How To Completely Depend On God: Creflo Dollar

How To Completely Depend On God: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights  Before you even ask, God already has the answer and beats you to your destination.  Depending on God is not a part-time commitment, but a lifelong journey of surrendering and relying on Him.  Depending on God means being free from doubt and relying on His wisdom, love, goodness, and provision.  Yielding to God…

“Exposing the Dark Side Part 2” Your World: Creflo Dollar

“Exposing the Dark Side Part 2” Your World: Creflo Dollar

Key insights  The speaker shares a personal story of being threatened and attacked by demons, highlighting the intensity of their spiritual experiences.  The speaker shares a personal experience of being tormented by witchcraft and losing their sight for extended periods of time.  Despite the doctor’s disbelief in Jesus, the speaker’s unwavering faith and worship led…

The Behavior and the Character of the Last Day Society -: Creflo Dollar

The Behavior and the Character of the Last Day Society -: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights  “In the last days, there will be very difficult times.”  The last day society will be boastful, proud, disobedient to their parents, and slander others without self-control.  “They will betray their friends, they’ll be reckless, they’ll be puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasure more than God.” – The Last Day Society is…

How To Use Your Spiritual Authority: Creflo Dollar

How To Use Your Spiritual Authority: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights “You are a born again believer clothed with an enormous amount of power.” Peter’s ability to walk on water shows the power of faith and the potential for humans to do extraordinary things. Jesus gave his disciples the authority to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils….

“Rejected by Christians” on Your World: Creflo Dollar

“Rejected by Christians” on Your World: Creflo Dollar

Key insights  The speaker’s disclosure of her stepfather entering her room at night and mistaking her for someone else raises concerns about the safety and well-being of children in vulnerable situations.  The speaker’s experience highlights the devastating impact of being rejected and silenced by the Christian community when seeking help and support.  The speaker highlights…