Pleasing God - Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life

Pleasing God: Joyce Meyer

Key Insights 💪 The key to pleasing God is not through our own efforts, but by believing in what He has already done for us. 💪 “Be bolder in your prayers than you ever have before.” – Joyce Meyer encourages believers to approach God’s throne of grace with boldness and confidence. 💪 “Come boldly to…

Emotional Stability Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life

Emotional Stability: Joyce Meyer

Key Insights 😢 Emotional stability is crucial for a healthy relationship, especially when one has experienced trauma in their past. 💪 The goal is to continually strive and work towards spiritual maturity, not remaining stagnant as a “baby Christian,” but actively growing and improving in our relationship with God and behavior. 💭 “Let emotions subside…

Be Stable Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life

Be Stable: Joyce Meyer

Key Insights 🤔 Jesus’ question to his disciples about who they say he is challenges us to personally reflect on our own beliefs and understanding of who Jesus is. 💎 Jesus tells Peter, “Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” emphasizing the power of…