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God Has a Miracle Waiting for You!: Priscilla Shirer


The Power and Authority of Jesus

🌟 When Jesus showed up, miracles happened – the blind could see, the lame could walk, and the dead were raised.

🍞 Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fish to feed a multitude of 15,000 hungry people, demonstrating his power and provision.

πŸ™ God has something special and refreshing that He wants to give to you.

🎁 The multitude is the gift to the disciples, as it forces them to open up and place their treasure in the hands of a multiplying Master.

🍞 The little bit you have can become so much when blessed by God.

πŸ™ “Jesus is whispering in your ear. Tonight just give it to me. I’m gonna multiply it. I’m gonna blow your mind with what I’m gonna do if you just trust it to me.”

Embracing and Unleashing Our Potential

πŸ—οΈ The enemy knows our true potential and the treasure we possess, even if we struggle to believe it ourselves, so it’s time for us to embrace and unleash our full potential.

🌟 Jesus entrusted the disciples with power and authority before sending them out, highlighting the importance of empowerment in fulfilling one’s purpose.

πŸ’ͺ God not only calls us to do something, but also equips us with the power and authority to fulfill that calling.

πŸ’ͺ God equips those who say yes to His calling with the power and authority they need to accomplish supernatural tasks.

πŸ™Œ Jesus welcomes and invites tired disciples to come away with him, emphasizing the importance of rest and rejuvenation in one’s spiritual journey.

πŸ™ If there is a multitude in your life, there is a miracle waiting to happen.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that as daughters of the most high Kingdom, we have hidden treasure and power within us that we need to start using, and God will equip us with supernatural capacity to fulfill our calling.

  1. πŸ“ Age is irrelevant, live a life worthy of your calling; speaker shares gratitude for the Osteen family; speaker’s role as a mother and her journal for her children; child’s excitement for the Tooth Fairy.

1.1 Age is just a number, and whether we are young or old is determined by our death date, so we should live in a manner worthy of our calling.

1.2 The speaker shares a personal story about attending Lakewood Church and receiving a blessing from John Osteen, expressing gratitude for the faithfulness of the Osteen family.

1.3 The speaker discusses her role as a mother to three giant sons and her full-time job of feeding them, constantly trying to find new ways to cook chicken for dinner every night.

1.4 The speaker discusses how she started recording a journal for her children when they were young, writing down significant moments and memories, with the goal of giving it to them when they are older, and she recently came across a journal entry about her son losing his first tooth when he was five.

1.5 A child eagerly waits for the Tooth Fairy to come and replace his tooth with a treasure, and when it finally happens, he and his sibling are filled with excitement and joy.

  1. πŸ’Ž There is hidden treasure and power available to us as Daughters of the most high Kingdom, and it’s time for us to start using the treasure that has already been entrusted to us.

2.1 A boy received a package of gummy bears and five dollars, which was a big deal to him because it was his favorite snack and money was scarce during their time.

2.2 The speaker’s husband reassures her that they have money in a birthday drawer from previous gifts, demonstrating good financial stewardship.

2.3 There is hidden treasure and power available to us as Daughters of the most high Kingdom, even if we don’t believe it, the enemy knows it and it’s time for us to open up the drawer and start using the treasure that has already been entrusted to us.

  1. πŸ™Œ Jesus empowered and sent out his 12 disciples, who witnessed and participated in his miraculous healings, and later fed a multitude with just a few loaves and fish.

3.1 Jesus called the 12 disciples, gave them power and authority, sent them out, and when they returned, they gave an account to him before he withdrew to a hill.

3.2 Jesus attracted a crowd because wherever he went, blind people could see, the lame could walk, the deaf could hear, and the dead were being raised, so when the day came to a close, the disciples asked Jesus to send the multitude away to find lodging in the surrounding areas.

3.3 Jesus miraculously fed a multitude of 15,000 hungry people with only five loaves and two fish, satisfying them all and even having leftovers.

3.4 The speaker discusses the 12 disciples who walked and talked with Jesus, emphasizing their close communion and the power and authority entrusted to them by Jesus before being sent out.

  1. πŸ’« Every action aligned with God’s truth is ministry, so handle your assignment well and live a worthy life, as we will all be held accountable in the end.

4.1 The disciples were exhausted and depleted after being sent out by Jesus to teach, preach, and perform miracles, and they didn’t even have time to eat.

4.2 No matter your role or setting, every action you take aligned with God’s truth is a form of ministry, and we all have an assignment that we will be held accountable for.

4.3 Handle your assignment well and live a life worthy of your calling, regardless of your age, because we will all have to give an account to God in the end.

  1. πŸ™ God equips those who say yes to His calling with supernatural capacity, so wait for the right timing, develop character, and find solace in Jesus when tired, as intimacy with Him is the cure for exhaustion.

5.1 God is not concerned with social media popularity or personal ambition, but rather with knowing His son and being called to effective ministry.

5.2 God calls us to do something and equips us with the power to fulfill that calling.

5.3 God does not call people who are already equipped, but rather equips those who say yes to His calling with the supernatural capacity needed to accomplish His tasks.

5.4 God calls, entrusts, and sends us out, but it is crucial to wait for the right timing to avoid aborting what He wants to accomplish in us and to develop the necessary character to handle the spotlight.

5.5 Despite their imperfections, those who have been purposeful and intentional in their efforts, whether in marriage, parenting, or work, can find solace in the fact that Jesus welcomes them even when they are tired and invites them to come away with him.

5.6 Intimacy with Jesus is the cure for exhaustion, so take a break but don’t neglect your relationship with Him.

  1. πŸ™ There is a hidden treasure waiting for you in the challenges of life, so trust in God’s ability to multiply your resources and experience His miracles.

6.1 Intimacy with God is necessary for replenishment and refreshment, as he has something to give.

6.2 The feeding of the 5000 is not just about the multitude being fed, but also about the disciples being fed physically, spiritually, and emotionally, as they learn to trust in God’s ability to multiply their resources.

6.3 When faced with challenges in various aspects of life, such as marriage, finances, health, parenting, or singleness, there is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered and utilized, and by acknowledging and entrusting our abilities and resources to God, we can experience His multiplication and overcome our struggles.

6.4 If you have a multitude in your life, it means there is a miracle waiting for you, so don’t pray it away or think you need more because you already have everything you need.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God’s provision and give Him your small gifts, for His favor can transform what you already have into something great.

7.1 God asks what you have, then tells you to go and look because what you need is already in your possession, like Moses with his rod and David with his faith.

7.2 Trust in God’s provision and give Him your small gifts, for He can transform them into something great.

7.3 You don’t need more of yourself, just God’s blessing on what you already have, as His favor is what brings balance, opens doors, puts you in positions, and satisfies all.

  1. πŸ™ Trust Jesus, he will multiply what you have and exceed your expectations, so pray for a change in perspective and believe in God’s ability to bless you abundantly.

8.1 This is not a quick and easy meal, but rather a traditional Sunday feast that takes time and effort to prepare.

8.2 Jesus performed a miracle by feeding the people, leaving them so satisfied that there were leftovers.

8.3 If you feel burdened by a multitude of problems and think you don’t have enough resources, Jesus is urging you to trust him and he will multiply what you have.

8.4 Priscilla Shirer leads a prayer for God’s people, entrusting their needs and asking for a change in perspective to see the potential blessings in their challenges, while also canceling any attacks from the enemy and encouraging a posture of abundance and belief in God’s ability to exceed expectations.

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