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Different Ways God Speaks: Michael Todd


πŸ—οΈ “When God gives you a word, he does not consult your feelings.”

πŸ“– Hearing God’s voice is normal for believers, and if they’re not hearing Him, they should question who they are actually hearing.

πŸ—£οΈ “God is speaking and many of us are missing him because we’ve been conned by The Stranger.”

πŸ’¬ If God spoke in the Bible days and he said he doesn’t change, he is still speaking today, implying that God’s communication with us is ongoing.

πŸ™ God’s sovereignty is unexplainable and goes beyond our logical understanding, as He does what He wants when He wants to.

πŸŒ™ God speaks through dreams and visions, providing guidance and messages to individuals.

πŸ“– The Bible is the main way that God speaks to people, and without opening it, we are void of His communication.

πŸ—£οΈ God speaks through the Holy Spirit, providing a specific word for a specific time and need.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that God speaks to believers in various ways, including audibly, prophetically, through dreams and visions, and through the Bible, and it is important for individuals to actively seek and listen to His voice in order to receive guidance and understanding in their lives.

  1. πŸ—£οΈ God speaks audibly to grab attention, challenging us to study and sacrifice for His word to see outcomes in our lives.

1.1 God speaks in an audible voice to get someone’s full attention, even though it may be rare, and just because it hasn’t happened to the speaker doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened to others.

1.2 God challenges us to not just consume His word, but to study it and make sacrifices in order to see the same outcomes in our lives.

  1. πŸ—£οΈ God speaks prophetically and gives words based on what we need, not what we want, as demonstrated by the speaker’s personal experience of seeking God’s guidance during a sabbatical and sharing the word with his staff.

2.1 God speaks prophetically and gives words based on what we need, not what we want, and for this year, the word for Transformation Church is “anchor.”

2.2 God still speaks to people and wants to do something special in their lives, as demonstrated by the speaker’s personal experience of seeking God’s guidance during a sabbatical and sharing the word with his staff.

  1. πŸ—£οΈ God speaks to believers, but many mistake His voice for other influences; in 2021, God will not be blamed for not speaking, so stop listening to strangers and focus on hearing His voice.

3.1 God speaks to believers and it is normal for them to hear His voice, and if they are not hearing Him, then they are hearing someone else.

3.2 God speaks to His followers, but many confuse His voice with the voices of culture, finances, and motivational speakers, leading to problems; however, in 2021, God will not be blamed for not speaking.

3.3 Stop listening to the voices of strangers who don’t know God’s plan for your life and start paying attention to His voice instead.

  1. πŸ—£οΈ God speaks to us personally and gives us direction in our lives, but we often miss His voice by listening to the wrong voices of comparison, depression, anxiety, and perversion.

4.1 When someone comes to the door of your life, it is important to ask who it is and only let in those whose voice you are familiar with and can authenticate.

4.2 God speaks to us, but we often miss His voice because we listen to the wrong voices of comparison, depression, anxiety, and perversion, and God wants us to know that He will speak to us personally and give us direction in our lives.

  1. πŸ—£οΈ God speaks in 11 different ways, including through an audible voice and angelic visitations, and just because it hasn’t happened to the speaker doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened to others.

5.1 God is an anchor that does not change, and if he spoke in the Bible days, he is still speaking today in 11 different ways.

5.2 God speaks in an audible voice to get someone’s full attention, although it may be rare, and just because it hasn’t happened to the speaker doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened to others.

5.3 God is sovereign and speaks in different ways, including through an audible voice and angelic visitations.

  1. πŸ™ God speaks through dreams, visions, signs, miracles, coincidences, and His written word, even to unbelievers, to demonstrate His power and communicate with us.

6.1 God speaks through dreams, visions, signs, and miracles, even to those who do not believe.

6.2 Miracles are a way for God to speak to unbelievers and demonstrate His power, and He also speaks through coincidences and His written word.

  1. πŸ“– The Bible is the main way that God speaks to us, and without reading it, we are missing out on His guidance and understanding.
  2. πŸ—£οΈ God speaks through Jesus, the Holy Spirit, people we dislike, and media (including social media and television) to declare things to all nations.

8.1 God speaks through the Living Word Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and even through people we may not like or consider enemies.

8.2 God speaks through media, including social media and television, to declare things to all nations.

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