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God Has a Promise Waiting for You!: Joyce Meyer


Faith and Trust in God

πŸ“– “The words in here have changed my life. They’ve changed me and they’ll change you. The word is the absolute truth of God.”

🌟 “One of the biggest spiritual secrets in the Bible is that we can overcome evil with good.”

🌱 “God does not have the same plan for everybody…two people can do the exact same thing and get different responses from God.”

πŸ’« When God asks us to do hard things, it’s always for our good.

πŸ™ We may not understand everything that happens to us, but we can trust that all things work together for good in the end.

πŸ’ͺ Tests of faith are important because they put the devil in his place, give us confidence, and make us strong.

🌱 “You’re pruned if you do and pruned if you don’t, so we might as well just ask for the version that’s going to do us some ultimate good somewhere down the line.”

πŸ˜” When you obey God even when it hurts, you become dangerous to the devil.

πŸ’ͺ Our commitment to God should be unwavering, even if it means being tied to the altar and going through struggles.

Personal Growth and Transformation

🌟 “I can promise you that you can be different.” – Despite the challenges we face, we have the power to change and become better versions of ourselves.

🌟 “We want God to work on the outside and he wants to work on the inside and when the inside gets right it’ll make its way to the outside and all of these things will be added unto you.”

πŸ’ “I’m a submissive wife…I’m not his teacher. I’m his wife.” – Joyce Meyer emphasizes the importance of understanding roles in marriage.

πŸ€” “The longer you live, the more you realize how stupid some stuff is.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that trusting in God’s plan, prioritizing His will, and persevering through challenges will lead to blessings and personal growth.

  1. πŸ“š Women’s words can have hidden meanings that men need to understand, such as “fine” ending an argument when they’re right and “thanks a lot” being pure sarcasm.

1.1 Tests of our beliefs are important because they put the devil in his place, give us confidence, and make us strong, and the word of God is the absolute truth that can change our lives.

1.2 There is a story about a woman who goes to a husband store with different floors offering men with jobs, men with jobs and love for kids, and men with jobs, love for kids, and good looks.

1.3 A woman explores different floors with men who have desirable qualities but realizes that women are impossible to please, and the transcript ends with a mention of nine words that women use and men need to understand.

1.4 Women use the word “fine” to end an argument when they’re right, “nothing” means something and is the calm before the storm, and a loud sigh is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men.

1.5 A woman’s words can have hidden meanings, such as “okay” indicating she will carefully consider how you will pay for your mistakes, “thanks a lot” being pure sarcasm, and “don’t worry about it, I got it” implying she is doing something herself because you never did it, leading to potential conflict.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in the Lord, do good, and overcome evil with good, as God has unique plans for each person and their actions will be rewarded accordingly.

2.1 When God doesn’t choose you, trust in the Lord and do good because evildoers will be cut down and God will bring what you deserve back to you.

2.2 Trust in the Lord and do good by being obedient to God, being good to people, encouraging and helping them, and overcoming evil with good.

2.3 Overcoming evil with good is the best way to handle anger and hurt, as God has different plans for each person and their actions will result in different rewards or responses from Him.

  1. 🌈 God made covenants with Noah and Abraham, asking them to trust Him and promising blessings, showing that He has a greater plan for each individual.

3.1 Noah obeyed God and built the ark, and after coming out, God gave him a sign of a rainbow to seal a New Covenant, just like Abraham who obeyed God and left everything behind to go to a new place.

3.2 God asked Abraham to leave everything behind without any evidence of what would happen next, but those who are willing to trust God completely are the ones who become world changers.

3.3 God asked Abram to leave his country and family for his own benefit, promising to make him a great nation, bless him abundantly, make his name famous, and bless all the families of the earth through him.

3.4 God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants, requiring them to be circumcised as a sign of the promise, similar to how Noah received a rainbow as a sign of God’s covenant with him.

3.5 God’s fairness may not always make sense, but He has a greater plan for each individual and will use them in unique ways.

3.6 God had a greater plan for the speaker, who realized that despite feeling limited, they could still make a difference and be different.

  1. 🧩 Achieving your dreams requires hard work, sacrifice, and patience, as well as the right people to support you along the way.

4.1 Buying a puzzle with a picture on the box, starting with the easy straight edge pieces, getting frustrated with putting together the blue sky, and then moving on to the green grass.

4.2 Achieving your dreams requires hard work and sacrifice, facing criticism and disappointment, and enduring unfairness, but ultimately, it is worth it.

4.3 You may feel ready for what God has in store for you, but you need to be patient and wait for the right people to come alongside you and help, as you can’t do it alone.

  1. πŸ™ Sometimes life doesn’t make sense, but God is faithful and uses difficult experiences to test our faith and build our character, teaching us that true blessings come in unexpected ways and that inner growth is more important than material possessions.

5.1 Sometimes in life, there are things that don’t make sense and we can’t find a place for them, but eventually, everything will come together and make sense.

5.2 God is faithful and allows us to go through difficult experiences to test our faith and build our character, even when it hurts and we don’t understand why.

5.3 In the 70s and 80s, having a fur coat was seen as a symbol of status and faith, but the speaker realized that true blessings come in unexpected ways, such as when a girl they didn’t like showed up at their door.

5.4 The speaker shares a personal story about feeling jealous and resentful when someone received a fur coat, realizing that what she truly needed was inner growth and transformation.

  1. πŸ™ God has a purpose for our challenges, obeying Him through pain leads to blessings, and we should focus on our own growth instead of comparing ourselves to others.

6.1 The speaker reflects on the insignificance of material possessions, specifically a fur coat, and emphasizes the importance of giving praise to God.

6.2 God has a purpose for the challenges we face, and whether we bear fruit or not, we will be pruned for our ultimate good.

6.3 Obeying God even when it hurts and feels unbearable makes us dangerous to the devil, and although the pain may not last forever, it can lead to happiness, peace, and blessings.

6.4 The speaker discusses her transformation from a fiery and independent wife to a submissive one, emphasizing the importance of understanding one’s role and not overstepping boundaries.

6.5 Work towards being free from competing and comparing ourselves with others, both in the church and in other aspects of life.

  1. πŸ™ Prioritizing God’s will over our desires and making sacrifices to be obedient to Him is crucial, as our love for Him should surpass everything else.

7.1 As we age, we realize that many things we once thought were important are actually meaningless in the grand scheme of serving and living for God.

7.2 We should prioritize God’s will over our own desires and be willing to make any sacrifice necessary to be obedient to Him because our love for Him is greater than anything else.

7.3 The speaker discusses the importance of following God’s will and not being a selfish Christian, using the example of Peter and John.

  1. πŸ™ You may currently be watching others succeed, but eventually, you will be anointed and others will watch you; trust God’s plan, know your strengths and weaknesses, and prioritize His will over your own desires.

8.1 Samuel anointed David as the new king in front of his brothers, despite their initial rejection.

8.2 You may currently be watching someone else’s success, but eventually, you will be anointed and others will watch you; also, sibling rivalry is common, with one sister being sweet and the other being obsessed with food.

8.3 Leah, who was not very pretty, had the ability to have children while Rachel, who was beautiful, struggled to have any, but God will give you something to make up for what you don’t have.

8.4 Know your strengths and weaknesses, trust God’s plan even when things don’t go your way, and prioritize His will over your own desires.

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