Understanding and Overcoming Depression: Creflo Dollar

Understanding and Overcoming Depression: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights Being spiritually minded brings life and peace, and means not allowing our lives to be governed by our sensory mechanisms.  It’s okay to admit when you’re going through a rough time and believe in God’s Word while still acknowledging your struggles.  By relying on faith and spiritual healing, it is possible to conquer…

Succeeding in Everything You Do: Creflo Dollar

Succeeding in Everything You Do: Creflo Dollar

Key insights  Understanding grace-based prosperity means recognizing that everything we need in life has already been made available to us through God’s unmerited favor and love.  Jesus not only delivered us from sin, sickness, and death, but also from lack and poverty, making prosperity a part of the finished work of Jesus Christ.  Religion has…

How to Defeat the Devil in Your Mind: Creflo Dollar

How to Defeat the Devil in Your Mind: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights  The Devil’s method of operation is to play with your mind, deceiving and influencing you without you even realizing it.  Christians have been given authority over all the power of the enemy, meaning they have the right to command and can overcome any obstacles.  Strongholds exist in the mind, constructed with thoughts of…

Don’t Be Afraid of Trouble: Creflo Dollar

Don’t Be Afraid of Trouble: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights  Don’t be afraid of trouble, as it is an opportunity for growth and maturity in our spiritual journey.  “Patience means consistently and constantly believing in God before, during, and after tribulations.”  The joy of the Lord becomes our strength when we face problems or trials, as it comes from knowing what Jesus has…

The Great Misunderstanding: Creflo Dollar

The Great Misunderstanding: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights  Exploring the connections between Abraham, Isaac, and Jesus in Genesis can reveal profound insights about the crucifixion and the significance of Golgotha.  Love should be prioritized over disagreements on tithing or any other issue, as it is the most important aspect of the Christian life.  Tithing is not a means to receive blessings…