The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the Believer (With Greg Laurie)

The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the Believer: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 🌟 “When we pray together as a body, there is power in that prayer.” 🙏 Daniel’s enemies tried to find a way to bring him down by targeting his prayer life, highlighting the power and importance of prayer in the life of a believer. 🙏 Jesus, being God, prayed all the time, emphasizing…

How To Be Happy And Content (With Greg Laurie)

How To Be Happy And Content: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 😇 According to research, spiritually committed people are twice as likely to report being very happy than the least religious committed people. 😢 “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” 🌟 “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven.” 😇 “The biblical definition of blessedness/happiness/blissfulness is…

How to Be Happy

How to Be Happy: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 😄 According to the speaker, happiness can be achieved by following the instructions in the message titled “How to Be Happy.” 📖 “God’s definition of happiness may be a little bit different than ours, and He reveals it in the Sermon on the Mount.” 📖 A Christian worldview is centered around the belief…