings, which is their faith in God, and they rise in life based on that faith.

8.2 Your faith allows you to succeed, achieve, and receive energy and blessings from God, who responds to your trust in Him.

8.3 Storms in our lives enable us to soar above our circumstances, build our faith, and trust in God’s power.

8.4 God enables us to persevere and not give up, even in monotonous and challenging situations, by giving us the capacity to exercise our faith and soar above it all.

8.5 God wants us to soar above our challenges and focus on Him as our goal, because He is awesome and gives us the strength to run without growing weary.

8.6 Believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior brings eternal life and the indescribable love and power of God into our lives.

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