Key insights
- The solution to not yielding to cravings and temptations is learning how to walk in the spirit according to the scripture.
- 🗑️ Don’t be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve you, even if they hold sentimental value.
- To determine if you’re walking in the spirit, align your mindset and thoughts with the word of God.
- “This Bible, when it is the final authority in your life, will win all arguments and decisions.”
- Your mindset and way of thinking determine how you live and act, so it’s important to align them with the Word of God.
- Aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with God’s Word leads to victory.
- Holiness is being of one mind with God, accepting what He says is right and rejecting what He says is wrong.
- By living in the blessing and walking in the spirit, you experience success in every area of your life and attract positive things towards you.
- To avoid sin, Pastor Creflo Dollar emphasizes the need to walk in the spirit and follow scripture, as willpower alone is insufficient for lasting change.
- Look at the box, even if it may create a battle, because sometimes the first step is just looking at it.
- Walking in the spirit means thinking in alignment with the word of God, while walking in the flesh means thinking in opposition to the word.
- Allow the word of God to change your thinking and be your final authority, as it will settle all arguments and guide your decisions in walking in the spirit.
- Choose a mindset that aligns with the Word of God, as it will lead to a life that benefits you in the long run.
- Align your thinking, speaking, and actions with God’s Word to experience victory and avoid disobedience and rebellion.
- Your thoughts determine your actions and the world tries to discredit the Bible and God’s word to prevent your success.
- When you choose to walk in the spirit, you will receive the power to get results and the blessing of success in every area of life.