Just When you Thought it Was Over: Jack Hibbs

Just When you Thought it Was Over: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 🛩ī¸ The pilots’ conversation about reducing airspeed to prevent the plane from breaking apart emphasizes the importance of proper handling during turbulence to ensure passenger safety. ✈ī¸ The relief and gratitude of surviving a dangerous flight is evident in the passengers’ reaction of kissing the ground upon landing. 🤔 In a world where…

Futures: A Coming Global Reset: Jack Hibbs

Futures: A Coming Global Reset: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 💰 The concept of a global or financial reset is being discussed in relation to the economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 📖 The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing the prophetic doctrines of the Bible, stating that God expects people to be prepared and knowledgeable about them. 🌍 The church age…

The End Times: Ten Upcoming Events in Bible Prophecy: Jack Hibbs

The End Times: Ten Upcoming Events in Bible Prophecy: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 📚 Charlie Campbell is an incredible educator who provides resources on how to defend and give an apologetic argument for the Christian faith. 🌍 The upcoming events in Bible prophecy provide reasons to trust the Bible’s divine origin and authority. ⏰ The first major event on the prophetic timeline is the imminent coming…

Happily, Ever After (Romans 6:1-11): Jack Hibbs

Happily, Ever After (Romans 6:1-11): Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 🙏 “Reckon yourselves to be dead…but alive to God” – The idea of being spiritually dead to sin but alive to God challenges traditional notions of identity and calls for a radical shift in perspective. 📖 “Knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead dies No More Death no longer has dominion…

What Kind of Transition Are You Looking For?: Jack Hibbs

What Kind of Transition Are You Looking For?: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 🌟 Life doesn’t end when we are buried, it continues on, and having an eternal perspective can help us navigate through pain and suffering. 😅 We may not glory in tribulations, but the scripture tells us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials because it produces patience. 🙏 The…

Foundations: Jack Hibbs

Foundations: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 💡 Jesus emphasized the importance of loving God and loving others as the greatest commandments, which sums up the entire word of God. 🌟 This unearthly love is not based on personal traits or disposition, but is a transcendent love that comes from God. 📚 The foundation of our faith is rooted in…