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Bible Prophecy – Happening Now: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights

  • 🤔 The purpose of “Happening Now” is to bring comfort and understanding through accurate interpretation of biblical prophecy, rather than relying on emotions or opinions from blogs.
  • 🤔 “I just watched probably the end of the Republic of the United States of America and I think I just saw the beginning of something else.”
  • 🗳️ The evangelical community voted for Donald Trump in record numbers because of his pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-religious freedom policies, not because he was the Messiah.
  • 💔 Just because God may be bringing judgment upon our nation, it doesn’t mean that God has given up on saving individuals.
  • 📖 According to the book of Ezekiel, Iran (Persia) will feel so emboldened that they will attack Israel, which aligns with biblical prophecy.
  • 🌍 The Holy Spirit within believers is currently restraining the world from falling apart, but when believers are taken up, the lawless one will be revealed.
  • 💒 Deception and apostasy are creeping into the church like never before, so it’s crucial to stick to the word of God and test everything against it.
  • 😇 “We can be so confident tonight and so at peace because everything that God has said in His word He’s done and what has not yet been done, He will do.”
  • 🌍 Israel’s strength and prosperity align with the prophecy in Ezekiel 38, indicating the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
  • 🌍 “The left, the liberals all around the world just found out a great way to take over a country.”

Faithfulness and Spiritual Unity

  • 🌍 Our spiritual family in Christ is stronger than our biological family, as we are united by the spirit and the world cannot understand this bond.
  • 🏁 Paul’s declaration of completing the race and receiving the crown of righteousness at the day of the rapture emphasizes the importance of staying faithful until the end.
  • ⏰ The parable highlights the unexpected and generous nature of God’s grace, where someone who accepts Christ late in life can receive the same reward as those who have been faithful for a longer time.

Persecution and Tribulation

  • 😱 The Bible predicts that during the tribulation, those who refuse to take the mark of the beast will face beheading as a consequence, highlighting the extreme persecution that will occur.
  • 😱 In the future, during the hour of trial, those who follow Jesus will face persecution and may have to live in hiding, unable to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.


  • 📺 The speaker, Amir Tsarfati, witnessed the events at the US Capitol on January 6th and believes it marked the end of the United States as a republic, urging viewers to remain steadfast in their beliefs; he also addresses the question of the evangelical community’s plans without Trump and highlights their reasons for supporting him in the last election.
  • 📜 Despite the chaos and uncertainty in the world, believers should focus on their faith in Christ, as the end times described in Bible prophecy are not promised to be great and America is not mentioned, but God has the last word and will intervene in the midst of difficult times.
  • 📜 The moral compass of America has been shattered, the Republican party is in trouble, and believers must stay strong in the Word of God to prevent drifting away from faith.
  • 🔮 China’s buyback program for firearms may not effectively decrease violent crime; gun-free zones attract criminals, and even without guns, people will resort to other weapons like knives; nations fear consequences and prayers are made for wealthy individuals to find salvation; support and pray for law enforcement; CNN may be up for sale; Amazon removing Parler from hosting service; in the future, people will be deceived by the Antichrist and willingly accept his mark, while others will face persecution for remaining faithful to Jesus.
  • 📖 Living as a faithful Christian is challenging, but those who remain faithful will be kept from the upcoming trial and find comfort in the promise of being taken to heaven; trust only the prophecies in the Bible, vote for righteous platforms, value differing opinions, and subscribe to Newsmax for accurate news.
  • 📺 The speaker discusses political affiliations, warships in the Mediterranean, Iran’s demands for compensation, Trump’s legal options, lack of criticism towards the Pope, and increasing persecution of Christians in America, emphasizing the importance of worshiping God and not being consumed by politics.
  • 📖 Trust Jesus as your Savior, confess your sins to Him, and strive to finish the race of faith, eagerly awaiting the day of the rapture and the crown of righteousness.
  • 🙏 Pray for a miracle as the world will witness angels and every person, including Satan, bow in worship, while also praying for forgiveness, preservation of freedoms, and spreading the word of God.

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