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Don’t Try to Make Sense of Your Pain While You’re in It: T.D. Jakes


Transformation and Purpose

πŸ‡ The purpose of our lives goes beyond producing fruit; it is in the midst of painful crushing that our true identity and ultimate destiny are revealed.

πŸ‡ Life crushes us from time to time to bring out the hidden treasures within us, and it is through these experiences that we can reach our most powerful and eternal form.

πŸ”₯ The purpose of pressure and resistance in our lives is to release us from our resistance and help us yield to the process, leading us closer to our purpose.

πŸŒͺ️ The pain and pressure we feel in life may not have a visible source, but it can transform us like a potter’s wheel if we are prepared for disruption.

🌈 Going through the valley of the shadow of death allows us to experience the overflowing goodness and mercy that will follow us all the days of our lives.

🌱 The death of a loved one can be the birth of something new within us, leading to growth and transformation.

🌬️ In the midst of deep pain, a window of grace can open up, providing the strength to overcome and accomplish what seems impossible, like preaching at a loved one’s funeral.

πŸ’ͺ Joseph’s strength came from his ability to see the good in his affliction and trust that God intended it for good, even when others intended it for evil.

πŸ’‘ Joseph’s statement “you meant it for evil, but God made it good” was meant to comfort his brothers, not chase them.

Faith and Trust in God

πŸ™ The realization that God can be both a Supreme Being and a loving father, someone to confide in and trust, nurtures a deeper relationship with Him than mere religious practices.

😱 “So there has always been some friction between religion and relationship… religion never could hide his face from me to the degree that I didn’t see relationship is far more fulfilling and satisfying.”

πŸ’” Jesus’s invitation to take up our cross and follow him is a difficult and challenging request, but it is only possible when we believe that what awaits us on the other side is greater than anything we have experienced before.

πŸ™ “There’s nothing about me that he has not considered from start to finish.” – T.D. Jakes

Family and Relationships

πŸ™ The speaker’s mother’s dying wish for the family to stay together until the end highlights the importance of maintaining strong bonds and support within a family, even in the face of adversity.

πŸ’« We are the sum total of the people who have shaped our lives, leaving indelible imprints on our souls.

πŸŒ… “You have to receive that right then and say I’m coming out, and not feel guilty that you came out and not feel ashamed that you came out and not stay in for the benefit of people who have built their lives around your pain.”


TLDR: Pain and struggle are necessary for personal growth and development, and trusting in God’s plan allows for transformation and overcoming challenges.

  1. πŸ™ God’s promise is to be with you in the midst of trouble, and the speaker’s humble upbringing and his father’s passing greatly influenced his ministry, leading him to become a caretaker and shepherd of a church driven by a deep void and a ravenous approach to God.

1.1 God’s promise is to be with you in the process, revealing himself in the midst of trouble, and the speaker grew up in West Virginia with a family of five.

1.2 The speaker’s upbringing in a humble family with a strong sense of love and loyalty, as well as the impact of his father’s passing, greatly influenced his ministry.

1.3 The speaker’s father’s illness and subsequent death during his adolescence shaped his perception of what was important, leading him to become a caretaker and shepherd of a church, driven by a deep void and a desire to fill it with a ravenous approach to God rather than turning to drugs, anger, or bitterness.

1.4 The speaker discusses his journey to becoming a preacher and how he saw glimpses of his future as a child, leading him to be fascinated by people and start out in church on the piano.

1.5 God tricked the speaker into realizing that his introduction in the music realm was more impactful than his own performance, leading him to understand that destiny and purpose are often unclear and revealed through significant moments in life.

  1. πŸ“š The speaker emphasizes the importance of approaching texts with humility and without preconceived ideas in order to receive revelation knowledge, and shares how his relationship with God nurtured him more than religion.

2.1 The speaker emphasizes the importance of approaching texts with humility and without preconceived ideas in order to receive revelation knowledge, and shares how his relationship with God nurtured him more than religion.

2.2 Growing up in a religious environment, the speaker found that having a personal relationship with God was more fulfilling than following religious practices, and despite being an unlikely candidate, he became a pastor due to his innate qualities and interests.

2.3 The speaker’s mother was a strong and intelligent woman who valued education, and she became a teacher and later the equal employment opportunities representative for the state of West Virginia.

2.4 The speaker’s mother taught him to not give up or break down in the face of stress and depression, and this resilience is reflected in his preaching.

  1. πŸ’‘ Experiencing pain and being crushed is necessary for personal growth and discovering one’s true potential.

3.1 Our lives are shaped by the influence and legacy of those who came before us, and Bishop Sherman Watkins has been a significant mentor and spiritual father to the speaker.

3.2 A mentor who had a significant impact on the speaker’s life connected with him when he was a young man, guiding him in his early pastorate and showing love through correction.

3.3 The speaker discusses the joy of having a father who is still actively preaching and teaching at 82 years old, and the honor of becoming your father’s friend as you both grow older.

3.4 People who have faced challenges in their lives may become bitter and anesthetize their pain instead of dealing with it, but if we believe in a sovereign God, we can see these struggles as ordained and they shape us into who we are.

3.5 Life’s pain and hardships, including the speaker’s personal experiences, have taught him the value of life and the importance of embracing the crushing process in order to find the essence of Christ.

3.6 The speaker emphasizes that experiencing pain and being crushed is necessary for personal growth and discovering one’s true potential.

  1. πŸ™ Through suffering and pain, our hidden treasures are transformed into their most powerful form, and it is in times of trouble that God reveals Himself and invites us to a greater experience.

4.1 Jesus was born to die and be crushed, just like a grape, because through suffering and crushing, our hidden treasures are brought out and transformed into their most powerful and eternal form.

4.2 God is more present in the process of pain and resistance than in the promises, and it is through the process that we can truly learn about Him.

4.3 The revelation of God’s glory is only experienced through the frustration and disruption of life, as it is in times of trouble and affliction that God is present and reveals Himself.

4.4 Jesus invites us to take up our cross and follow him, knowing that what awaits us on the other side is greater than anything we have experienced before.

  1. πŸ”‘ Embrace and learn from pain, trust in God’s plan, and don’t try to make sense of it while in it, as surviving and finding new purpose is more important.

5.1 Invisible crushings from stress, heartbreak, and pain can have the same impact on our bodies as physical injuries, and in today’s fast-paced world, unseen forces are constantly bearing down on our souls.

5.2 Embrace and learn from the pain and pressure in your life, as it is through disruption that you can experience growth and resurrection.

5.3 In the midst of pain and distress, the speaker finds solace in trusting God’s plan and believes that whatever they face will ultimately work out for their good.

5.4 God already knows everything about us and has made up his mind, so we should not try to make sense of our pain while we’re in it, but instead trust that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life.

5.5 Surviving pain and suffering is more important than trying to understand it, as it is through these experiences that new life and purpose can emerge.

5.6 The speaker wanted 20 minutes of undivided attention from his three daughters and two son-in-laws for his birthday.

  1. πŸ’ͺ Pain and struggles serve a greater purpose in shaping our character, so step into liberation blindly and overcome, leaving behind those who thrive on your suffering.

6.1 Pain and struggles may seem endless in the moment, but in the grand scheme of things, they are temporary and serve a greater purpose in shaping our character and contributing to the good of the kingdom.

6.2 Some people refuse to recover because they have become comfortable in their destructive system, but Jesus disrupts it and brings healing.

6.3 In the midst of pain, there is a fleeting moment of liberation where one must step into it blindly, without understanding or seeking apologies, in order to find strength and overcome.

6.4 Take the opportunity to receive grace and come out of your pain without feeling guilty or ashamed, even if it means leaving behind those who have built their lives around your suffering.

6.5 People who thrive on others’ suffering will try to keep you broken, but you must have the courage to rise up and not be confined by those who limit your growth.

  1. πŸ’ͺ Pain can be transformed into power by God, allowing us to grow and overcome challenges, and our experiences serve as living testimonies of God’s presence and victory in our lives.

7.1 Painful experiences can be seen as opportunities for growth and preparation, allowing individuals to handle future challenges with strength and resilience.

7.2 Joseph’s ability to love those who had hurt him was his greatest strength, and he comforted them by saying that although they meant it for evil, he was okay.

7.3 God can use our pain and difficult pasts to shape and prepare us, allowing us to reinterpret our experiences and come out stronger, just like Job.

7.4 In the midst of pain, remember that there is something greater within you that cannot be stopped, just as Christ prepared himself in the Garden of Gethsemane for the cross.

7.5 Pain can be transformed into power by God, and wisdom is gained through mistakes rather than trying to prevent others from making them.

7.6 Our experiences are like living epistles that God writes through the situations in our lives, and sometimes our testimony is not in what we say but in how we survive and overcome, showing that the Lord is with us and not allowing our enemies to triumph over us.

  1. 🌱 Pain and struggle are necessary for personal growth and development, and even though it may hurt, trust that God is using it to bring forth something new in you.

8.1 When life becomes unstable and difficult, it is a sign from God to examine areas where personal growth may have halted, as the challenges and hardships serve as necessary nutrients for fruitful development.

8.2 Birth is a messy, smelly, and painful process that involves pressure and pushing, but it is valuable because it brings life, and in the past, babies were salted to aid in their healing from the birthing process.

8.3 Feeling pain is a necessary part of growth and recovery, and it is important to understand that just because something hurts, it doesn’t mean you’re not getting better.

8.4 No matter what stage of pain or struggle you are in, remember that you are always in God’s hands and he will use it to produce something new and distinguished in you.

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