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Are You Living Your Life for Christ?: Priscilla Shirer


Inviting and Living in the Presence of God

πŸ™ The favor of God on our lives is opened up by God’s spirit, which allows us to see Him more clearly and hear His voice in our circumstances.

🌍 “Our nation is in trouble, experiencing moral and social decay like never before, and the more God is marginalized, the more chaos and destruction we will see.”

πŸ™Œ Only a few people truly encounter the Living God, and I want to be one of them.

πŸ™Œ The moment you believe, you receive the Holy Spirit with a promise, and you don’t have to wait for Him because you already have Him in full.

🎁 When we receive the gift of salvation, we not only have a ticket to eternity, but also the privilege of experiencing a little bit of heaven on Earth through the Holy Spirit.

πŸ™ “I want to live a life that invites the presence of God’s spirit on me.”

🌟 “Let us strive to be marked by the presence of God, so that when people encounter us, they experience something beyond the physical senses.”

πŸ™Œ “If you want God’s presence on you, marking you, making you distinct and different from the people around you, then you gotta walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, be ye holy.”

πŸ’” Walk away from everything that is keeping you from having the biggest, most amazing blessing you can have on your life and that is God’s presence marking you all up on you setting you apart girl for his purposes and with his power evident through your life.

Encountering Christ and Experiencing Transformation

πŸ‘€ Simeon’s desire to depart in peace after seeing Jesus highlights the transformative power of encountering Christ in one’s life.

πŸ™ Our struggles can serve as a stage for God to show up in our lives and provide us with an undeniable encounter with Jesus.

πŸ›‘οΈ Through the power of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can break free from demonic assignments and experience liberation in our lives and families.

πŸ™Œ “It is for Freedom that we have been made free. Therefore we will stand firm and no longer be subject again to any yoke of slavery that is in our life.” – Priscilla Shirer


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to seek personal encounters with Jesus, live a holy life, and spread the Gospel to experience God’s presence and freedom.

  1. πŸ“– Simeon recognizes Jesus as the Savior and acknowledges Him as the light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel, emphasizing the importance of having God’s spirit on us to invite His favor and see Him more clearly in our lives.

1.1 To invite God’s favor and see Him more clearly in our lives, we must have His spirit on us, as exemplified by Simeon and demonstrated in Luke chapter 2.

1.2 Simeon, a righteous and devout man, recognized Jesus as the Savior and asked to depart in peace after seeing him, acknowledging Jesus as the light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.

1.3 The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share God’s word and talks about her three sons who are giants and the challenges of feeding them.

1.4 The speaker was tired and excited to go to a hotel in Memphis, but was asked to go out to dinner instead.

1.5 The speaker had a restless night due to a loud train passing by their hotel, but they still managed to have a productive day at a conference and looked forward to getting a good night’s sleep.

1.6 The speaker describes how the community has become desensitized to the sound of a train that passes by regularly.

  1. πŸ™ Seek personal encounters with Jesus, not just religious activities, to truly know Him and not take His blessings for granted.

2.1 Living in a blessed country with access to Christian events, books, and music, we may have become desensitized to God’s presence and need to be reminded to never take His blessings for granted.

2.2 The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking personal encounters with Jesus and not just hearing about him, using examples from the Bible to inspire and encourage the audience to hunger for a genuine experience with God.

2.3 Luke writes about encounters during a time of national trouble, but he is also addressing individuals with personal struggles in a time of moral and social decay.

2.4 Difficulties in life may not always be caused by the enemy, but rather God allowing them to set the stage for an encounter with Jesus.

2.5 Jesus arrives on the scene in a way that does not meet the expectations of the people, and even when he is in their presence, they do not recognize him, highlighting the possibility of being in religious settings without truly encountering Jesus.

2.6 Reading the Bible without an open heart and encountering Jesus can lead to religious activity without truly knowing Him.

  1. πŸ™ God’s ways are higher than ours, so we must be open to receiving answers that may not align with our expectations; Mary and Joseph, who couldn’t afford a lamb, were looked down upon and ignored, but they still encountered baby Jesus and we can experience God’s presence even without possessions.

3.1 God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours, and we must be open to receiving answers and solutions from Him that may not align with our expectations.

3.2 Luke provides detailed information about the ceremonial dedication of Mary and Joseph’s firstborn son.

3.3 During the time of presenting their newborn son to the Lord in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph did not have a lamb for sacrifice, as required by the divinely mandated sacrificial system in Leviticus.

3.4 Mary and Joseph, who couldn’t afford a lamb, were looked down upon and ignored by others, potentially causing them to miss out on encountering baby Jesus.

3.5 If you feel excluded or ignored because you lack financial, emotional, or relational resources, remember that you can still experience the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, even without having your own possessions.

3.6 Our affluence prevents us from truly encountering God and having an authentic relationship with Him, as we are so used to being able to provide for ourselves that we lack the space and margin for an intimate relationship with Jesus and often overlook those who have a deep connection with Him.

  1. πŸ™ Having faith in Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit empowers us to live beyond our natural capacities, with the fruit of the Spirit and gifts to edify the body of Christ.

4.1 Sometimes we overlook the people who work behind the scenes in smaller churches and volunteer their time to serve, while we focus on those in the spotlight with visible gifts.

4.2 Mary and Joseph, who didn’t have what everyone else had, were recognized by one person in the building, emphasizing the importance of paying attention and being open to meeting new people.

4.3 There was a man named Simeon who recognized the presence of God when no one else did, and the speaker encourages the audience to have an encounter with the Living God.

4.4 Simeon’s eyes were opened to catch sight of God because the Holy Spirit was upon him, and the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift one can receive after placing faith in Jesus.

4.5 The Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity, possesses all the power, authority, and greatness of God, and when you have faith in Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, you have all of that power and greatness residing within you.

4.6 Being filled with the Holy Spirit allows us to live beyond our natural capacities, as it gives us the fruit of the Spirit and gifts to edify the body of Christ.

  1. πŸ”₯ Use your talents and gifts to impact lives by allowing God’s spirit to anoint your words; live a life that attracts God’s presence and reflects His grace, favor, and evidence, so that others recognize His presence in you and you leave a godly imprint on your children and those around you.

5.1 Use your talents and gifts to impact people’s lives by allowing God’s spirit to anoint your words with power and fire.

5.2 The Holy Spirit allows us to have a relationship with God and experience a bit of heaven on Earth, and there is a difference between the Holy Spirit being in us and being upon us.

5.3 I want to live a life that attracts God’s presence and reflects His grace, favor, anointing, and evidence, so that when I leave, people don’t just remember my presence, but recognize His presence in me.

5.4 To leave a godly imprint on our children, be the wife, single woman, or employee that God has called us to be, and walk with purpose, we must have God’s spirit not just in us, but on us, so that we are marked by His presence and are distinct to others.

  1. πŸ™ Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord by letting go of hindrances, living holy, and inviting the favor of God.

6.1 Favor, which is the spirit of God being on you, opens doors, puts you in positions you’re not qualified for, and qualifies you even without a degree or diploma.

6.2 God’s spirit on your life is what makes it so that you don’t have to market yourself, but instead, you should walk in a manner worthy of the calling by which you have been called.

6.3 Social media has made us more interested in impressing people than living holy before God, but when we face Him, He will not care about our social media followers or likes, only if we had a relationship with Jesus, so we should live holy and lay aside sin and hindrances to invite the favor of God.

6.4 Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord by letting go of anything that hinders your relationship with Christ and yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit.

  1. πŸ™ Surrender everything to God, break free from sin, and live a holy life to experience His presence and freedom.

7.1 Walk away from everything that is keeping you from experiencing God’s presence and power in your life, even if it means ending sinful relationships or breaking free from chains.

7.2 You can break free from a lifestyle that goes against God’s truth and experience His presence by choosing to live a holy life.

7.3 God is calling us to live holy lives by forgiving others and walking away from sinful actions, and if we desire freedom and God’s favor, we should acknowledge this call and rise to our feet.

7.4 Give yourself fully to God, surrendering all areas of bondage and holding back, allowing Him to have complete control and bring freedom.

7.5 Priscilla Shirer prays for women to surrender every area of their lives to God, asking for forgiveness and freedom from bondage, so that they can walk in a manner worthy of their calling.

  1. πŸ™ We are free in Jesus’ name and our mission is to spread the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.

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