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And The Answer Is (Romans 3:1-8): Jack Hibbs

Key Insights

  • 💪 The speaker emphasizes the importance of bringing a witness that leads to the salvation of souls for the kingdom of God, highlighting the urgency of capturing souls in times like these.
  • 🤔 The converts to Christianity in Rome saw their faith as a natural progression from Judaism, recognizing Jesus as the Messiah.
  • 📜 Paul’s argument about the advantage of the Jew is deep, provocative, and not contradictory to his previous statements about circumcision.
  • 📖 As believers, we are commissioned to take the word of God to the ends of the Earth and be a comfort and light to the nations.
  • 🌍 The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the distinction between God’s relationship with Israel and the church in order to avoid confusion in interpreting Bible prophecy.
  • 💫 According to the Bible, during the tribulation period, 144,000 Jews will preach the gospel and a great number of people will come to Christ, highlighting the future role of the Jewish nation in evangelizing the world.
  • 📖 The Rapture and the pouring out of God’s Holy Spirit upon the Jewish people will lead to a widespread interest in reading the Bible and seeking guidance from it.
  • 🌍 The Jewish people were entrusted with the responsibility of bringing forth the Messiah who would save the world.
  • 🌍 God chose to come to Earth as a Jew, highlighting the significance and importance of the Jewish people in his plan.

Prophecies and Fulfillment in the Bible

  • 🏛️ The Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem displays the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are considered awe-inspiring due to their historical significance and preservation.
  • 📚 The Jewish people were entrusted with the responsibility of preserving the Bible, making it the most documented book in all of antiquity with over 13,000 original manuscripts.
  • 💒 The Book of Revelation predicts the emergence of a global false church, a demonically driven and satanically empowered religious system.
  • 💔 The Bible prophesied the crucifixion of Jesus, including the piercing of his hands and feet, a thousand years before it happened.
  • 📖 “In the beginning was the word the logos and the logos was with God and the logos was God.” – Interesting reference to the concept of the “Word” in John chapter 1.
  • 🌟 Isaiah 7:14 prophesied the birth of Jesus, stating that he would be born of a virgin, which happened 743 years later.

Ethical Debates and Moral Principles

  • ⚖️ “And why not say let us do evil that good May Come as we are slanderously reported and as some affirm that we say their condemnation is just.” – The idea of justifying evil actions for the sake of a greater good challenges moral principles and invites debate on the ethics of such reasoning.


  • 🙏 Persecution in America is making the Church stronger, as people sacrifice their lives for their faith and face suffering, and we should pray for the church to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and stand on the word of God.
  • 📜 The advantage of being a Jew is having the Oracles of God, and although some don’t believe, God’s faithfulness remains; Paul addresses circumcision in the church, emphasizing that belief in Jesus is the natural progression for Jewish converts.
  • 📜 The Jews were entrusted with preserving the Bible, resulting in over 13,000 original manuscripts, making it the most documented book in antiquity, and the Bible is the embodiment of God’s will and the answer to the Jews.
  • 📖 The Bible is God’s communication to us, revealing His will through prophets and symbols, and it is important to trust and not alter His word; Jesus promised to reveal the Father plainly, angering religious leaders; the imminent return of Christ and the confusion surrounding God, Israel, and the church; the difference between the Rapture and the second coming of Christ; the importance of spreading the gospel to Jews and the belief in Christ’s second coming at the end of the tribulation period.
  • 🔮 The setup of end time events, such as a cashless system and one world government, indicates that the rapture of the church is approaching, and Jewish people will play a crucial role in evangelizing the world during the tribulation period and the millennium.
  • 📜 Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac demonstrates his faith, Jesus fulfilled prophecies and was crucified, a remnant of Jews will come to faith in Christ during the tribulation period, and Israel will be restored.
  • 🍷 The speaker receives a gift of wine from Israel, which they see as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and discusses the importance of the Jewish people being entrusted with scriptures about the Messiah, as well as the wise men correctly identifying Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus.
  • 📖 God chose the Jews as custodians of his word and sent Jesus as their Messiah, fulfilling prophecies and indicating the beginning of the tribulation period; believers should show love to Jews and share the gospel, and salvation comes through believing in Jesus and confessing with your mouth.

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