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God Is With You in Your Storm: T.D. Jakes


πŸ’’ Building something extraordinary requires faith and perseverance, even when faced with challenges and obstacles along the way.

πŸ™ Despite going through personal hardships, T.D. Jakes continued to serve and support others, showing resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

πŸ’ͺ We must learn to carry our burdens and face our problems head-on, even when it feels overwhelming and crushing.

πŸ™ Trusting God means giving up safety and satisfaction, and allowing Him to guide us towards our full potential.

πŸ’ͺ The pain and challenges we face in life are necessary for our growth and transformation, just like grapes need to be crushed to become valuable wine.

πŸ™ Jesus became human to understand our trials and temptations, serving as an example for us to overcome challenges.

🍷 Just like a wine maker, we must be willing to be crushed and stained by the pressures of life in order to experience growth and transformation.

πŸ’€ Jesus became human to experience the feelings of tiredness, sleep, fear, and stress, so that he could understand and empathize with our struggles.


TLDR: God uses challenges and hardships to prune and shape us, even though it may involve pain, in order to bring out our potential and for us to trust in His character and ways.

  1. πŸ’‘ Sometimes God brings challenges that may hurt, but we must trust his character and believe in his ways, even when we don’t understand his methods.
  2. πŸ’” Despite the speaker’s personal struggles and the loss of his mother, he persevered and fulfilled his responsibilities.

2.1 The speaker’s mother was deteriorating slowly due to Alzheimer’s, while the church was receiving positive attention, they were unaware of the speaker’s personal struggles.

2.2 Losing his mother, who was not only his mother but also his best friend and confidant, was a painful and difficult experience, but despite the grief, he continued to fulfill his responsibilities and pursue his goals.

  1. πŸ’ͺ Life doesn’t stop for our pain, we must handle challenges and hardships together; God cares about our entire life, not just our church experience, and enduring pain and turmoil is necessary for personal growth.

3.1 Life doesn’t pause for your pain, you have to handle both the challenges and the hardships simultaneously.

3.2 God is not just interested in our church experience, but in our life experience, and in order to develop real quality, we must endure pain, grief, trouble, and turmoil.

  1. 🌱 God prunes us not because He hates us or wants to destroy us, but because He sees our potential and wants us to bear even more fruit.
  2. 🌹 God prunes us in order to bring us to a place of greater value, even if it involves pain, so that we can trust his character and understand his role in our lives.

5.1 As a child, the speaker tried to help his mother by pruning the rose bushes but ended up damaging them, causing his mother to be angry with him.

5.2 God knows when and how to cut us in order to bring us to a place of greater fruitfulness and value, even though it may involve pain and crushing, because ultimately he wants us to trust his character and understand his role in our lives.

  1. πŸ’‘ Understanding God’s methods and trusting in His ways is essential because He knows our potential and pushes us beyond our comfort zones, just like a car manufacturer designs a car with more horsepower than we may realize we can handle.
  2. πŸ‡ God is not afraid to work in messy and dirty places, just like a wine dresser shapes and matures grapes in the dirt, God shapes and matures us through our struggles.

7.1 Making wine is a messy and dirty business that leaves stains and scratches.

7.2 God is not afraid to work in dirty places, as seen in the metaphor of a wine dresser who shapes and matures grapes in the dirt, just as God shapes and matures us through our struggles.

  1. 🌱 Jesus came as a baby to show that it’s okay to start small, and when you feel buried, you are actually being planted, so don’t run or hide from it because God is with you and there is glory in the process.

8.1 Jesus became human to experience the same struggles as us, and he came as a baby to show that it’s okay to start small.

8.2 Jesus came small and humble, born in a manger like a lamb, teaching us that growth often feels like being buried, but it is an opportunity for development and transformation.

8.3 When you feel buried, you are actually being planted, and this is not the end of your story; so don’t run or hide from it, because even in the midst of pain, God is with you and there is glory in the process.

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