They Want Us to Fight For Them

They Want Us to Fight For Them: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Church’s Role in Positive Change 😮 The speaker expresses excitement about preaching an “Unpopular Opinion” series, suggesting that the church may be addressing controversial topics. 😢 The cry of a generation: “Please, please be more involved.” 🙏 They want us to fight for them – a call to action to prioritize the needs…

Wisdom from Above

Wisdom from Above: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Wisdom and Transformation 🌍 The outreach efforts of our campuses have turned every day into a serve day, demonstrating the faithful dream of making a difference in the world. 🌍 The book of James offers practical wisdom for navigating tough times and speaks uniquely to our current situation. 📚 Wisdom is considered the…

Laboring for You to Grow - All In

Laboring for You to Grow – All In: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Faith and Commitment 🙏 12,576 people made the decision to follow Jesus and begin a real relationship with God, exceeding expectations and bringing glory to God. 🙏 Having faith in God and giving Him our best is the key to experiencing the best that He has for us. 💯 To truly experience the…

Be Filled with the Spirit

Be Filled with the Spirit: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Relationship with the Holy Spirit 🙏 We seek God because we need God, acknowledging our desperation for His presence and guidance in our lives, families, and communities. 💨 The Hebrew word for “Spirit” translates to “the breath of God,” emphasizing the need for a power beyond human ability. 📖 The book of Acts…

We Need Each Other

We Need Each Other: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Importance of Human Connection and Community 💡 “I wish they would have called it physical distancing instead of social distancing because I think it’s relationships that keep you safe, keep you connected, keep you well, keep you focused, keep you encouraged.” 🙌 The big environment of a church service can inspire and motivate…

Love It, Learn It, Live It

Love It, Learn It, Live It: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Spiritual Practices and Disciplines 🗓️ The Church of the Highlands has been practicing prayer and fasting for 21 years, demonstrating their commitment to seeking God’s guidance and intervention. ⏰ Prioritizing prayer and fasting at the beginning of the year is a way to declare our dependence on God and put Him first in…

Stepping into the Light

Stepping into the Light: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Spiritual Growth and Encountering God 📚 “God is not a God who wants to help you to cope through things. He wants you to know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.” 💤 Taking care of our physical and mental health is essential before we can fully embrace and benefit from…

The Power of Short Prayers

The Power of Short Prayers: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights The Effectiveness of Short and Passionate Prayers 🌟 The speaker believes they have a message from God for the church and viewers, indicating a strong sense of divine guidance and purpose in their preaching. 💪 The power of short prayers is evident in the story of Hezekiah, who prayed a 29-word prayer and…

Blessed Are the Meek

Blessed Are the Meek: Church of the Highlands

Key Insights Meekness and Strength 💪 The power of meekness can have a transformative impact on one’s life. 😌 Jesus offers rest to those who feel overwhelmed and burdened, emphasizing the importance of finding peace in meekness. 🌟 Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus are examples of individuals who exhibited meekness while also demonstrating great power and…