How to Have a Blessed and Successful Marriage

How to Have a Blessed and Successful Marriage: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 💍 “Marriage is a gift from God, and when couples obey what the Bible teaches, it can be glorious.” 💍 Personal commitment and honoring vows are crucial in maintaining a lifelong marriage, as divorce should not be an option. 💒 The speaker shares a letter from a couple whose marriage was transformed after…

The Importance Of Integrity And Humility (With Chuck Swindoll)

The Importance Of Integrity And Humility: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 💡 The Scripture is not just a magnificent word, but an infinite text that holds great significance and depth. 📖 The only thing inspired and infallible is the reading of the Word of God, everything else is fallible. 📖 The power of God’s Word is unmatched, bringing about a transformative deliverance that goes…

The Events of the End Times (With Greg Laurie and Don Stewart)

The Events of the End Times: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 💣 “ISIS is more dangerous than any other terrorist group including al-Qaeda, and it’s the richest group of its type in human history.” 💻 ISIS has a sophisticated propaganda machine that recruits through social media, making significant inroads among US sympathizers and using encrypted technology to avoid monitoring and tracking. 🌍 The Bible…

Antichrist, America, and the End of Days (With Greg Laurie)

Antichrist, America, and the End of Days: Greg Lauri

Key Insights 😈 The anti-Christ will be history’s vilest embodiment of sin and rebellion, energized by Lucifer himself. 😈 The Antichrist will be charismatic, magnetic, and a convincing speaker, possibly even appearing on the cover of GQ and Time Magazine simultaneously. 📖 Over 100 passages in scripture detail the origin, career, character, and final doom…