And The Answer Is (Romans 31-8)

And The Answer Is (Romans 3:1-8): Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 💪 The speaker emphasizes the importance of bringing a witness that leads to the salvation of souls for the kingdom of God, highlighting the urgency of capturing souls in times like these. 🤔 The converts to Christianity in Rome saw their faith as a natural progression from Judaism, recognizing Jesus as the Messiah….

What You Really Need To Know - In These Last Days

What You Really Need To Know – In These Last Days: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights ⚖️ The concept of the rapture is a controversial and dividing doctrine in Christianity, separating believers from non-believers when Jesus Christ returns. 🌌 Jesus went to heaven to prepare a place for believers, and he will come back to receive them to himself, ensuring that they will be with him in heaven. 🌍…

Standing Up to Bullies and Pushing Back Against a 'Woke' World Public School Teacher Jessica Tapia

Standing Up to Bullies and Pushing Back Against a ‘Woke’ World: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 💔 Public school teacher Jessica Tapia lost her job for her faith, highlighting the issue of religious discrimination in the education system. 💔 Jessica Tapia shares her personal experience of being fired for speaking out and her determination to make a difference. 🙏 “I really believe that like God is doing something with…

How To Know You Are Living In The Last Days

How To Know You Are Living In The Last Days: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights ⏰ Luke 21 discusses future events that are starting to align, emphasizing the importance of being prepared to meet Jesus. 😱 The tribulation period will bring great distress and wrath upon the unbelieving world, leading to captivity and suffering for many. 💔 “In the time of the end, brother will deliver a brother…

Behind The Mask (Romans 1:24-32)

Behind The Mask: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights 🌍 There is a dark and sinister side to the masked or veiled agenda that is becoming increasingly evident in the world today. 😱 The times are going to get grueling for believers as men who are unredeemed exalt themselves and dethrone God from His rightful place. 😱 The eschatological wrath mentioned in…