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When God Smells Honor: T.D.Jakes

Key Insights

  • 🙏 Honor God in such a way that He breaks the curse over your life and prepares you for what He is about to do.
  • 🌪️ “You cannot live out of your feelings because God doesn’t put you in an ark to make you comfortable and appease your emotions.”
  • 🚢 Noah and his family were saved, highlighting the importance of salvation and being prepared for what is to come.
  • 🙏 Building out of faith, rather than fear, has a lasting impact on future generations.
  • 🏗️ Noah’s response to trauma was to build an altar, not a tower, showing the importance of submitting oneself to God rather than relying on self-protection.
  • 🙏 Instead of building altars as a last resort, we should prioritize prayer and seek God’s guidance from the beginning.
  • 🙏 The act of giving God our all, including our worship and prayers, is a form of honor that can bring blessings and favor into our lives.
  • 💡 “Every person has to build their own altar, their own place of connection with God.”

God’s Power and Guidance in Our Lives

  • 🚪 The story of Noah teaches us that God has the power to shut doors in our lives, but He also has the power to open them and speak to us in new seasons.
  • 🚪 God opens and closes doors, and it’s important to seize every opportunity when a door is open, as there is no guarantee it will remain open.
  • 🐛 God works with cocoons, putting us in places of protection and incubation to develop and transform us into something new.
  • 🚪 What could feel like a prison could be a promise – sometimes the uncomfortable and restrictive situations in our lives can actually lead to great blessings and breakthroughs.
  • 🌊 God speaks to us even in our darkest moments, not waiting for us to come out of our struggles before communicating with us.


The key idea of the video is that honoring God through worship, faith, gratitude, and prioritizing Him in our lives leads to blessings, protection, and transformation.

  • 🙏 God’s sense of smell is triggered by honor, and when we honor God, he breaks curses, closes doors on our past, and opens up a bright new future for us, just like Noah’s Ark demonstrates the importance of rehearsing biblical stories and understanding God’s intentions.
  • 🙏 Trust the process and stay patient in difficult situations, as God uses them to protect and strengthen you, leading to new blessings; just like a cocoon incubates and grows a butterfly, God prepares you for a bigger and potentially intimidating phase of life.
  • 🏗️ Build by faith, not fear, like Noah, as what you build by faith impacts future generations, and choose to build an altar to submit to God in times of trauma rather than building walls for self-protection.
  • 🙏 Put God first in everything, prioritize prayer, and build an altar for Him in your life to achieve success and fulfillment in all areas.
  • 🙏 Build your own life and relationships, take responsibility for your own success, avoid gossip, and praise God even in difficult times, like Noah and Thomas Dorsey did.
  • 🙏 Be grateful for God’s favor and show gratitude through sacrificial worship, as when God smells honor, He promises to spare us from certain hardships; don’t wait for others, but offer your own sacrifice in the presence of God.
  • 🙏 God smells honor in our worship and presence, and when we focus on Him, He guides and blesses us regardless of our circumstances.
  • 😮 God orchestrates divine appointments where the natural and supernatural collide, resulting in unforgettable moments of transformation.

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