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Depending on God as Your Source: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights

  • Depending on God as your source allows for uninterrupted and unhindered flow of revelation knowledge, free from satanic or demonic forces.
  •  Depending on God as your source is not just about being partially dependent, but fully relying on Him for everything in your life.
  •  “I’m ready to lose everything as long as I have God as my source.”
  •  “God doesn’t need your money any more than he needed the Old Testament sacrifices. The point behind your giving is for you to learn to recognize God as the source of all of your provision.”
  •  Do you really believe in God? It’s not enough to say you believe, but you need to depend on the one you say you believe in.
  •  “You will have no choice but to give God the credit and the glory because ain’t no way in the world you’re going to be able to pull off what God doing and God’s going to do it.”

God’s Grace and Blessings

  •  Dependence on God’s grace is essential for every aspect of our lives, including relationships, health, and provision.
  •  Inseparable dependence on God’s grace and man’s trust in it is crucial for a successful year, where external chaos won’t affect those who are equipped with God’s protection.
  •  “God’s goodness is not based on your actions or behavior, but on His own nature. His grace and blessings will flow on your life regardless of what you do.”
  •  God’s ability to heal, deliver, and bring about change in our lives is not contingent on our performance, but on His unwavering support and desire to help us.
  •  Depending on God as your source can lead to an anointing seven times greater than yourself.

God’s Promises and Guidance

  •  The love of money is when you trust money more than you trust God, and it’s a huge issue that is not talked about enough in the church.
  •  God’s promise: “I will not leave you without support… I will not leave you helpless… I’m not going to relax my hold on you.”
  •  “Whatever God showed you about the economy or whatever God showed you about Christ, He’s committed to your care.” – God’s guidance and promises are trustworthy, and we can rely on Him to take care of us in the coming year.
  •  “Since he did not spare even his own son but gave him up for us, won’t he also give us everything else?”
  •  There will be a significant shift in leadership and ministry in the next 10 to 20 years, marking one of the greatest shifts in over 100 years.

Trusting God in Difficult Times

  •  Despite experiencing intense pain and health issues, the speaker continued to preach the gospel, highlighting the importance of relying on God in difficult times.
  •  The speaker’s wife also had to depend on God during a difficult time, highlighting the importance of relying on God as a source of strength and support.
  •  Trusting in God and depending on Him as your source will help you navigate through difficult times and overcome challenges in life.


  •  The speaker questions the necessity of a New Year’s Eve service at midnight and suggests a shorter celebration, predicting chaos and division in 2023, and advises to depend on God as your source for three years despite any challenges faced.
  •  Depend on God as your source for healing, strength, and success, rejecting Satan’s influence and trusting in God’s guidance to overcome challenges and bring glory to Him.
  •  Depend on God’s grace for provision and protection, develop a real relationship with Him, and don’t let the love of money influence your character.
  •  Prioritize and trust in God, recognizing His presence and depending on Him as your source for peace, strength, and support in all circumstances.
  •  Depend on God for all your needs and challenges in the coming year, show your dependence through generous giving, and trust Him as your source for success and blessings.
  •  Depending on God as your source is crucial because when you trust Him, money becomes easier to come by, and prospering without Him leads to heartache and destruction.
  •  Trust in God, show love and forgiveness, and depend on Him for the upcoming year as Jesus is coming soon, and let His grace and goodness change lives without judgment or condemnation.
  •  Come to the altar and pray for God’s guidance and anointing in your life, as you break curses, convict others, and receive wisdom and progress by depending on Him; embrace being different, spend time in prayer, and expect a significant shift in leadership and ministry; receive an anointing to minister to nations, with God’s guidance and support, even in difficult times; may 2023 be a year of blessings, progress, and divine protection, with supernatural favor and may you live long to see 2024.

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