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Futures: A Coming Global Reset: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights

  • 💰 The concept of a global or financial reset is being discussed in relation to the economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 📖 The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing the prophetic doctrines of the Bible, stating that God expects people to be prepared and knowledgeable about them.
  • 🌍 The church age is nearing its end after 2,000 years, signaling the approaching second coming of Jesus.
  • 💥 The speaker believes that there will never be a return to the “normal” we used to know, as certain influential entities are determined to prevent it.
  • 🌍 The speaker suggests that the world is nearing its end, with struggles happening everywhere simultaneously.
  • 😱 The idea of a global reset being orchestrated by the antichrist, as mentioned in the Bible, is a remarkable and controversial revelation.
  • 🌍 A global reset could potentially involve a system where people can only buy or sell if they have a specific identification number, indicating their allegiance to certain policies.
  • 📖 The Bible is seen as a remarkable book that foretells the future and provides guidance on life’s challenges.


  • 🌍 A global financial reset is being discussed due to the economic challenges caused by the pandemic, with calls for standardization of currency, aligning with biblical prophecies, and individuals should be prepared and knowledgeable about prophetic doctrines.
  • 🔮 After the church is raptured, the world will be left in chaos as evil prevails and the Antichrist deceives with false promises.
  • 🌍 There will be a global economic reset after the rapture of the church, leading to spiritual deception and a free fall in the world, while the World Economic Forum aims to address the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and work towards a global economic reset, highlighting the need for global cooperation; socialism’s failure is attributed to the imperfection of individuals and its manipulation by a few powerful individuals.
  • 🌍 The global economic reset is being discussed as a solution to the current crisis, but the speaker questions its effectiveness and suggests opening up businesses as a better solution, while also mentioning Jesus Christ offering comfort and peace to those who doubt their journey in life.
  • 🌍 The global calamity may lead to a rise in income inequality, pushing millions into extreme poverty, while the antichrist could enforce a global reset through a mark on people’s hand or forehead.
  • 🔍 Israel has created a chip in fabric to secretly track terrorists, while the speaker warns about the mark of the beast and the need to become a Christian to avoid deception.
  • 🌍 People are being conditioned to accept control through mask mandates and vaccination policies, which could lead to a global reset where buying and selling is dependent on allegiance to a world leader.
  • 📖 The Bible provides guidance for navigating the world and seeking peace and prosperity through a global reset, with belief in Jesus as the way to God making a difference in this world and the next.

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